Easy example is chun’s j.mk vs j.hk. mk will get beat, hk will not.
Let’s be very clear. Cr.mp should not be relied upon. Its very match up specific and should be used as a read. Just know that if you choose to use cr.mp you run the risk of getting CH.
If you do get them to land on it though, you get a VTC cr.hp combo so it does pay off really well if you do get that read.
J. MP is very good for this as well as vs. Vega’s EX wall dive. It has an an incredible hitbox for dealing with attacks above it and you can cancel to air legs for more damage than the standard AA. Also easier to aim and not get mixed up by the altered timing of devil’s reverse.
If you really don’t want to deal with those, then dashing under and punishing the recovery works as well since stomp will only travel to where you were when he started it. Only an immediate devil’s reverse (a.k.a. a read) would be able to catch you for dashing.
-A little bit on FANG since I lost to one with a lot of LP online and wasn’t sure what to do about his poison barrier game without meter for super: For the cloud he puts on the ground, you can F+MP it or st. HK it from about mid-range and punish his recovery without trading with the cloud (it also goes away when you hit him). The only version this doesn’t work on is the EX version since the cloud’s hitbox is a bit higher. If the cloud is already down and he throws the arcing poison drops, you can also punish the recovery of that with the same normals from the same range. The HP drops go over you, one out of the two MP drops usually trade (but it’s 20 damage vs. your 60-90 damage), and the LP drops you should backdash after you hit him to avoid them.
Of course getting the cloud out of the way with your own fireball helps, but paying attention to the recovery of those moves and threading the needle to punish is key.
I don’t find his buttons particularly hard to deal with up close. I know which ones are plus and when it’s my turn again. Just trading too much with the poison was giving me a hard time, but I think the above strategy will help a lot.
Quick tip for the Necalli matchup. After grinding it out a ton at Final Round, this matchup isn’t as straightforward as I originally thought. We have to use a lot of pokes to stand ground in the midrange instead of just pressuring him up close. He outdamages Chun by a lot and going in just allows him to convert to that damage. Also, use b.hk as an anti air instead of lk. We have to try to get the lifelead and once he gets V-trigger, then pressure him and bait DP. With no v-reversal, he has a harder time putting neutral in his favor, and harassing with Chun’s pokes is even more crucial. I would say this is a clear 5-5 and really requires more exploration.
He don’t fuck around with none of what’s been said here. Just watched a replay and nuki is blocking stomp then low profiling DR with cr.mp. On raw DR he also low profiles with cr.mp.
I think is the true answer. The dictator stopped with the happy stomp shit after that.
I suggest learning Cammy.
In all seriousness the characters I have troubles with are R. Mika, Vega, Bison, Necalli and Rashid
5 characters I’ve not yet spent any time with at all.
I used to have issues with Nash, Cammy, Karin and Laura. But after spending a good bit of time with the characters the match up is much easier.
I understand the ways they want to get in and what the basic combos/traps look like so I don’t hit buttons.
Now I still don’t know what all is punishable and deep things like that, but it certainly broadens your understanding of the character in general. That is part of match up knowledge.
Remember that if you don’t get an answer on here that you can always watch some can chuns play the matchup. Just scroll till you see them versus a sim and then watch all the winning games.
A theory against sim might be to bhp xx v skill. If the BHK hits a limb then chun can v skill in.
Against basic Dhalsim, st.lk is the easiest answer to instant air behind teleport. He doesn’t have a horizontal projectile outside of EX. So you can throw your kikouken and walk behind it. He can st.hp this but its very slow and very negative on block. You can sort of just throw out randomly b+hp at the distance he normally likes to st.mk. Key is don’t lose your cool and get jump happy.
Playing offline for the first time i have no idea how to even interact witha good dhalsim. No idea how to hit his limbs and basic movement doesnt seem to do anything. Turtling doesnt seem to do well either. I can react to his neutral teleports with st.lk, but when he knocks me down with yoga flame, he gets a free tp mixup if i quickrise, and if i dont, he still gets to tp mixup after the first tp wiffs… Matchup feels 8-2 right now, no lie. Feel like i have no options
My training partner plays Sim, it definitely feels like an uphill battle.
