Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

Is Anybody Up For Some God Damn Games!!! Anytime Tonight------------anytime??? At My Palace?

ANYTIME -----------------anytime?? At The Arcade?

If you decide to throw another A3 tournament I will be there. Otherwise sorry, I don’t play 3S or CVS2 and aint travelin just to get a few games of ST. Hell bring on A2!

you heard the man a2 the real alpha

Why play a watered down version of st INSTEAD of st??

Guy, Gen, Birdie, Sakura, Karin, Cody, Rolento, Charlie, Rose, air teleportin Dhalsim, Adon, Sodom, fireball having Dictator, anti air lariat having Zangief, winning with R Mika and embarrassing fools, closer balanced Akuma, fair Sagat, fair Boxer, Daigo combos everywhere…

Need I keep going?

Alpha characters aside(because some of them are cool/fun). Dic shouldnt have a fb and alpha version of him sucks. Gief can aa in st with his lariat. Akuma has unblockables in sfa3. Nerfing sagat and rog to the point of uselessness doesnt make the game better/funner. Daigo combos are in every game he plays.

Need I keep going?? lol

More of matches up from the recent tournament!!!

be sure to hit the “view all vids” button, youtube takes awhile to update the first page :slight_smile:

I’ll have to remember to watch those when I get home.

What he said. Especially the parts about Dictator and Boxer.

Eh…they’re completely different games. Comparing what one character has in Alpha series (or any other game) to ST is silly since, you know, they’re completely different games. I don’t even how you could call anything watered down ST except STHD.

And V-ism Sagat isn’t useless.

^^ what he said :wgrin:


to be honest I don’t think I’m good at mvc2

halfro you get your mvc2 copy?

hey halfro what copy of mvc2 were you playing. the start up screen had a bunch of other titles on it. were those all on the disc too?

Jonny - yup :woot:

zal - that wasnt my copy but, it looked like a copy of tdcs final. Its a dc back-up with a bunch of capcom fighters on it, mvc2, cvs2, st ect

Joerisio, dont be gay. I posted that link like a few days ago to the gathering.


oh, and just out of curiosity, what game had the biggest turn out?

GGAC - 12 entrants
Super Turbo - 13 entrants
VF5 - 10 entrants
MvC2 - 10 entrants
CvS2 - 27 entrants
**3rd Strike - 28 Entrants **
Tekken 5 DR - 16 entrants

and they say CVS2’s days are numbered ha ha