Chun Li Match-Ups Thread: Police Reports

you have to play necalli very close up (max sweep range) and just react. You can’t zone him because of his vskill and slash move, and up close, his buttons are even if not better that you. I advise to AA with back HK or meet him air to air, since st lk can whiff if he does command dive, I haven’t had any issue with back HK. He has fast walk speed so his normals are really good, imo, this match is pretty even, but super stressful. I feel like one missed anti air and it curtains for for chun, also he has a command grab, so you can’t really ever afford to let him in. Don’t feel too bad if you’re getting mauled, it isn’t easy to fight him. Characters like birdie, cammy, and necalli, who can touch you and take over 50% at any given time seem to be my hardest matchups currently.

note, this is one of those matches where i feel you HAVE to know how to do the jab, strong, mk, sbk combo, because if you aren’t able to get a knockdown on necalli where you can actually continually apply pressure, you’ll probably lose.

@Gregsvice just st jab, or st lk, you just need to check it, its too fast in this game to be jumping around

Any tips on Ryu? I’m getting handled by the usual fireball spam/DP punish game while using Chun.

don’t rush in too hard, else you’ll eat too many fireballs, just try to stand in a range where you can cr. mp the fireballs on reaction. Also, don’t try to push in too hard, else you risk getting jumped in on. Just try to walk ryu to the corner and make him sit there. Respect the dp, bait it constantly, you can’t afk pressure on ryu like you can most of the cast.

Like subzero44 said, space yourself in cr.MP range and punish his attempts to approach. You need to play patiently vs Ryu, careful whiffing slower normals as it’s a good way to get jumped on. Keep moving forward and watch his movement very closely. His longest poke is so if you’re a little beyond that his only options are fireball, dash forward and jumpin- all of which you can stop on reaction if your looking for it. Once he’s in the corner he’s much easier to manage. Careful following a fireball, Ryu players like to block the fireball and DP your follow-up. If you can bait that once or twice it’ll make them more hesitant to use the DP. Also, try to avoid throwing fireballs unless you’re far away or real close, a poorly spaced fireball is a free jumpin. I find is a great poke in this match.

See also the vs Ryu posts on page 1. If you have Super he will think twice about fireballing, and so on

pretty minor, but against FANG if you do on oki c.LP -> b+HP frame trap and he does EX slide to escape, you smack him during recovery of the slide with a s.HP

Any advice vs Nash? Struggling hard in that match up, it feels like he can somewhat run away from her…

Yeah, hate fighting Nash. He can turtle all day, can get in easily, can keep the pressure going for days and has long combos.

Does anyone know how to punish Rashid’s Spinning Mixer? It seems like there are no gaps for me to attack him at all.

Walk forward and block. Keep pushing forward while’ing under some boom attempts to close the gaps. At that sweep range you can then begin to threaten with normals. Once you make it apparent you are not afraid of sonic booms by moving forward and sliding under some(be careful not to eat a f+fierce or scythe for your troubles), they won’t throw them as much and you can get your game going. Also…

  1. Be sure to stuff all moonsault attempts and AA all jump attempts in general.
  2. MK scythe on block = ex LL most of the time. Maybe not if spaced PERFECTLY, but I’m pretty sure Chun can punish it everytime.
  3. Once you pin him down, GO IN. If you sense V-reversal, bait it then grab him out of it.
  4. Take little to no risks jumping when he has meter unless you really feel a boom is coming because ex scythe is good AA and it hurts. You can be a little more risky and aggressive when he doesn’t have any.
  5. In between moving forward, charge some kikoken when blocking booms to challenge him, and walk forward. If he throws a sonic boom to negate kikoken and you’re close enough, smack him with st.fierce

Ultimately, be patient and block a lot. Nash players get a lot of wins simply off people jumping and being impatient. I feel this match comes down to meter management. When Nash has no meter Chun got that ass IMO, when he’s stocked it becomes his favor.

any advice on dhalsim? played a good one today and got wrecked

How do you feel about Nash in the corner? I feel that if I can force Nash to the corner, and not overextend myself to where he can reversal or trigger out of it, then I’m in more control of the matchup versus playing him midscreen. I think the key is really just keeping him out the air with his scythe kicks

Nash is in trouble once you get him there as long as you can look out for V-reversal and V-trigger

OK cool, I thought I was tripping in a sense. The match did seem easier there but I don’t like overhyping things in my head

A neat thing I notice from a sako video against Nash was that he never used meter so he would have super to shut down the fireball game. He also saved his vtrigger for for v reversals for when he didn’t react to somersault unless he confirmed it for big damage.

I was watching Alioune play against Nash. He was jumping in for free with It was beating ex scythe or at worst trading in his favor. It also wrecked as well.

Ex scythe doesn’t have any invincible frames so he has to react to the jump in pretty early. Establish a strong ground game, look for patterns in his booms and pokes and take a jump at him.

Ex Sonic scythe has upper body invincibility. everything above knees will lose to it. anything below like cr. LP will snuff it out.

Where did you get that info? That’s not even the least bit true. Try frame trapping with chun’s cr.lp or b/ and the and b/ will completely stuff it.

Try it in training mode. Record Chun doing a around neck height and try to ex scythe it. Nash has to AA it before the is out or else chun will win/trade.

Having played many a Vega here in NorCal, your best buttons are b+FP, st.FP, and sweep if he tries to dash in command throw, Try to stay just out of his stand strong (claw) range and wiff punish with st.FP, neutral st.str beats a lot of his buttons too surprisingly. Beware when within his slide range.

For Birdie, I thought I knew this matchup pretty well until I got bodied by LPN on stream at CTB last week, Don’t quick rise when you get knocked down… make sure to punish dolphin dive on reaction.

For Nash, walk him down in to the corner and punish somersault on reaction with an air to air (jump strong xx legs, double fierce to get an oki on the air reset) or if you react late just st. short him out of it. Once in his face stay there and run your pressure game, just watch for vt/reversal. don’t try meaty f+RH when he’s got super stocked, you’ll be sad.

Ex sonic scythe has throw/lower body invincibility on frames 1-6.

Woooooow, everyone talking different stuff now. Its Throw and UPPER Body Invincible. If a guide was referred, pls check again. Cuz its definitely UPPER. How else can almost all the normals hit him out of start up. Guides can be wrong, but I restested it in Pmode. Set dummy meter to normal, Set Wake up action ; Ex scythe, sweep, press button of choice, Profit.

Only Moves that dont hit, are st LK and maybe 5 HK (but that one is hard to time meaty), all HIGH Attacks. In the old Games, when people said above Knee or Waist, they were referring to High Attacks. > you can clearly see no Hurtbox at Head Height.