Chun li: General Strategy / Combos / Matchups

This is is the thread where you can place all the information about chun li, to basics and advanced strategy. Please sticky so we can organize all the chun li info.

Well, I’m not sure if we can do requests, but since you didn’t sayI can’t, I will. I have trouble fighting Hugos and Uriens…any tips?

her fierce dominates hugo. hugo has no chance of winning against chun li. you can do a 3 hit fierce combo by just jumping in tapping fierce twice in the air and once on the ground. i beat hugo players with chun li with ease with just using the fierce punch.

as for urien i dunno. :confused:

fierce really doesnt own hugo as much as you say. its a good poke yeah, but he will palm you if you just spam it. youre better off spamming and back+fierce/jump back fierce x2

I do spam it does confirm, so spam that alot anyways) alot against Hugo, and the HP when he is nearing me, but for some reason, I still have a hard time if the right player comes up. I did get used parring Hugo players that spam alot…even though it does get annoying. The main help I need is for VERY aggresive Uriens…I fought a few and had no chance.

just hp urien and spam your mk like you said
Chun is good in the same sense the ken is good Ie, MK xx super
and what makes chun even better is you can hit confirm it
urien shouldn’t be too hard unless your jumping all over the place and getting caught in aegis which you shouldn’t be
as you can just super through that shit :rock:

try to trick Hugo into doing the meat squasher , its important to remember that move because players are always trying to throw it out to get you into the corner. hit him out of the meat squasher and cancel whatever you hit him with , with a super. Use the lightning leg as an anti air. EX lightning leg is good on wakeup a lot of people dont see it coming, I catch people with that shit all the time. They always think youre gonna wake up with EX SBK and then as they realize that they walked right into it dash up and poke them. if you jump use MP , Fierce+Fierce or the stomp if it looks clear. Hop back and charge your super when you can , using to scare them and charge your super , use back fierce a LOT, thats your main meter-giver. Learn to play with them with the Lightning kick, do it and just continue doing it let Ken try his little crossup with this thing out lol!! and if they parry it just keep doing it, youll most likely hit eventuall and they are stuck parrying unless they want to get hit, so they will continue parrying and screw up eventually. rush at them and poke a lot, use c.LP its the fastest poke in the game. Use 2 c.LPs , a c.LK and then the c.MK and if they fall for it cancel it into the super. I fool people with that a lot too they dont think Im going to stick out that , and if they do anticipate it youve already recovered cause the c.MK recovers fast as all hell lol!! Use Chuns fast pokes to your advantage and mix it up , jumping straight up HK works well to get in their face when they jump as does Fierce Fierce, spam that shit and jump around, charges meter too woohoo!! dont be afraid to rush them with chuns pokes, do some jabs and shorts and try and hit with a st. fierce. if you hit with it hit with another one. jump in periodically with MP, if it hits cancel into SA2. People are often careless and dont see this coming, they mainly expect you to link the SA off of the c.MK. Surprise them, link it off everything lol. spam c.MK and buffer the motion after it every time… use forward + mk to surprise them and keep them on their toes. Use standing MK as anti air or lightning leg or EX lighting leg or EX SBK or back and MP if appropriate. Punish moves recovery with SA2 , or multiple standing fierces. Dash in and do Back and fierce.when you see them suck quickly calculate in your head which kick youll need to use and do the flip kick. Try to learn Chuns Kara throw, it helps her game immensly , also use the air throw when you get the chance, although I am still a little unclear on the properties of that move, if someone can clear it up thatd be great. Chuns runs on building meter, whenever you arent attacking build meter, use if theyre in close.learn to link the super off of shit, thats really important. If youre facing Yun dont be afraid, knock him out of the air with the jumping fierce targe , ground him, and hit him with a few fierces. Lightning leg and preferably EX lightning leg his little dives they go right into it lol.if …lol if…WHEn he does Genei Jin during a knockdown , wake up with EX lightning leg, hesitate a minute, and then EX SBK, this is funny shit, yun will get hit, charge forward to do pokes, and go right into it lol. Yuns bar depletes fast, he is strong but he takes damage like a baby. just kill him before he can kill you basically. more later its almost 4 AM lol.

So yeah…what about the COMBOES? I need some besides into SAII.

Why did I ever fear Hugo or Urien? Maybe A good Urien is still a bit tough, but damn Hugos aren’t that tough at all(still depends on the player). HP works wonders, as long as you don’t spam it., b+hp and j.hp,hp is also seem to be good against Hugos. What do you people use for anti-airs? I alternate between lightning kicks, mp, and hp, depending on how deep, far or high they jump at me.

A great combo with Chun-Li that I use starts with a jumping fierce punch (HP) or strong punch (MP). Make sure that you jump in very close to the opponent so that right before Chunny is about to land on the ground she’ll attack. Once that connects I hold back/away (:l:) and use her close MP (double-slap) into Kioken (:qcf: + P) and then merge VERY QUICKLY into her Senretsukyaku (:qcf: :qcf: + K). Right after she delivers the final blow of the Senretsukyaku make sure to High Jump (:d: then :u:) and link up two fierce punches (HP + 2) for 2 more additional hits. Sweet Combo! :bgrin:

this ain’t Alpha, it’s called Houyoku-Sen~

sweet combos? BACK FIERCE to sa2.

close s.rh sjc sa2.

far s.rh/f+rh (on crouch)link sa2.

uoh link sa2.

kara throw now this isnt a combo, but you get so many free ones i figure id put in in here.

I keep seeing uoh everytime I read a 3S thread; what’s that stand for?

universal overhead aka leap attack aka mp+mk

about the UOH into SAII, some nice setups to get the right distance?

Does anyone know if you can partition the SBK and EX SBK?

yes,you can. it’s a charged move after all.
not really useful,but still fancy. :wink:

That is too cool! I can see the possibilities now…Walk up EXSBK, Back Fierce EXSBK, hmmmmm. Anyone got any good uses for this? Thanks Sharky for the info:)

I just started playin chun but cant get the above to work.
Any words of wisdom?

super jump cancel the super.

hit close standing rh, then do a qcf, and then tiger knee the second qcf, then triple tap kick to get more inputs.
