Nuki employs some interesting tactics against Sim. Notably using in certain mid range situations, vskill as reversal after blocking or getting hit with a Sim poke, and using the wall jump to avoid fireball and attack at angles Sim doesn’t normally try to antiair.
You can intercept a surprising amount of his charges with raw (non-EX) lightning legs. His stuff might be slightly longer range, but it comes out slower, so you can use that and 4+HP for his really slow moves. You have to intercept him rather than block and punish, his elbows, chops and headbutt are all safe on block (and apparently + too? but I don’t know how accurate day 2 frame data is).
I feel that there isn’t much to learn here actually, mostly because the sim is letting Nuki get away with murder. It’s like he just refuses to stop his jump attempts in this video.
Specifically, there is so much here he could easily anti air with st.jab and just never bothers.
His Scissors are -4 at worst.
In the corner (which is the only place where Bison’s SKs matter), if Bison uses LK SK, Chun’s c.LP will simply whiff when trying to punish them on block, which is a free counterpoke for Bison. Chun can use s.LK into legs for punish, but again - if Bison uses MK knees instead, he’s only -3, so s.LK as a punish won’t work. Funnily, c.LP doesn’t whiff when trying to punish medium SK on block.
If you’re in range, remember things like cr. mk is basically free after blocked scissors, because he doesn’t have anything faster than it that would out-prioritize it unless he does something like a gambled super. Head stomp/devil’s reverse you can react to with cr. mp.
Some interesting things I learned offline yesterday:
Cammy… What a stupid character. Played against a VERY good very aggressive cammy yesterday… Very hard to teach this cammy to not divekick. on on trade AA into crossup into throw/strike mixup basically doesn’t work. The pay will just block. Ok so no real damage from AA’s.
I tried a billion different timing and strategic strats all to no avail except for one. It’s not wise to try to AA cammy. It’s been said that the timing to AA her jumpin/divekicks can all be made the same… This is a lie. She can TK divekick or regular jump or ex divekick or v trigger divekick. Trying to guess which one is coming is a crapshoot at best. Her pressure is weakest at the beginning of the round, which brings us to my “strat”:
Try to stay close to her, especially at the beginning of the round and get a lead. Staying close to her accomplishes 2 things: cammy doesn’t dictate the tempo as easily, and ITS MUCH HARDER FOR HER TO SPACE REGULAR DIVEKICKS TO BE SAFE OR PLUS ON BLOCK. I found this and pre emptive airthrows to be the keys to the matchup. My other strategy was if I blocked a vtrigger or ex divekick to be much more willing to let myself be thrown. Cammy doesn’t have great followups after a throw and getting hit with her frame traps hurts waaaaay more since the opponent will just v cancel into a billion damage.
So get close, judge her willingness to engage in footsies. The player I played against only really engaged in footsies to either get me to think he was footsieing so he could divekick over my ground pokes, or he footsied to counter me and do the cancel OS xx spiral arrow. In the end I didn’t actually use much footsies in the match… It was all airthrows and baiting regular divekicks into frame disadvantage so I could could get “free” cr.lp on her as she landed after I blocked. Other Cammys will no doubt read this tendency and start to uppercut from disadvantage… But if you read that you can get huge damage on her.
Matchup feels terrible but I’ve found spots to play in. the only answer for v trigger and ex divekicks I could come up with were:
Make them wiff with like a backdash (even if you can’t punish, they lost meter just to get you to backdash.
Airthrow them… Airthrow is a good AA but hugely risky since if you jump forward and airthrow and wiff cammy can punish with cr.mpx2 into whatever ridiculously damaging combo she wants.
Defensive birdie:
Don’t have a clue how to play this matchup. Chun has a hard time dashing at him, can’t jump at him, and can’t beat his buttons. Can’t reliably throw fireballs at him cause of chain, his armor attack kills one button footsies.
His v skill is ridiculous and I don’t know what to do about his
People say this is favored for chun but against a defensive birdie that refuses to move forward at neutral it feels like a wall.
Punish his st.hp on block with chuns ex legs.
Punish her sweep on block with ex legs and super. Matchup gets better once she can no longer spam max range sweep to beat all your pokes.
Feels impossible. You jump over a Nash boom on reaction and he gets a free ex scythe. Have to block or under them.
His frame traps are stupid good, his v trigger allows him to do some ridiculously dumb resets that can take like 60-70% damage:
Something into ex boom 2 hits, v trigger after second boom, first boom hits, knocks opponent away, second boom uncombos cause of delay and first booms pushback, v trigger crosses up, second boom hits crossup, combo on the way down into whatever you want… Pretty disgusting. He can of course do it so that it doesn’t crossup as well.
