If this isn’t okay with mods for any reason, I will delete immediately. I just assumed since I saw other character threads. Get talking about everyone’s favourite ninja here! At least until the character sub forums appear. I will update as info comes in. Please note that UMVC3 is still in development and any information in this post is subject to change.
Strider Section of the UMVC3 Bible
Move list:
Standing :l:
[]Damage = 35,000
[]Meter gain = 290
[]Start up frames = 4
[]Active frames = 2
[]Recovery frames = 11
[]Frame advantage on hit = 0
[*]Frame advantage on block = -2
Notes: short range. Chains into :l:attacks
[]Damage = 48,000
[]Meter gain = 384
[]Start up frames = 6
[]Active frames = 3
[]Recovery frames = 15
[]Frame advantage on hit = 0
[]Frame advantage on block = -2
Standing :h:
[]Damage = 60,000
[]Meter gain = 480
[]Start up frames = 9
[]Active frames = 4
[]Recovery frames = 23
[]Frame advantage on hit = -4
[]Frame advantage on block = -6
Standing :s:
[]Damage = 65,000
[]Meter gain = 520
[]Start up frames = 9
[]Active frames = 4
[]Recovery frames = 29
[]Frame advantage on hit = 0
[*]Frame advantage on block = -12
notes - launcher. Not special/hyper cancelable
Crouching :l:
[]Damage = 33,000
[]Meter gain = 264
[]Start up frames = 5
[]Active frames = 2
[]Recovery frames = 11
[]Frame advantage on hit = 0
[*]Frame advantage on block = -2
notes - hits low. Can be chained into :l:attacks
[]Damage = 50,000
[]Meter gain = 400
[]Start up frames = 8
[]Active frames = 3
[]Recovery frames = 15
[]Frame advantage on hit = 0
[*]Frame advantage on block = -2
notes - hits low
Crouching :h:
[]Damage = 60,000
[]Meter gain = 480
[]Start up frames = 10
[]Active frames = 3
[]Recovery frames = 26
[]Frame advantage on hit = 0
[*]Frame advantage on block = -6
notes - causes knockdown. Hits low.
Air :l:
[]Damage = 40,000
[]Meter gain = 320
[]Start up frames = 5
[]Active frames = 3
[]Recovery frames = 15
[]Frame advantage on hit = +11
[*]Frame advantage on block = +9
notes - hits overhead.
[]Damage = 50,000
[]Meter gain = 400
[]Start up frames = 7
[]Active frames = 3
[]Recovery frames = 21
[]Frame advantage on hit = +16
[*]Frame advantage on block = +14
notes - hits overhead
Air :h:
[]Damage = 60,000
[]Meter gain = 480
[]Start up frames = 9
[]Active frames = 4
[]Recovery frames = 23
[]Frame advantage on hit = +18
[*]Frame advantage on block = +16
notes - hits overhead.
Air :s:
[]Damage = 63,000
[]Meter gain = 504
[]Start up frames = 10
[]Active frames = 3
[]Recovery frames = 26
[]Frame advantage on hit = +14
[*]Frame advantage on block = +12
notes - causes hard knockdown if used in launcher combo. Hits overhead.
[]Damage = 63,000
[]Meter gain = 504
[]Start up frames = 10
[]Active frames = 4
[]Recovery frames = 22
[]Frame advantage on hit = -3
[]Frame advantage on block = -5
[]Damage = 55,000
[]Meter gain = 440
[]Start up frames = 9
[]Active frames = 10
[]Recovery frames = 22
[]Frame advantage on hit = 0
[]Frame advantage on block = -11
notes - knocks down. OTG-capable.
Ame-no-Murakamo - :qcf::l://:h:: Strider executes a dashing slash attack. Distance covered is dependant on button strength ( :l: covers the least, :h: covers the most). Causes groundbounce which also varies depending on strength. Cancelable into Formation B.
