are any of you srk’ers headed out to evo this year??
I am.
I am planning on attending.
Hey Half, how’s my stick resurrection coming? Not in a hurry, I am just curious.
Havent even started on it lol
I need to go get a h series ps2 pad first. Then drill the contact points. Wire the stick then test it.
Before Evo maybe? jk…
Sound good pimp, thanks for taking this on. Can’t I just take those parts and use the current wiring and box from my other stick?
Yeah, you could use that stuff for a mod on your other stick. Might be easier for you.
Lemme know what you want to do, then we will go from there i guess.
Meh, might be good to have 2 sticks. Please keep going with the stick of mine you have. Let me know what the parts ended up costing you
I really, really want to go to Evo. All gonna come down to whether I can afford it or not. :sad:
wut wut in the butt
Tournament Update!!!
1st page!!!
Dammit! On my wife’s bday. I knew it. Oh well, hopefully in May.
update with flyer in cross post on first page!
Happy birthday!
Anyone know where I can get a boot disc and a copy of Rumble Fish? Game looks fun.
Cant really talk about stuff like that over the forums. PM me.
Oh… whoops. I really just wanted the disc to play Japanese games. I’ll happily buy an import of Rumble Fish if there is a local seller that has it. I should have clarified.
Ill be at the mall tonight. 5:30 or 6 o’clock. Gotta put up some flyers, will probably some games too.