There’s more to it than just fishing for an easier Bnb. A lot of it has to do with the opponent blocking.
-Pushback on cr. LP, st. MP isn’t always close enough to land cr. MK afterward, on hit or block and even in some punishes. It’s inconsistent and based on things like the opponent’s stance or whether you blocked a certain attack beforehand. That’s one of my biggest gripes with the range of cr. MKs in SFV… they screw essential BnBs half the time.
-Also the cr. LP is interchangeable with cr. LK, so that’s a 1-2 hit low starter. People still get opened up by this more than medium attack frame traps… probably because it’s more ambiguous whether you’ll go for a tick throw or not. It’s more of an in-your-face string, so the urgency to act on defense is higher.
-No gaps on block with cr. LP and still plus 2 at the end of the string with st. LP, so any followup poke will be faster than after a blocked cr. MK or f+ MP (the typical followups to st. MP, but still leaves you in range for one more mid-range poke).
…Most of the time, if I’m landing that over cr. LP, st. MP, cr. MK xx SBK or something, it’s because I’m going for the type of pressure listed above/want less pushback and just happened to hit them in the middle of it.
There’s option selects?
I was told there wouldn’t be any in SFV. Not to mention this is the first option select I’ve even read of. No videos or any either.
How’s this work
There’s still option select videos floating around. Ino puts up a new tech/OS vid pretty regularly on his twitter. The only thing Capcom is doing is trying to get rid of option selects that cover too many options. You can’t just magically get rid of all OS’s as you need them for basic game functions. They’re just trying to get rid of a SFIV situation where every situation under the sun can be OS’d.
I wouldn’t worry about the option select unless your execution is terrible and are still making some last ditch attempt to try and be consistent with MK SBK. Just combo into LK SBK instead. It comes out like 6 frames faster so it’ll land much earlier during the hit stun even though you still have to technically charge the 40 frames. Ricky Ortiz, Filipinoman and even Go1 all regularly used LK SBK. It’s much easier to do execution wise and you lose out on 18 damage and a bit of corner carry. Does the same stun. Main thing you want is a knockdown and LK SBK gets you a knockdown with the easiest execution.
Being consistent with MK SBK is possible though. Alioune runs through tournaments only doing MK SBK after everything and does other more esoteric charge confirms off s.MP that most others won’t even try.
Damn. I don’t have have a twitter, but I suppose I could Google his name.
Whose the best Chun Li so far? I always assume its Ricky Ortiz cause he always places high in tourneys and mailed her forever.
Then I watched Kararesu and Sako who use more Chun tech.
I still consider Alioune the best for now unless someone just ends up having footsies that are much better than his. He overall has the most ideal Chun execution wise and is doing stuff that the others aren’t that I think is really strong. MOV or Sako eventually have a chance to be as strong or stronger than him for me, but until then I think he’s overall the most sound.
Ricky Ortiz fundamentally is pretty strong (probably nearly the strongest unless MOV channels his 3S powers in this game), but unless she really gets her execution up she won’t ever become the strongest Chun.
After that it’s almost certainly nuki for adaptability and fundamentals, though nuki seems to kinda be lacking in certain executional facets as well as the dude sometimes just plays like a fucking nut.
Nuki is a nut. He has a tendancy to go Marn…but not full Marn, never go full Marn.
I’ve followed Alioune online for quite awhile.
I practically got the 50 replay view trophy from him alone.
However I was really disappointed with the Red Bull Kumite fight he had yesterday vs Bonchan.
I know he was fighting Bonchan but he’s Alioune so that argument isn’t valid.
Perhaps because it was just a quick exhibition he didn’t try as hard as I could have. I can certainly attest that he played blah vs his usual abilities.
It’ll be interesting to see how the even shapes up.
I didn’t see the red bull thing, but I just watched bonchan get taken out by humanbombs chun.
I’m starting to really see that is an amazing poke that could see more use at neutral. It’s just super high priority and range and checks ankles well. It’s a risk, but not a huge one because of the pushback and meaty frames.
Was playing against highlands ryu yesterday and he started to use ryus to shut a lot of my chun pokes down, was frustrating a bit. St.hp beats it but my fmp tended to get stuffed if not absolute max range.
Counter poking me was working super efficiently and was also pissing me off… That’s not footsies LOL. What can be done to make people stop the predictable counterpoking? I was trying to walk up and pressure but the counter pokes are so fast that they are hard to pressure on wiff and hard to wiff punish.
Ryu was counterpoking mostly with near half screen and
If anyone wants to check out my later matches against highlandfireball from yesterday and tell me where I could go better on offense that would be cool (already know I need to press less buttons on defense and start to K wakeup instead of p wakeup) but the combo of close range fireballs for ranged pokes and counterpoking with short pokes was tearing me up.