Excalibur - :qcf::l://:h: (air): A multi hitting aerial dash attack. :l: sends Strider directly downwards. So far it seems this move is valuable in combos as it pushes the opponent closer to the ground for a ground series to relaunch.
sends Strider horizontally across the screen. There is some recovery, but unlike in MVC2 Strider is able to attack on the way down. Because Strider is no longer in recovery until he touches the ground, this move can be used as a psuedo-air dash to get in on opponents. :h: Sends Strider skywards. Strider really pierces the heavens here, so this could be used as a means of escaping some hypers such as Hail Storm.
Gram - :dp::l://:h:: Strider uses the full reach of his cypher to slash the opponent from across the screen. As with Ame-no-Murakamo, the distance varies depending on button strength. :l: is comboable and it seems possible to follow up with an OTG. :h: has monstrous reach. It covers 90% of the screen and causes wall bounce on hit. This is compensated with slow start up. Cancelable into Formation B.
Vajra - :rdp::l://:h:: Strider’s teleport. Tracks in the air. :l: places you in front of the opponent, while
puts you behind. :h: causes Strider to execute a homing teleport kick (formerly known as Formation A).
Formation A1 - :qcb::l:: A projectile where Strider summons a robo-tiger which charges along the ground. Start up and recovery is good enough to keep up a nice stream of helpers. Some of the lowest durability in the game means you won’t be outzoning keepaway characters, but it does a nice job of covering your approach in certain matchups. Think of it like adding one hit of super armour to your dashes. Can be used in conjunction with the OTG slide after a hard knockdown.
Formation A2 - :qcb: : Another robotic helper projectile. Whereas the tiger moves along the ground, the hawk moves along the air. The hawk’s arc is less pronounced than in MVC2 and its trajectory is more linear. When used in conjunction with the tiger, Strider can zone pretty well against certain cast members. Works as a nice AA too.
Formation B - :qcb::s:: Strider summons his robotic helper. Inputting this command once causes Hiryu to summon the drone, twice causes him to fire it. The satellite shot now hits OTG making it very useful in combos and is excellent in pressure strings.
Formation C - :qcb::h:: AKA WWII Bomb. The hawk comes in carrying in one of those bombs from the airship level of Strider. Not seen much of this so far, so we’ll have to wait for more info.
Wall cling - :qcf::s:: Like the Satellite, this move used to be useless. In fact it was worse. This move was the single biggest cause of death for Strider players. It was only activated by accident and was pretty much a death sentence. However, thankfully its new command means you’re less likely to go into it by accident. It also looks… actually kinda awesome. Strider will cling to the adjacent wall and tapping :s: makes him to switch from wall to wall allowing for crossups in conjunction with satellite shot and Ouroboros, which he can combo out of with :l:, , :h: etc. :h: causes Strider to perform a divekick which yields groundbounce on hit.
Legion - :qcf::2p: (level one): Strider calls an entire Cyber-Zoo of robo-animals to charge at the opponent. Now has a purpose as a combo ender due to its OTG properties. However it might be worth looking for meterless enders and resets to save meter for level 3’s.
Ouroboros - :qcb::2p: (level three): A utility hyper where Strider summons his infamous dual satellites. These passively fire projectiles leaving Strider free to mount his offensive. Let’s face it, we were never getting a move this powerful for one meter, so the pay off for total lockdown is now three meters. Orbs now remain active longer and move faster keeping the opponent locked down in blockstun and at the mercy of your mix ups.
Ragnarok - :dp: :2p: (level three): Strider charges at the opponent and triple teams them with his shadow clones. Start up is invincible so it can function as a heavy punisher as well as a powerful combo ender. Does massive damage, so if you only have one character left to kill Ragnarok is definitely worth the meter for that stylish coup de grace.
**Vajra **- The :h: divekick version. Has all the properties of the point version. Hard knockdown on air hit makes this an excellent homing AA assist that can convert into big damage. An absolutely amazing assist.
**Gram **- Once again, the :h: variant with the sexy wall bounce and range. Big comboability, but Vajra yields similar results with hard knockdown as well as HOMING. Strider is also vulnerable longer than with Vajra.
**Ame-no-Murakamo **- Erm… He needed a third assist?
Big thanks to Confucious for the write up!