Chun Li Match-Ups Thread: Police Reports

I believe “ex. kikoken, dash” is minus on block.

Ex. Kikoken by itself is +1 on point blank block, but isn’t enough plus for you to do ex. Kikoken dash in when playing footsies.

How do you guys deal with Birdie’s jab? I feel like if I get in and pressure i’m fine, but so many times his jab will stuff a lot of my options and it get’s frustrating because even fRH loses to it

It heavily depends on where you throw it from. Only pointblank is it only +1. I’m talking about in sweep range or further. If you throw it out, and dash/walk behind it. You have already recovered while you’re opponent hasn’t even begun to block it yet. You are like +5 billion.

I’m pretty sure that from dash range you can’t throw ex.kikoken and DASH behind it or you’ll get full combo punished. I believe I tested this and Ken can just TC xx HK Tatsu punish you if you dash in behind the ex.kikoken at a range that when you throw it and immediately dash in, Ken’s b.MP reaches.

You CAN, however, just walk behind it and be +3 billion :smile:

Don’t make me make a video -_-’

Lol. I won’t. I’ll test again. :blush:

I reread your replies. I think we had a misunderstanding. In my posts I specifically said walk/dash behind it. What I meant by this is that if you throw it too close, you walk behind it. And if you throw it mid/fullscreen you can dash behind it. That’s why I also said “It heavily depends on where you throw it from”.

So we were both right… yay :open_mouth:

Ok, I knew I wasn’t crazy. Thanks!

Wierd Dhalsim is one of Chun lis best matchups…

Its a very uphill battle for Dhalsim.

How so? Please elaborate.

I heard people say this in sf4 as well. It isn’t true. But hey, I know sim players complained about the matchup DESPITE WINNING IT, all the time.

Watching arts games on cfn and looking for him versus chun, I couldn’t find a chun even taking a round against him.

When you look at tool for tool and matchup knowledge, sim seems to have a huge advantage against chun.

I used to think I could just turtle against sim… But it don’t work, he can advance by using lk sides and throwing fireballs. I used to think I could throw fireballs against him, it doesn’t work because any decent guess on his side and he can TP into full combo punish.

Chun can’t jump at sim, dash at sim,make him respect her buttons or throw kikokens with any kind of obvious tempo. The biggest ways I manage to beat him is when he teleports in on me and I am allowed to run a train on him.

Well you see chuns super floaty jump makes dhalsim overconfident that he can easily stop it, and everyone knows overconfidence is your downfall. That’s why chun beats sim.

Although I agree that this matchup is hard for Chun, I’ll post my thoughts on the matchup below. This is after having played Fchamp a few times, N0thingman in tournament, and Gllty in casuals.

You can use your vskill at times to close the gap but don’t abuse or be obvious with your spacing. Check limbs with a crouching jab periodically

V-Reversal out of instant gale shit, fireball only when he does but don’t do it late or you’ll eat a teleport combo. Back fierce to CC his medium limbs but don’t do it too much because his fierce beats it. If you’re sitting on super at mid screen and he throws out roundhouse or fierce you can punish on block. Stand short is your best friend against almost all his teleport setups. Once you get in keep the pressure on and don’t stop,

He has very little answers for properly executed IALL and he doesn’t have a 3 frame normal so abuse the hell out of your blockstrings and meaties. Avoid leaving the ground if you have him in the corner because he’ll be looking for an opportunity to slide under and get out. Remember, Unless properly spaced his slide is negative! Punish that shit.

When they have vtrigger be prepared for slide VTC, if you see the slide v-reversal that if they VTC you’ll inturrupt and the carpet won’t come out.

I say all this but still get bodied by sims so execution of the gameplan is super important don’t let them off the hook, ever.

How are other fellow Chun players fairing against Alex at the moment? I feel like I’m having trouble with this match-up, at least in the neutral game. I keep getting out poked by defensive Alex players abusing his long reaching normals, mainly his st.MK, cr.MK, and cr.MP. I figured it would be good to get the discussion on the Alex / Chun match-up going with the influx of people playing him right now.

Chun has more range than alex so I am not sure what you are talking about there. pee on his options pretty badly.

I am a very bad player i am barley silver and I have been destroying alex from bronze to gold alex players the way I look at the match up is a more mobile gief. Play fotosies and bait out his unsafe specials punish with full combos look out for his v-trigger and do not play aggressively when he has his super. Look out for his v-skill.

you can back fierce his big boot on reaction that shit is so slow.

What is Chun’s best approach to Bison/Dictator? Obviously punishing Scissor Kick is a no-go, but I find myself having to rely on his mistakes in order to get hits in. I never won against a solid Bison because I have no idea what I can and cannot punish, nor do I know how to start an offense against him.

What do you mean it’s a no go, If he spaces perfectly he’s -2 so you can absolutely challenge with a crouching jab or standing jab. At worst he -5 and you should at least be able to punish with crouch jab xx lk sbk or cr.jab xx legs, The only one that is completely safe is his ex.

He straight up has worse buttons than chun at the mid range since you can stuff most of his normals and outrange him with stand fp. poke him out of his dash BS and don’t be afraid to eat a throw, it’s better than getting RH CC’d into a 30 percent combo. If he does the strong>fierce target combo he’s -5, so punish. Good Bison’s will stagger this so it’s not a TC and they remain + on block so watch out for this. Don’t be afraid to stick out a sweep if he’s spamming fierce since it has stupid long startup. st lk and air throw beat stomp and the former beats all forms of devil’s reverse. He has zero reversal and no wakeup so get in his face when you knock him down and mix in tick throws to blow up his v-reversal since it’s really his only defensive option.

If he’s in Vtrigger and does his dash through mixup you can just throw him out of it.

If you’re at Silver then you’re doing better than me, haha. My lack of experience with fighting the character was definitely being exploited, so I was getting blown up pretty badly. I guess I just need to spend more time trying things on Alex in training mode and play some more matches.