Cobra Kai - new Karate Kid sequel series, coming to YouTube Red

If Silver is still a businessman than he can use Miguel’s win to turn Cobra Kai into a franchise.

i have to bet its 100% intentional to make it feel like something from the 80s Cannon Orion studios vhs vibe thing. i noticed it from the 1st 5 minutes with johnny driving that patched paint firebird with the 80s rock blasting.
has to be intentional.
its fuckin great man.

I mostly mean the actual editing of the scenes, like the cuts and the like. Especially in the first 2 episodes it just felt “unskilled” sometimes.

The thing is, the only connection she has to any of these is through Mr. Miyagi, who as we know, has already passed on. So it would be pretty hard to try to write her character in.

That said, Mr. Miyagi’s grave does make reference to his Medal of Honor and service in WW2, so it’s possible that the 4th movie is still canon in this timeline.

lol the jackie chan shout out lmfao

lets bullshit involved too!

15+ million views for the first episode 122k likes.
18+ million views for the trailer.

The 80’s will live FOREVER!!!

Man binged the whole thing, was a lot better than i was expecting. Loads of good music and cliches galore, Daniel still cant fight worth a shit but its fun watching him try.

Few things pissed me off towards the end tho…

Jonnys kid showing up and becomming a good guy instantly and Diaz nearly getting setup to be the bad guy.

Still, justice prevailed in the end, also if S2 gets made its gunna be brutal AF

Always funny to me when someone calls the Jaden Karate Kid shit after the amazing performance Jackie Chan gives in that movie. Its like they didn’t pay any attention or anything.

My problem with the Jaden Smith Karate Kid is that it shouldn’t have that name. Jaden learned Kung Fu damn it!


In the dojo scenes, you can see some of William Zabka’s real life martial arts experience (he has a black belt in Tang Soo Do) showing through

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Yea legit my only issue with that movie was the title Kung Fu Kid was much better and they should have left it at that. Otherwise its a damn fine movie.

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jaden got his fuckin ass beat hardddddd in that kobra kai esque scene. lmfao.

also anyone else notice will smith is an exec producer on the new show?


wasnt instant good guy…its the karate that did it. it allowed him to bring balance…its the first time he had a legit father figure in his life and someone who actually helped him out.

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Robby and Miguel both had gradual development into what they became by season’s end. You have to ignore a good chuck of the series to say that it was instant.


Yeah, that’s what I liked the most I think. It was a really fair look at both of the main character’s lives and viewpoints. Like Miguel and Hawk got way more aggro, maybe a tad too much, but they did grow to be more assertive, which is good, they just need to dial it back down a notch or two to be more well balanced as humans. The philosophy Johnny got from Kreese helped bring up but is also starting to push them over the edge and so I’m sure if/when season 2 rolls around, part of it will be based around dealing with the “No Mercy” part.

Then you have Robby who starts out being on the verge of a criminal life but gets corrected naturally through a connection to someone that wants to teach him discipline and such.

Really good stuff


the thing was johnny never got the balance of the two sides. He’s sorta figuring it out but its more like out of nessissity to survive than anything else. More than likely johnny may leave cobra kai at some point and reach out to daniel for help.


I keep rewatching episodes 5-7 again.
5 was the best and when it really started to build…then the 6 had the most feel good ending, and then 7 setup up the rest of the season.

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I dunno it seems the character swap happened really fast to me, like Diaz was such a nice kid then a bit of jealously (understandable) then all of a sudden hes like Kreeces golden child. Robbie was a shit then after one shift at the car place and one 2 min talk with Daniel san and his life was turned around. Cant complain hell that was the setup for the whole series but it just felt really sudden.

Best character was Hawk lol. Dude didnt even speak at first, got pissed on, beaten, went to the dojo, got shat on then manned the fuck up 110%, got a whole new outlook in life. He was the true winner in this because he didnt change or nothing, he just unleashed his inner SSJ and went for it.

I’m pretty sure it wasn’t one shift. I think they said he was there for like a whole month. And I mean, there’s no way all those examples of him cleaning at the dealership happened in one day. It was a training montage that obviously took place over an extended period of time. He even goes to quit cause he felt like he was being taken advantage of, he only really started to change after being shown the results. The reason we didn’t see every second of that change is because as the audience we ALREADY know what happens because it’s the exact same thing that happened to Danial, and based on how he said “this is my favorite part” I bet he even went through the same thing with his daughter when he was teaching her.

Same with the training with Miguel. Dude is already a teenager, just recently falls in love then suddenly feels betrayed and is doing all this karate training, like, dude, his hormones are all over the fucking place. And it’s not like he became evil, he maybe became a little too callous when it comes to what he sees as an enemy(which, the “enemy” view was being beat into him even in the early episodes), but even in his interaction with his parents and talking to whatshername before the tournament started, the dude is just dealing with these different viewpoints that he has inside of him at that point. And we see that happen over the course of the series when you really observe how he changes through each major event