Chun Li Match-Ups Thread: Police Reports

So after finally reaching Gold League, I have some thoughts about matchups. The characters we need to pay attention to the most are as follows:

  1. Vega
  2. Necalli
  3. Cammy

These characters have options to counter a lot of Chun’s gameplan or they out-damage her. I’ll break it down really quick.


I got to play a set against Flash Metroid at Final Round and we broke down the Chun-Vega matchup. First off, Vega is one of the only characters who can shut down IALL completely, every single time. Even though he has no reversal, Vega’s optimal range is very similar to Chun’s, and he can counter-poke Chun really well. On top of that, once we get in, he has escape options, that if we’re not looking for them, resets the neutral in his favor. Conversely, his V-reversal is great for getting him out of pressure, while ours resets the neutral in his favor. I’m still working on how to approach this matchup, but it’s focused on the ground game and trying to score crush counters to keep him on the defensive, but one mistake, and it’s back in his favor.


This is one matchup where anti-airing is even more crucial. St. lk is unreliable on Necalli, the go to buttons should be b.HK and b.HP. Mess up one anti-air and you lose a massive amount of life and it puts Necalli at advantage. Even though we can keep him out, once Necalli gets V-trigger, it’s a different story. Learning that his hitboxes and hurtboxes change is crucial as well. I haven’t been able to test it a ton, but using EX legs to punish the stomps on block is key as well. You have to condition them not to push buttons and set up for counter hits. This matchup is very even only because of his massive burst damage output.


This one I feel like anti-airing is crucial as well, but one again st. lk might not be the answer. Cammy’s pressure is tough for Chun to deal with, and her plus frames on her normal makes us really susceptible for frame traps. This is one matchup that I feel like I personally need to lab more, because it is very momentum heavy. We win the ground game, but one whiff punish and Cammy gets to do what she wants, and because of our V-reversal we can’t get out easily. Also, we have to look out to throw bait her V-reversal, because it lets her get out of the corner, and back in her range for TK divekick.

Anyway, let me know what you guys think, this is just my opinion after learning what I can from playing a bunch online and in person. But the game’s still new, and getting these strategies in early is key.

stay away from him he has to come to you. Poke him a few times then try to keep him mid range to long to make him do something dumb.

What’s Li’s plan vs Fang? I don’t like this fight, his poison doesn’t make me antsy but his fireball angles and cloud make him hard to get in. I just try to muscle in and smother.

Data is back up here:

If we pull from Gold+ (just searching for Platinum doesn’t give enough results) for Chun Li this is what we get:

Character Opponent Win Rate Games Played
Chun Li - overall - 55% 19569
Chun Li Nash 51% 1912
Chun Li Ryu 58% 1881
Chun Li Karin 58% 1515
Chun Li Dictator 59% 1475
Chun Li Ken 53% 1369
Chun Li Necalli 52% 1256
Chun Li Chun Li 49% 1240
Chun Li R. Mika 53% 1199
Chun Li Laura 59% 1182
Chun Li Cammy 56% 1126
Chun Li Claw 57% 1087
Chun Li Birdie 54% 1043
Chun Li Dhalsim 47% 956
Chun Li Rashid 60% 845
Chun Li Fang 51% 622
Chun Li Alex 57% 472
Chun Li Zangief 61% 389

Now each of those character’s overall win rates compared to Chun’s win rates against them:

Nash: 50% - Chun 51%
Ryu: 47% - Chun 58%
Dictator: 52% Chun 59%
Karin: 48% Chun 58%
Ken: 50% Chun 53%
Necalli: 50% Chun 52%
Chun: 55% Chun 49% (what a terrible matchup)
Laura: 48% Chun 59%
Claw: 49% Chun 57%
Mika: 49% Chun 53%
Cammy: 50% Chun 56%
Birdie: 49% Chun 54%
Dhalsim: 54% Chun 47%
Rashid: 47% Chun 60%
Fang: 50% Chun 51%
Alex: 41% Chun 57%
Zangief: 47% Chun 61%

It is important to look at character’s overall win rates because player skill and the online environment may be impacting results. For example, Alex probably only has a 41% win rate because people don’t know how to use him. Character popularity is also another factor. Dhalsim for instance probably attracts stronger players.

I propose that this data cannot tell us whether matchups are 6-4, 5-5, etc. but only rank characters overall. So for instance, Chun is better against Character A than B but she might still be favoured over both or unfavoured.

Nash, Dhalsim, Fang, and Alex are Chun’s worst matchups. There are only 227 matches for Alex and it might also be skewed by Chun players not knowing how to play against him so it is suspect.

Ken, Necalli, Mika & Birdie are also not great.

Dictator is Chun’s best matchup here.

Characters in order of hardest for Chun to fight to least:


I left Alex and the mirror match off because the data is skewed.

What do people think of this list? Have I made any fundamental errors?

Again, the data doesn’t say whether the fights are in her favour or not, it just puts the characters in an order of who is difficult from her perspective.

Fang, Ryu, and Dictator surprised me the most.

