Clocks, how do they w0rk? Strider Hiryu Discussion thread

Requesting thread title change. F clockw0rk, its about Strider… not some guy who plays as him. plus its a corny title as is.

oh boy, here we go. robo-mitsu’s been wanting to start the strider discussion since forever lol, just sayin

I was so incredibly hype with strider coming to mvc3, but the more footage I see of him in action, the more disappointed I get. Nothing infuriates me more than the changes done to Ouroboros, and with all of the mvc3 mechanics in place, I see no reason to why they thought they needed to make those changes. Nevertheless I am still going to see how strider will work with my wesker/doom. With wesker as battery and doom with beam assist, I have a feeling they will be a great match.

guys before you get disappointed with the changes made to strider, do realize that you’re seeing an early build of the game. it’s at least 3 months until the release of UMvC3 in November and many things can still get changed.

I’ve always been partial to “You’ll never leave Eurasia ALIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!! The Strider Hiryu Thread!” myself.

Also, some guy in the comment section on the front page says that Ouroburos rings never actually chipped, it was the twin robot satellites hitting your opponent that did. If thats true, I don’t see why everyone is complaining. A full screen barrage of laser rings plus teleports, X Factor, assists and resets? 3 levels for all of that seems fair. Add chip into that? Should be five levels, lol.

People just complaining because Ouro isn’t exactly like MVC2 and they wanna be able to play just like Clock running around with a retardo super. That super would easily be a super people would do nothing but bitch about all day if it was like it was in MVC2.

If people would be more open minded to some of the new things he could possibly do in MVC3 instead of just being fanboys about his 10 moar years shit it wouldn’t be so bad. “I wanna run around with a crazy ass super just like Clock and I bet you because it’s MVC3 it’s going to be 5 times easier to set up oooh boyyyy”. Get that shit outta here.

Your dumb ass character gets TWO level 3’s so if you don’t like one level 3…you can just USE THE OTHER LEVEL 3 wow how convenient since most other characters also have the ability to choose which level 3 they want to use. “Should I just kill them or do some crazy super that will mix them up and kill them?”. You also get an assist that tracks people like a Dante teleport. Hold Dat.

That is exactly right. Alot of people don’t know about Strider because they never used him effectively because he was hard to use.The orbs were useful for locking your opponent down. They allowed you to get close so you could chip with your normals and satellites while you gain meter and call out Doom for extra Chip.

Has anyone thought of using a meter assist to help out Strider? Of course this all comes down to how his Ouroboros ends up in the final build but still the man has two Level 3 hypers. I was thinking of Strider/Sentinel/Morrigan or Strider/Doom/Morrigan.

I will for sure have zero strider and doom :smiley:
Did anyone see if the opponent could easily jump out of Ouroboros after they pushblocked strider away?

Seems kind of early for this thread to me.

Ya, i agree with this guy. Strider just needs an added 100 to his health. :tup::woot:

Stop speaking sense. This is SRK. We work in rigid binaries here. He’s either garbage tier or God tier. THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND.

you don’t remember mvc1 at all, huh?

anyway, it feels like this thread is full of ppl that aren’t strider players. At all. Feels like my head is gonna explode reading some of the posts in here. Soon as I get the net back I’m gonna be in here a lot because I don’t know what the hell ppl are thinking when they post about strider having 750k health and orbs being level 3 and not working the same at all being justified and or ok.

I need advil right about now.

Actually, that isn’t the case at all. MvC1 Strider Orbs were definitely more powerful, lasted slightly longer, better chip wise and all, not to mention MvC1 Strider hit like a tank. However the key difference that made MvC2 Strider Orbs>>>>>MvC1 Strider Orbs was because the animals in MvC2 were 10x better, and the teleport in MvC2 recovered much faster. This made MvC2 Strider orb lock downs even more difficult to get out of then his MvC1 counterpart, which in turn made Orbs overall better in MvC2.

If you could’ve combined the two Striders together, then I don’t believe it would have been far fetched to state that MvC2 would’ve had a Big-5 instead of Big-4. However, I’m hoping that Orbs receive some slack here, its tactic has continued in two Marvel vs Games, so I don’t see why it should all of a sudden be unviable as a damage, lockdown, chip damage form. Orbs is one of the uniqueness of Strider that has made him great, and an interesting character to play as.

3 bars for it is laughable at this point, especially with no chip damage, and the advance guard in MvC3. I like Seth’s idea of making it 2 bars instead of 3. Also, Strider should never be a mid-card character, he’s been one of the few Capcom characters who’s been in the Top status since his debut, and should remain that way. I mean honestly, look at Mags and Storm, those two have been consistently in the hierarchy of the food chain since COTA (Cota for Storm only of course) onward. So to me, Strider should make that cut for the Capcom side.


This video here is why i believe Floe may be the better Strider player. He ocv’d clockwOrk with just strider (clock was using Doom/Strider/Sent), even taking out his doom.

Around July 21, he managed to take out a team of Dante/wesker/sentinel with just Strider and he only had a day or 2 experience with Strider. It was watching Floe where i started to think that Strider was broken, and sadly, when i watched clock use Strider (in the tourney after this video one) that’s when i started having fears of Striders cons. I’m not dissing ClockwOrk, i do not doubt that he can still sit on his strider throne one day. But i know Floe will no doubt rock with Strider in the future.

Cisco… this is after TWO DAYS of practice. It doesn’t mean anything. When Floe beats Clock in a tournament after months of preparation, then people might give a shit. Until then, we’re all just skimming the surface.

dude why are you basing who’s the better strider from a game that: 1) isn’t even in its final build yet, 2) doesn’t have training mode, 3) hasn’t been publicly playable for more than a few days? wait first 'til people start figuring out that strider tech before passing judgments.

I’m not basing who is the better strider player, not entirely yet. However, if you want to have a good peak on strider’s positives, now (as in visuals) it’s Floe you need to watch. Read my last sentence, i do not doubt that clOck can still remain in his chair, but at the same time i can have the feeling of Floe possibly excelling as the new strider.

but then I also read your first sentence, and I quote:

so idk what you mean, haha. from what I can tell, clock is still figuring out what to do with strider as it seems his doom was the one picking up the slack in the couple of matches they had. granted floe looks like he’s off to a good start in figuring strider out, but when it comes down to it, clock is/has been the more innovative player. floe to me in vanilla was like holding on to justin’s coat tails all the time since his team was exactly the same and his playstyle hardly differed at all. clock on the other hand I believe has not won any majors so far since he’s not found his niche yet, which is Strider. this time around, I have a feeling his strider/doom is still gonna be godlike. he just needs more time with the game is all.

You’re ridiculous. They could completely change every last one of Strider’s moves between now and release. They could turn Ouroboros into a counter super for fuck’s sake. It’s not a finished game.

There is no “good peak” to speak of yet. Floe could just as easily fall in love with Rocket Raccoon, Phoenix Wright and Nemesis and never touch Strider again. Hell Clockwork might ultimately decide not to play him. Characters/the game change so much between versions that finding a good fit in one version doesn’t equate to a good fit in another.

Do you think 3rd Strike Chun plays like SSF4 Chun? Do you think either of those play like MVC3 Chun? Did any of those play like ST Chun?