Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

I think that was probably my DC, and yeah it’s the TDC Final V2. Has ST, 3S, CvS2, MvC2, SPFIIT, and Ikaruga along with saves for each game. Whoever put that compilation together is a genius. :bgrin:

Yeah, unless CvS3 comes out (seems more likely than any other crossover VS game, but still very unlikely :sad:.)

OK, who’s up for games Sat night at Rex’s place? Yeah that’s right Rex, I am offering up your shit. Be there or don’t bitch about people not coming over… huh? Whu? Yeah…

if cvs 2 community can gt its shit together, and give an exciting fight, and bring in more players, we’ve got a shot a keeping our spot.

after all third strikes is ten years old, and cvs2 is only 7

In all honesty I think RC Legality is kind of putting up a big wall for new players to enter the scene. Since most new players are coming from 3s, ST, or Alpha, they want to jump right in and be able to do decently and pick up the game fast. That’s not going to happen.

No I don’t think you have to be able to RC, but you have to be aware of it, and be able to whittle through all it’s quirky offensiveness to even do average. Who gets to practice against that on a regular basis?

Before anyone says anything, I know that’s not the reason for MY own n00bness. But I’m just saying over all, it’s such a big aspect of the game, and most people don’t have the means to be prepared for it.

Im excited to say that I will probably make the next big turny whether it be Atown or another efl one!! yeaaaaaa!!! Beast Beast beast beast beast

Damn!!! I feel asleep on sat!!! :o(

I was up all night the other night and i was all ready and stuff too i even tried to text you back chun and feel back asleep LOL!!! my bad mike and chun!!! Also soon i am going to be moving…Kind of sucks but yeah I will hit yous up MIKE and CHUN! Hey Drinks on me when we get together okay!


I’ll believe it when I see it.

Also, Boxer > Chun. :arazz:

Cammy/Fei Long>everyone else

When is the next EFL tourney anyways?


I am kinda wondering this too. If it doesn’t fall on my wife’s bday weekend, this will be my first tourney. Pretty excited!

I am down for another Tourney, as long as we get Alpha again :slight_smile:

Dude for real! even ask Chun? i GOT so sleepy:amazed:



well i called you last night and text…hard as hell to get a hold of you:looney:

Red-Bull+Vodka for teh wakey wakey.



good to know that I haven’t missed anything important.

I don’t know if we can ever call these important, per se. But you did miss the 29th *(casual gathering at Pixel’s), and also March 22nd (tournie)!

But anywho, if you start coming to the Atown Tilt again, you can usually get in some games. :woot:

hey dude!! i got 3 new games!