Yeah Nash is probably the only match so far that I would consider losing for her, but not unwinnable either. He just does a good job never having to be near where she is strong and even if she does get in its not as bad as having a Ken or Mika get in

Top 4 is pretty much who has me confused right now.

I pulled from Ultra Gold and upward. Fang is whooping that ass and I don’t really know why. I lost to quite a few in the past week. His jumping hurtbox is evasive as shit, I’m going to have to practice some timings on him because something feels more off than just him being in the air for a few extra frames. It’s kind of hard to get in and stay in on him. I’ve also tried playing lame from fullscreen where you can avoid his drops more easily. Problem is, your stuff isn’t that hard to avoid either and if you get no damage in and happen to get touched by a drop, then you’re at the disadvantage. It only really works out when you already have a lead.
I was trying that out just to build meter from that range, but it builds slow. With super you can check him, but you still pretty much want to have a lead.
Also his mixup after EX Fireball is pretty obnoxious I learned.

I think it makes sense that the zoners are her toughest match ups.

Ryu is the only real anomaly. Turning up right in the middle rather than near the top was surprising to me.

I think Cammy might be a tough matchup, once she gets going, it’s nuts

Would be interesting to see other chuns matchup numbers.

I seem to complain about matchups I win the most… Told y’all complainin was good.

Sim though… Still don’t know what to do against him. But I haven’t played one to use my new tech against either.

Just because you beat some random guy in ranked, doesn’t mean he was playing the matchup properly. Also, it could just be a skill level thing. If your skill level is way higher than your opponent, then it doesn’t matter how bad the MU is, you’re gonna win regardless.

I agree, though I don’t know what that has to do with what I said.

IDk what to do against Karin. You cant punish anything she does except that God awful overhead of hers that hits before it actually should.
Its winnable yes, but its the most annoying matchup Ive had yet.
cr MP Cr MP shoulder…all game… I honestly feel that should be a move that could either have less pushback or a bit more negative.

Karin is tough for me. You have to be preemptive and try to outpoke her with a combo of your pokes and fireballs. I do a lot of jab fakes against the karin I play against out here.

Karin is annoying because she has a lot of anti projectile options and it’s tough to get her off once she gets in. Mashing 3 frame jab works sometimes but if she frame traps well you still risk getting blown up. Plus 3 c.MP is no joke.

Just have to keep her at a space and throw just enough fireballs to keep her from invading your space too quickly. Just be careful about throwing too many as one poor fireball is a quick jump in or special move into you getting screwed.

I played a Karin last night for a good 12 sets at least. This was a smart Karin. Never threw out a random sweep. And unless he actually hit me he would got from he dash uppercut.

On block it was always Cr.MP Cr.Mp shoulder which I learned is all one big safe frame trap.
Occasionally after I blocked the Cr.Mps he would try sneaking in the overhead special she has. If you block the initial two overhead hits you can do Cr.lp Cr.lp St.Lp EX legs. Well I guess it could be another combo but I like to be more sure of a combo.
Another thing is he would space raw shoulders at neutral pretty well. Maybe my reactions weren’t on point as they should but it would beat my St.MK up lol. And it’s a tough move to punish.
I could st.Lp him out of a baited flying overhead Karin does. And I won a round off that.

Important thing to note and it really bothers me when I see pro-players do this.
If you can land Cr. Lp, Cr. Lp, St. Lp - You are in range for Cr. LP, St. Mp, Cr. Mk xx SBK/Legs which is just as easy to hit confirm into
You just have to condition yourself to stop playing SF4 and start playing SF5, it is easy to go the easy route - but the damage you are leaving on the table doesn’t justify the means.
basically if you know Cr. Lp, Cr. Lp works - then do Cr. Lp, St. Mp; trust me.

Edit- Doing Cr. Lp, St. Mp also give you another way into VT. If you activate off of St. Mp, Cr.Hp xx HK SBK is a solid meterless combo

Well it’s one of the most annoying combos in the game to me since it’s charge related. I think Justin WonG once said he’d rather go for the combo he knows he’s going to land than the one he thinks hell land. If you mistime the downward charge by a second you’re not getting SBK. I watched the Daigo vs kareresu match where Kareresu would do cr.Lp st.Mp Cr.MK and then nothing came out afterwards. Now that tells me he mistimed it.
It’s easier to get that combo out with less damage but are least you were sure of it and you going other a setup.
I’m no way saying you’re not right because you are, but that’s just different mindsets working. It’s also a bit different in tense situations. I can do the cr.lp cr. Mk SBK all day in practice now. In tense games I often drop it.

Use the SBK/LL option select or just LL. stMP crMK is still going to hit harder.

I use a lot of different combos depending on the situation. It isn’t prudent in this game to get to stuck on any specific combo.

I go for cr.lp, in any situation where cr.lp has a higher chance of hitting than normal… Such as after I ground crossup, or as a meaty.

I like to go for cr.lkx2 in situations where I feel my opponent will stand to tech or jump or backdash/whatever.

It’s best to not get super predictable with your confirms in this game from what I’ve seen. And since there a lot of different confirms, it isn’t super hard to do them kinda unpredictably. People are still relying on xx v trigger as an example, but we all need to start to get away from abusing that.