Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

I am included in colorado’s good comp I guess, so im down to play you. I thought I could get the other guys but, 2 are going to mwc and the other works late on friday (till 12).

Well if you want to get together friday, I can set something up so we could play gg, st, cvs2, mvc2, , vs, 3s and a few more games. I could meet you halfway (i live in aurora) at my boys house which is close to downtown denver, is that good for you? Id say ,from boulder to downtown, is like 15 - 20mins from boulder (depending on where you are).

Its up to you, really. Hit me up with a number and we can make a plan. Also,how long are you out here for (how long can you play on fri)?

ODIN!!! i added you and all you were doing is watching movies!!!

Is this get together (If it happens) open to anyone?

I dont mind. I just hope that it happens. I like new comp to play :slight_smile:

thats all i use my xbox for dog, to stream vids from my laptop and occasionally play gh2 and skate

Tech I would be down for some skate gaming…

yo i’m at rob’s place about to go to sleep hope to see some of you today

Hey guys, I guess I found the Colorado thread on srk. I want to throw down. lol

Do you play something other than GG?

welcome to the colorado forums I encourage you to read past posts to get more aquainted

yo CO whats good?

i’m confirmed for evo and was wonderin if i’ll be seeing any of my fellow southwesterners out there.

Anyone heard any juicy gossip/facts about a SF4 machine coming our way anytime soon? Maybe the Aurora Tilt or elsewhere?

You already know im out there.




Whats good man? how you been? You headed to evo still?

I predict this thread will live if we get a SF4 machine…

hah yeah man OF COURSE DOG, evo evo evo evo…

SF4 baby…

War bums showing up to EVO with custom Atari sticks

Yeah, no. After ive seen the cost of the pre-order, id give the tilt in aurora (largest chance of getting a new fighting game) a 3% chance of getting t6 and a 1% chance of getting sf4. People who want to play will revive this thread.

It costs that much? Alas…

Well hey at least there’s SC until they find out the broke stuff and the community drops the game…meh