Chun li: General Strategy / Combos / Matchups

Well, I just use that move because I’m slow. So far I’ve been able to easily partition the LL from two whiffed c.MK, then dash forward, then press the last input once at the end of the dash and have her do the LL. I was hoping to get it down to one whiffed c.MK, and then maybe buffer the rest of the inputs during the dash.

Dash into LL isn’t that useful though. But, I was more interested in using it for anti-air purposes. For example, partition the legs while whiffing c.MK, then use back+HP or MP as anti-air, and if the opponent parries, press the last input to cancel the attack into LL.

Again, not really that useful, but once I figure out the “if”, then I’ll think about other practical applications.

I’m just trying to figure out how everything works first (and if it’s even possible), before I attempt to use it. It would make canceling attacks into the LL so much easier if I could partition it consistantly – rather than just banging on the buttons.

I hear that. Man I love the LL but it pisses me off that in so many American arcades the cabs are the ones where you play right next to your opponant on the same cab, and therefore LL is useless by itself cause your opponant hears it coming:lol::lol::lol:

And hey dashing into LL may not be THAT useful, but the more tricks you have at your disposal with Chun the better so good shit:lol:

Does anyone have any good tips on how to play agianst Remy? and Yun ?

It seems that when you play against a good Yun player all it takes is that one SA to own you. I tied to parry the Low Medium kick but he just jumps behind me and ownz me. But when I block the kick he can grab or jump behind me and finish me off. It seems that Yun is a problem for chun…

As for the Remy player… I play with the Best Remy player in the Nation. So he never lets me come in close to hit him. And he always uses the table on the chun-li stage to throw off the parrying time when he throws the sonic boom/ disk…>_<* And I was thinking about it… and you should never jump when you are playing… since Most Chun-li players know that Chun ownz Remy for FREE when you stay low (in most faverable situations)…

Oh if ANYONE knows how to play against Makoto please POST ! The Money winning SA is deadly!

please post some tips for future references… Thanks

For Makoto. Make her work to get to you. Run away a lot. Always watch for st.short cause it usually means kara something. Punish a blocked dash punch with a super or kara throw. beware of tick karakusas (off of LP and MP) and jump when you see them coming. Learn to parry her SA2 in case she does a random one (although she shouldnt). still free super for you if she does a random super. Use cr.LP to stuff karakusa (the single most offered advice for vs Makoto :lol:) Use your pokes to stop her rushes but dont be predictable about it. Kara throw whenever you get the chance. :lol:Money winning SA2.

I have a lot of trouble with Makoto and have for a while now. I tend to alternate between rushing her and running away,trying to make her do somthing stupid in attempt to catch up. back Fierce and Fierce hurt Makoto, she cant be at all careless with her dashes.

As for Yun I hate fighting him more than anyone , save for another Chun.
Ill let someone else give Yun advice :lol:

since there is talk of vs other characters, how about vs ibuki?

can you punish her “air dagger super” after block from any distance or is it specific? also, any other tips would be helpful, other than out poke her?

punish it with an SA2 or a st.Fierce if you can reach and dont have meter. If you parry a Kunai when shes jumping in its a free anything you want. Sorry I dont have better advice than that, I just recently started playing a lot of this matchup and Im still figuring it out. Chuns pokes really do own her though.

I’ve NEVER bothered playing with Chun in 3S, and even if I do I don’t use her well, so can someone give me some 101 with her?
I know SA II is an excellent punisher BTW.

read BillyKanes faq at Read this thread too. You’ll learn everything you need to know to start you off with Chun.

And yeah, SA2 is great in punishment situations. Its best to combo into it though, off of cr.MK especially, as well about a zillion other things. Wasnt sure if thats what you meant by punisher. but yeah. go read!! :slight_smile:

Yup that’s what I mean, SA II=death

I guess this thread is more relevant now after all these years…, but vs Akuma’s dive kicks is it best to just look for a chance to dash under? If going air to air is a the best one to use?

If you feel confident you can, dashing under could lead to some good damage. Kind of depends on if these are naked dive kicks or dive kicks from a demon flip. If it is from a demon flip, Akuma can cancel with the palm ender instead and block when he hits the ground, but if he does go for the dive kick he should be vulnerable for a small amount of time. If Akuma’s jump is close enough, should work, but if it isn’t a demon flip he can still parry it before attempting the dive kick. If I know Akuma is going for a dive kick I tend to just parry it and punish with close roundhouse. At the right distance you can let him land and do a full ground combo after a parry.

lately I’m having trouble rushing down with chun, any general tips for playing the rush game?

Chun is just too good to sit back all day, and I fucking hate turtling.

chun doesn’t have much in the way of hit-confirms or damaging mixups without meter, so opening the opponent up with rushdown doesn’t really benefit her much. some of the ballsier chuns use partitioning (sbk against larger characters who are less able to punish it, and lightning kicks) to make good use of forward dashes, headstomp tricks leading to resets or ground crossups if it hits air-to-air, and a bit more variety in their kara throw setups to make up for it. search for koushun and have a look at some of the things he does to stay aggressive and take advantage of her mobility options compared to other chuns. rikimaru and nuki have some good moments too, but koushun has pretty much never played defensively since 1999.

yes, I’ve watched plenty of Nuki and Rikimaru. I’ll just study more footage.
as for Koushun LOL hes interesting to watch, very different from all the other Chuns. But I like him and his yakuza looking hair.
Raoh plays pretty weird too.

How would you guys say the Chun/Remy matchup should go? Usually teir whoring is not my thing, I play the characters I like whether they are high/low and just get on with things, but every single time my Hugo comes up against a Remy it seems like I get owned for free no matter how well I play (my Hugo is awful though…). I’m starting to seriously consider picking up a counter and only using them against Remy and perhaps Necro (there’s a decent local Necro player who consistently owns my Hugo, but not as bad as Remy).

How would you guys say the Remy/Necro matchups are for Chun? What are her best tools against them? Currently I’m taking like 1-2/5 games off these players and I’d really like to be able to even that up a bit even if it means learning a second character.

Chun remy is like 9-1. Watch the set in match vids thread between nuki and genmitsushin. Also counter picking makes you a lame.

Awesome thanks for the info, man. I’ll go take a look.

Also, I *really *am not bothered if people want to think counter-picking is lame, especially when dude’s using Remy specifically as Anti-Hugo tech in the first place.

play whoever you want for any reason! it’s all good.

I don’t think Chun-Remy is that lopsided at lower levels of play. it’s still not in favor of Remy at all but it’s also definitely not 9-1 in the realm where us non-Nuki mortals play.

for Chun vs Remy get a bar of meter so you can shut down his fireballs. depending on the timing when you try to super through his fireball he can catch your SA2 with his SA2 but most Remy players will not ever attempt that I don’t think. the rest of the time you can just push him back into the corner with your better normals. don’t eat flashkicks. conservative offensive pressure is the way to go against Remy IMO.

:smiley: best post Ive seen today.

How many Chun Li guides/tutorial videos are out there?