Karin’s sweep is also punishable by s.fp every time.
Here’s a few more notes on Ryu vs Chun match up
Fireballs are 99% unsafe for Ryu if he does it at all during block strings. Only time it is safe is if Ryu’s is blocked at the very tip outside of the corner. So learn to spot that and Ex legs (super if you have it) that shit on reaction and mount your pressure.
That also means that during neutral he can’t throw fireballs up close. Though there is a spacing between where chun can react to fireballs with and where she can punish with ex legs (about 1 full square on the grid) where ryu can safely fireball but if you dance around that it becomes real hard for him to fireball you. It also becomes real hard to push chun out when he can only xx fireball safely at the tip outside the corner.
So I mostly approach Ryu now with at least one bar and try to bull dog him into the corner. Fireballs at long range really aren’t a threat since you can match kikoken, IALL to go over, or just go under with Try not to let him throw fireballs at long range for too long though because then he’ll get super and he’s a monster with super.
Something I forgot to say about the cammy matchup:
Once your opponent sees you getting close to take away his divekick advantage, that’s when they will try to do TK divekick to get lowest height possible, but if instead you mix it up, this is a perfect place to backdash and make cammy wiff and hit them with your best punish. Also, because of this strat it’s very imperative to try to rush cammy down and beta knockdown before she gets a meter.
Very insightful twilightfox… Will keep that in mind since up close fireballs are a problem against ryu for me.
Anyone with tips against birdie? His chain seems to be a problem.
Birdie has to use his chain predicatively. If he is tagging you with it that means either you are telegraphing your kikos or he is reading you. You can also tag him with s.rh on block from a good distance away.
I do agree with you that Birdie is a problem match up for chun cause he is a wall of pokes but chain shouldn’t be giving you problems.
If Chun has any bad matchups, I don’ feel there are any that are really bad so far. She just has too good of a toolset for players with strong fundamentals.
I haven’t played a whole lot of Sims (only played Arturos during the beta, some random online guys and one guy at a local tourney). It’s troublesome from far away but I usually just try to have b+HP or c.HK ready versus his poke options. Goal is just to get close so you can poke and shimmy him to death.
Birdie is another character where you have to get close. He’s meant to outrange other poke characters and have strong preemptive defensive options like banana and can. If/when you do get in it should be pretty rough for him. Just have to be careful of mash grab/ex command grab. V Trigger helps a lot in this match since you don’t have to worry about his armor as much.
Fair. It can be as little as -7. It also has a 25 frame start up, though ex is only 15.
Chain hasn’t been much of a problem for me, but then I don’t stay away b/c I don’t want him using v-skill anyway.
I usually play cautiously until v-trigger. I think that is when the match really turns around to Chun’s favour. Pretty important to have some bar for ex legs punishes too I think.
Yeah I know that, it doesn’t help. The problem is that at the distance I block the chain, which is near max range, it can’t be punished by anything afaik. Even dashing afterwards into a poke doesn’t work… I got chain grabbed out of my dash>poke like twice by him… So he would chain>chain again. Close range block or midrange block is punishable by just about anything…but this birdie is basically walk backwards, the character.
He wasn’t using chain just to beat my kikoken, he was using it to beat my dashes as well. So dashing in and kikoken were kinda out as options. Which is fine, walk and block. But then I was dealing with his pokes.
I think the answer to the chain is v skill. The ground chain doesn’t seem able to grab airborn opponents at all.
Another problem I had was his midrange offense when I was inside. He would just do st.hp (he stopped that because I started to punish with ex legs) but then from midrange it was a mixup between his low hitting or whatever that slide headbutt he has is, or his overhead. Both have considerable range. Combined with to beat my buttons and to stop jumps he was a wall of backwards walk.
Our monitor was pretty laggy though and tbqh that may be the problem, as I was going better than even against him the week before. But new game, a lot can happen in a week. Yeah everyone I play against basically either runs away, or is all out offense. No one wants to take it toe to toe with me, save for like one ryu… Who loses.
Damn I had no idea that Chun Li had so many options against that MF’er… thanks a lot for the info! I’ll implement all of this into my game against Bison.
Off topic, but will Chun-Li’s battle costume (that sexy ass dress that you only got from pre-ordering from PSN) ever going to be available for purchase from the SFV store?