So after finally reaching Gold League, I have some thoughts about matchups. The characters we need to pay attention to the most are as follows:
- Vega
- Necalli
- Cammy
These characters have options to counter a lot of Chun’s gameplan or they out-damage her. I’ll break it down really quick.
I got to play a set against Flash Metroid at Final Round and we broke down the Chun-Vega matchup. First off, Vega is one of the only characters who can shut down IALL completely, every single time. Even though he has no reversal, Vega’s optimal range is very similar to Chun’s, and he can counter-poke Chun really well. On top of that, once we get in, he has escape options, that if we’re not looking for them, resets the neutral in his favor. Conversely, his V-reversal is great for getting him out of pressure, while ours resets the neutral in his favor. I’m still working on how to approach this matchup, but it’s focused on the ground game and trying to score crush counters to keep him on the defensive, but one mistake, and it’s back in his favor.
This is one matchup where anti-airing is even more crucial. St. lk is unreliable on Necalli, the go to buttons should be b.HK and b.HP. Mess up one anti-air and you lose a massive amount of life and it puts Necalli at advantage. Even though we can keep him out, once Necalli gets V-trigger, it’s a different story. Learning that his hitboxes and hurtboxes change is crucial as well. I haven’t been able to test it a ton, but using EX legs to punish the stomps on block is key as well. You have to condition them not to push buttons and set up for counter hits. This matchup is very even only because of his massive burst damage output.
This one I feel like anti-airing is crucial as well, but one again st. lk might not be the answer. Cammy’s pressure is tough for Chun to deal with, and her plus frames on her normal makes us really susceptible for frame traps. This is one matchup that I feel like I personally need to lab more, because it is very momentum heavy. We win the ground game, but one whiff punish and Cammy gets to do what she wants, and because of our V-reversal we can’t get out easily. Also, we have to look out to throw bait her V-reversal, because it lets her get out of the corner, and back in her range for TK divekick.
Anyway, let me know what you guys think, this is just my opinion after learning what I can from playing a bunch online and in person. But the game’s still new, and getting these strategies in early is key.