Chun li: General Strategy / Combos / Matchups

Anyone know the answers to any of my questions a few posts up?:sad:

s.jab, c.jab xx sa2 is a combo

it’s fucking cheap too… :frowning:


Wow thats too cool:lol:

it’s practical, but it’s a difficult link in my opinion

Thats what I gathered. It seems useful cause of how great her jabs are but I dont understand the timing yet. Ill practice it nonetheless though:karate:

its just a really fast cancel.

Also can hit crouchers when getting up/landing/etc… (sans Chun Li)

i dunno how this is being regarded as a new thing, or even new to this thread, its been posted twice already in this thread alone.

I must’ve missed it, I haven’t read through this thread in a few months. I didn’t think in any way that this was some new discovery, I’d just never seen it before and wondered how it worked.
Regardless , thanks for explaining to me

Can someone tell me the best finisher to an SA2 vs Chun? I always use down + MK, HK. A regular opponant of mine tells me that its better to do (cant remember this for sure feel free to correct me) MP and reset with MK.

Whos right?

And I know LK, dash under cr.MK into a second SA2 is probably the most ideal, but more often than not I end up in the corner so this wont happen.

i think the reset he means is down + MK, LK

^^yeah youre right. I cant seem to time this correctly. Any pointers? also what should I follow it up with? Sorry if this question has been posted before , I couldnt find it anywhere.

i just do, lk as fast as possible. chun’s lk will come out, stay out… and hit the other chun right before she hits the ground. midscreen you can dash under, s.rh hitconfirm (change sides) or walk forward, s.rh hitconfirm (same side), or c.lp kara throw etc etc, but in the corner, theres not much you can do. throw of course, try and land a s.rh or but thats no different from any other time.

i’m pretty sure you can’t get to the otherside after doing it, UOH is not the right range for the super… imo in the corner you’d be better off taking the knockdown

awesome. Thanks man:tup:

Down medium kick hit confirm cancel+Sa2+Cancel last kick+Super jump+Fp+Fp is all you need for Chun’s SA2.

Random question about Chun’s wall-jump. Can you controll the distance she jumps from the wall during a wall-jump?

I’ve tried different things, and it seems random. Sometimes she has a very low arch and travels a very short distance – and other times she has a very high arch and goes nearly across the screen (as though it were a super jump). Is there a way to manually input which jump she will do?

Probably a stupid answer, but it somehow escapes me.

Also, how many kick inputs do you need to activate her MK, HK, and EX lightning legs?

And for the EX legs, do you need all the inputs for two buttons? Or does only the last input have to be two buttons?

And continuing that question… If only the last input needs to be two buttons, does the number of inputs you need for the EX legs change with the strength that you use prior to the last input?

Lasty, how long do you have between inputs and the final input when partitioning?

As in, can you partition the inputs from whiffed c.MK or whiffed standing MP, then have the last input occur on a back+HP a second or two later?

Thanks for any info.

The length of the wall jump depends on how close you were to the wall when you left the ground for the wall jump. The closer to the wall you are when you jump for it, the further your jump off the wall will carry you. As far as I know there is no way to change the trajectory of the wall jump mid jump. If Im wrong please, someone correct me but Im next to positive on that.

You have to press kick 5 times for all 3 of the lightning kicks you mentioned.

As for the EX lightning kick. You CAN get it to come out by pressing , say, HK 4 times and then HK and MK, or whatever. I learned somthing new today, thanks!

Continuing the answer, no it does not change.

As for the partitioning, I cant say exactly how long you have, I havent timed it and I dont have a stopwatch on me. I would say you have about 1 full second. Give it a try its really easy to do, and youll be able to tell how much time you have.

Im afraid I dont quite understand your last question. If you could reword it that would be great:lol:

Hope this helps so far:tup:

Thanks, that helps.

RE: Walljump. If you place Chun in the corner and do a normal jump towards the wall, then wallbounce off the wall, she won’t travel the full length of the screen. However, if you super jump toward the wall, then wallbounce, she will travel to the opposite side of the screen.

But, I haven’t figured out what determines her jump arch when wallbouncing from outside of the corner or from a small distance from the wall.

RE: Partitioning. My last question was just another timing question. For example:

If you whiff a back+HP and press MK four times while the back+HP animates, then dash forward, then do another back+HP that hits, can you press MK once more to cancel the back+HP into lightning legs.

Through testing, I found it easy to partition HK while whiffing MK, then dash, then press HK just once more and instantly do HK legs at the end of the dash.

But, I was wondering if you had enough time to first dash, then attack, and cancel the attack with the last input.

I think back+HP might be too slow, but I’m not sure, maybe I’m just not doing it right/fast enough.

As for the wall jump, yeah I meant to mention the thing about super jumping. I usually super jump if I do the wall jump. What I said still applies though, about the closeness to the corner. Im not sure about outside of the corner, Ill see if I can figure that out in a little bit.

As for the partitioning, I think back Fierce would be too slow for that to work, cause there is some recovery time. But Ill check it out and see if I can figure that out. That would actually be really useful, I like the idea of partitioning the LL in a st. MK, even though I try not to use that move too much.