Ryu can move back and forth all day and keep his fireball threat, chun can’t, ryu can jump over chuns fireballs, chun can’t, ryu gets free meaties in many situations… Chun kinda doesn’t. Idk. Lol… Need help. I know I need to use waaaaaay more st.hp, that alone might change the matchup.
The games were pretty laggy as well and I couldn’t AA for shit, but I don’t like that as an excuse, the games were playable.
I watched some of the replays, but unfortunately replays don’t allow you to see the lag so I can’t see exactly when it may have been stuttering for you or what not. I’ll just review them as they are seen from the replay.
You definitely need to throw out s.HP more. Priority system is in the game now so as long as you trade with whatever medium or light he is throwing out you will win. Use b+HP more too as that can also fish for crush counters vs his counter pokes and wins the priority game on trades as well.
In general your mid range and even corner pressure looks robotic or stiff. f+MP is a good poke but it seems like you go on auto pilot and pretty much only use that. That can get predictable after a while and people still poking or whiff punishing you very easily since you’re using the exact same poke with the exact same vulnerable areas every time. Even when you had highland in the corner you just kept kinda throwing out f+MP instead pressuring with jabs or tick throw games. The corner especially is where your throw game is much more reliable. Push that instead of just f+MP.
Overall in your mid range I’d like to see you use more s.HP, b+HP, f+HK (max range f+HK is really good and combos into c.LP if you hit at farthest range or on counter hit) and s.MK. Walk up c.LK to keep people from walking backwards too much is good also.
Also wasn’t sure why you weren’t doing IALL at all. Ryu has good options against it, but might as well put that in your options and get him to think more as you get closer to him.
Im really having no idea what to do against Alex. Everything this does is safe and the pushback seems to reward him as well. The right blockstring pushes back enough for him to push more buttons and beat mine out clean -___-
This character is annoying to fight
Yeah I agree with all of that. That set especially I went more robotic than usual cause I started to grab some tunnel vision with A couple of games though I was giving away just because I was experimenting on how to take advantage of a read I found (he presses buttons after every hit or blocked midrange chun button to check the poke into dash) and I was trying to key on that as I thought that that was a big part of beating him was exposing that tendency… But he covered the tendency up well… While still keeping it.
He to,d me that I lack a bit of dynamics in my play which as you say, is basically the same as playing robotically.
That doesn’t bother me to much becaus I can play more organically/dynamically if I want to. It does bother me though that I didn’t notice it myself in the set. That means I’m getting tunnel vision. It could be the lag forcing me to overly concentrate on some things… Then again maybe not. I don’t take online to serious, but I do take it as a useful learning tool and way to discover weaknesses and it seems that robotic play under pressure migt be one of mine.
Anyone have any tips for the Cammy matchup? I’m really not sure what to do against her frametraps and pressure once she gets in. Also been trying to find a way how to reliably anti-air her dive-kicks, but my lk gets stuffed every time because of the priority.
Jump back is also really good against cammy. If you feel a ex dive kick coming or you feel they are going to shimmy. Be careful getting pressed to the corner though.
I just watched Redbull Kumite and watched some of Alioune’s replays on CFN. Alioune is very strong and execution is top notch but I feel Sako has better neutral spacing and footsies. Alioune relies heavily on IAL and EX fireball for offense. Sako is master of spacing and reading and baiting shit out. If you follow Sako on CFN watch his longer sets. First 2 fights he usually plays very conservatively checking out his opponent and baiting shit out. After that he goes ham punishing all of opponents habits. And his execution is not inferior to Alioune in anyway. Some shit from Sako specially his pauses in his strings and slight step forward/backwards makes you realise he’s using Chuns movespeed normals and frame advantage well to bait buttons. Also Nuki’s and MOV’s chun really impressive.
Alioune simply does not have the experience of fighting really good players all the time. So irrespective of how much folks celebrate him for being an advocator of new technology, he’s not going anywhere without the highest tier spacing and footsie knowledge. This is the factor thst has been limiting him from doing well in international Tournies for the longest time now.
If sako is REALLY sticking to Chun as a main and not just using her as a flavour of the month, then I don’t see anyone really dethroning him as best Chun besides maybe nuki… Since nuki is Chun basically.
But yeah, while alioune has execution in camobos and stuff, sako has that as well as execution in set play and creativity in blockstrings and spacing setups etc. sako will have forward walk crazy shit and weirdo crazy frametraps and mixups. Definitely THE Chun To watch for gross tech if he keeps her. Nuki is the Chun to watch for neutral adaptations. Alioune is the Chun to watch for what to abuse.