Chun Li Match-Ups Thread: Police Reports

Thank you so much for the info. I’ll add this to my game and turn the tides on that thick ass blonde.

More Mika notes in the Blue Jade thread (this post onwards): Chun Li General Thread: Blue Jade

Super early, but what are some matches that feel advantageous, even, or disadvantageous to you guys?

When I play Chun, I feel like I definitely beat Laura free. Like she seriously doesn’t phase me at all, and I think she doesn’t have any tools to effectively deal with Chun Li.

I also feel like Ken and Ryu are not a problem to deal with; but that could possibly be because I haven’t played any good (or unpredictable) Shotos yet.

Laura and Zangief seem simple enough.

Birdie and Cammy and a Necalli who knows what he’s doing are a pain in the ass

A good Dhalsim is a problem.

Problem Matchups

Dhalsim, Nash


Mika, Gief, Laura, Fang


Basically everyone else at the second. I don’t have much issue with Birdie and Cammy at the second. Feel Necalli is pretty even or in our favor. Necalli until he gets into VT really isn’t a problem, but near the corner if he activates VT he could start a train that is hard to come back from and his damage potential is really high with super.

People still adapting to gimmicks but that is where I think most of the matchups are headed after we learn to shut down all the gimmicks.

Can anyone give me some tips on cammy? Her buttons just seem over powering when she controls the tempo of the match.

Cammy’s major buttons are negative on block and can be punished. The key is to stay mobile and just outside of her c.MK range so you can punish with s.HP. B.HP seems strong in my opinion as well as s.LK for her air pressure.

I haven’t played many FANGS, what about this matchup should I be on the lookout for and what makes it advantageous to Chun?

Honestly a little surprised/disheartened to see that everyone feels that the Laura matchup is advantageous. I guess I just have no idea how to deal with her. It feels like her command grab is godlike.

Should I be going in? Zoning her out with HP/cr.HK/MK/fireball? How do I play this matchup?

On paper Chun wins this matchup hard, in practice it doesn’t always feel that way.

Keep her out and dominate the neutral game with your superior normals (just how you would play any footsie game,,,, st.hp,, At max range she can’t punish your sweep, only with Super. Fireballs too, just remember that Laura can go through fireballs with EX shoulder and Super (at around sweep range, so you cant do xx fireball if she has Super). You win the matchup by not letting her get in once, and getting in is very hard for Laura. Once she gets in though, you get rekt.

I’ve been playing a lot of Fang and Chun definitely wins the matchup. His left right set play off knockdown is completely shut down by ex spinning bird kick, even if you get hit by the mine, you can still trade and won’t even be poisoned, but usually the iframes on ex sbk will land the hit first on him, which means the mine disappears. Chun has easier hit confirms in footsie range, not that Fangs combos are hard, but since he needs charge, if he has to walk forward or do a shimmy he lost it. 3f jab is a real problem for Fang because it effects his pressure. If you ever block st.HK, just jab, and maybe throw another jab if you like. The reason is st.HK is +1 for Fang on block, but his fastest normal is 4 frames. So at worst you will trade jab to jab, then technically you have relative advantage after trading since the fastest thing he can do is beaten by your jab. He doesn’t have an attack with iframes on startup to really blow it up, so once you have pressure keep at it. Learning the throw OS against his ex slide dash also really helps, since you can throw it.

Also in general, most characters with projectiles actually can fight a zoning war with Fang imo. Throwing out kikokens or any straight projectile puts some pressure on Fang because poison balls going up doesn’t negate them, so they have to already have a mine out, coward crouch/jump it, or if they react early enough do the lunge to nullify it. Following behind kikokens will help take care of any mines put down, since you can throw kikokens faster than he can put down mines, but when walking forward a Fang will try to poke with a max range lunge to nullify both the kikoken and tag you. IA legs is also good, since it is basically another jump arc in Chun’s arsenal, and it can float over mines. If you tag Fang throwing one down, the mine disappears (the heavy one that stays out for a time actually has slow recovery). In general, this goes for anyone against Fang, know how to tech throws and watch your legs for sweep, they want a knockdown.

One matchup I’m still struggling with is Bison. I know we should go in and pressure him, but I’m not sure how to go about doing that and getting back control of the matchup once he starts pressing buttons. Any tips?

Bison might end up bad, but not for his anime-ness. You can air throw all his head stomp / devil reverse shenanigans when you get used to his v-trigger. His v-trigger isn’t as hard to deal with as I thought, but during it poking him isn’t a super great idea because he might just suddenly go invuln and run a train on you. I just turtle the fuck up and try break dash throws, unless he has an EX projectile out then I’ll eat the throw and not risk the st. RH crush counter some times.

I think Chun’s SBK and super set play help her out quite a bit. Know your air throw into f. RH meaty setups so you get good mixups. Also her 3f jab is a strong option after d/f+FP since it will trade or win against anything he does.

I feel Bison is just a super scrubby character that will adapt against but I’m still not 100% sure what to do against his footsies since you seem to have to be psychic to beat them with b. HP and him randomly mashing st. RH gives massive reward and it is faster than st. FP so throwing st. FP can be a big liability at times. If it ends up bad it will be because he has better buttons while we don’t have any super ambiguous mixups to keep him opened up. IALL sets up a good mixup on him since his fastest moves if 4f but you can’t shimmy afterwards because his grab range is fucktarded large, also when he rushes you down it is like he has a kara-grab. I think it is Bison’s favor for now but it seems to get better by the day for me.

guys, how do u deal with ryu air tatsu, it seems like +on block or if i crouch,it hit me instead, or get blown up by DP if i try to jab out it ><, any1?

Anyone have some advice vs necalli? Wrecks me every time.

Should be a favorable matchup for Chun. Just play solid. Any time he’s hanging back he’s looking to either use slash or seizmo. If he tries to start going for his s. HK’s then you should get into your s. HP range, nothing he has will beat that poke unless he’s really good at counterpoking. Your c. MK range is his actual deadzone and your primary threat is eating his s. MP counterpoke or a dp. If he gets inside, just block and make sure he doesn’t dash forward, all of his strings end of hefty knockback that puts him back into his deadzone and your c. MK range.

Cool thanks. I’ll take this to the lab

Am I the only one having Rashid Issues?

Anyone have any good tips for dealing with Dhalsim’s teleport? I used to anticipate it in 4 with a neutral jump, but sim’s fierce reaches up high and turns that into a really bad habit in this one.