I have had some success fighting back with Hp.Kikoken. b.Hp can be great too from his st.mp/mk range. I’ve also had some success using ex.legs as a poke to get in. The -2 isn’t so bad against him.
My training partner’s secondary is Nash and I feel the same way. It is much worse for me than Sim.
I’m with EXTREME difficulty against Nash. If I get indented with fireballs and he also use it to block when I say it first punish me. If I have trouble moving, still I do not know what a good button or a distance to fight him. To me almost all other matchs are peaceful least that, and I just read that more people are having difficulty.
Hey guys, what’s the idea of how to fight this character? A good strategy.
Don’t jump over his fireballs, just push him to the corner. Neutral jump fireballs (also use air legs so he can’t punish your neutral jump for free), use (EX) fireballs to close the gap. cr.mp under fireballs when you’re in that range. st.hp, fwd.mp (and confirm into EX legs on counter-hit) is also amazing. Then when you have him in the corner, don’t let him vreversal out.
I can’t stress enough how good EX fireball is. If you throw it out and dash/walk with it. If he blocks it, you get a mixup cause it’s +. You can go for a normal (which will beat whatever he’s doing), you can throw, you can shimmy, you can do whatever you want. It’s like getting a knockdown. Don’t save your bar for super, just use EX fireballs and EX legs to whiff punish.
Don’t throw fireballs when he has vtrigger or super. Only throw fireballs on reaction when he throws one too so he can’t punish you.
And just be ready for Nash gimmicks. Random vtrigger (treat it as a jump-in, st.lk to anti-air it), random moonsaults (walk/dash under them and punish), or just st.lk. You can also meaty Nash on wakeup for free. If he tries to vtrigger, he will lose all bar and your meaty will hit. He doesn’t have any reversal either, only Super.
Also, Nash has a lot of problems anti-airing Chun when you jump with her heavy kick. It can beat his EX DP clean (if he tries to do it too late), and a lot of times even his cr.mp and other antiairs if you jump at the right range. Now I’m not saying be a bunny and start jumping all the time, but if you read a fireball and do decide to jump, always use heavy kick (which is kinda universal for all matchups, but even moreso against Nash).
Honestly, I think Chun wins this matchup. And I play the Nash matchup A LOT.
I have waaaaaay fewer problems with Nash than with sim. Maybe I just haven’t played a really good Nash. But we have a rushdown sim here and it feels like the dumbest shit ever.
Dont understand how one is supposed to beat a characrer when you can’t interact with that characters moves, yet the move themselves don’t open up sim. Teleport is way to fast. Sim feels like the best rushdown character in the game. No other characrer can cross the screen as fast, no other character can do left/right 50/50’s that are safe on block and out of the blue.
I think Sim is the only character that straight up beats Chun (but I don’t have that much experience in the MU, so even that could be questionable). All others are either 5-5 or in Chun’s favor.
You can jab/st.mp his teleports on reaction to punish. Vreversal his carpet. Punish his teleports when he does them on wakeup (they have a lot of recovery). And you can also use b+hp a lot, as it beats most of his pokes midscreen (it also has a lot of active frames).
If you gave decent timing/your sim is predictable with their timings, you can sweep sims st.mk and it will CC.
You can bhp his st.mp and it will CC and you can cancel into v skill.
Matchup is still dumb, but at least that gives chun a way to kinda interact with sims limbs.
Things observed from watching ricki up top versus champ:
The sim I play against uses a lot of champs offensive patterns. Ricki was throwing a fireball when sim threw a fireball. I think this is a good look. Sim doesn’t get his fireball for free. And needs to slide and can be pressured after the slide sometimes.
It also sets up sim to teleport after his fireball to pressure chuns fireball on reaction… But this might be good for Chun if she can get sim to make dangerous guesses at neutral.
NEVER quick get up against sim after he knocks you down. It allows him an easy 50/50 left right to mixup that hits meaty, and I at least had a hard time getting out ex SBK even when I knew the mixup was coming 100%.
If chun stays on the ground, sim still gets TP left/right, but she’ll have charge for ex sbk and the mixup in general is slightly easier to see.
Don’t know how to punish teleport on his wakeup yet. All in good time I guess.