Thank you guys for posting your info, even you guys that have been on the site for a while if you could post your info it would be great. And shit, we have so many people lurking I’m glad many are coming out! If you are new please by all means introduce yourself!! We definitely would love to get to know everyone.
CHICAGO 2016-2017 Thread: Welcome New Players, check out the Facebook Group page as its more active!
John Dewinski
West Suburbs, Carol Stream
Handle: JohnDew
PSN: JohnDew
Wish I could make it to XIII tonight >< Guess I’ll just open up the fourteenth :]
yo im looking to host on days there isnt shit going on…loking at a future friday…ill even do sunday’s…
im also looking 4 dedicated mk players to play offline strictly MK9…not ssf4…mvc3…but MK9…(CVS2)
Since were doing introductions…nah jk. Think I’m just like the rest of the guys around here, I’m broke, and on summer vacation looking for a job. College is done for the year and no summer classes so I’m pretty much doing nothing every day lol and I just want to get better at the MvC3\SSF4. It sucks though being 20 cant really go to Gameworks on thurs, and even if I was of age no car :/. What up bombchivo! I always forget about u man lol, I was the guy with dannkk when galloping arcade first opened up
Lol, i actually thought of that team the day before the tournament, but i did see you playing it so i was writing down tips in my phone lol.
UFGT was amazing, auction draft tourneys are a great idea. See you at Dead’s tonight
oh here’s the new thread. good OPs, Tactics
South Side
PSN: beatsofdevil
online games: arcana heart 3, mvc2, 3rd strike (I’ll prob try this out if netplay is decent), CvS2 (whenever it gets online). (wishful thinking: SoulCalibur2 online).
fun hanging with a lot of you this weekend
props to frank for playing so well to get winners top8 but DAMNIT man you had that match against justin heh
Lol for a second when I kept seeing people say Frank I would wonder who the hell it was. Now I know its Frankie…I mean Frank.
On the stream during the SFIV auction tuboware admitted he cannot call a grown man frankie, so he kept calling him frank
games: SSF4, MVC3
location: South Side, Chicago.
Heya! Name’s Luck. Guess I’ll try to make it out to one of you guys’ shindigs one day, but you all stay so far north it’s crazy (I stay on the South Side).
Either way, I’ll send the info to you, Tactics, but I have my own play group that plays every Thursday on the West Side of Chicago. We mostly play Sc4, but I and some of the other play just about anything (I think about all of us except 3 or so play MvC3 to varying degrees).
Actually, looking at it, your place isn’t too far from where I play on Thursdays, Tactics, so I may try to hit your place up. I’m going to be busy, possibly, on Friday, but I should be able to free up Saturday. If anyone’s looking for a ride coming through the Southside to Tactics place (I stay far south), just hit me up. Only problem is that, if I’m not doing anything Friday, I’ll probably just head to my guy’s house on the West Side, play there, and then head to Tactics the next day (so you would have to spend that Friday night at my guy’s house); if I leave out Saturday, I’ll probably head out early and see if any of my guys want to head there too, though.
And, yeah, on PSN and XboxLive, I’m LostProvidence.
Hey everybody. My XBL handle is “TheEarPull” and I’ve been playing fighting games online quite a bit recently. I live near Schaumburg. My main game right now is SF4, but I play some MK9, MvC3 and BlazBlue – and whatever else I come across.
I’d like to go to some offline gatherings and play some good players, but I don’t have a car at the moment, and I haven’t found anything that I can get to with just public transport. Anyway, that’s the gist of it. I’d like to get some games in with SRK people online in the meantime – at least to see how bad I really am at fighting games lol.
lol hey lp. I would play MVC3 but I suck at it and don’t want to smack myself in the face with how scrubby I am. Maybe I’ll play this week.
Anyways general statement here: My names Seph, I’m mostly Soul Calibur 4 but trying to branch out because I’m new-ish to fighters and turned out to enjoy them a lot. I MAY be able to make tonight but can’t make promises. I’m mostly looking for MK9 and MVC3 groups, but I’m not too hot at either game and don’t actually own them. I really enjoy playing and would like to get better but don’t have the money to buy either. =\ How much is the Area XIII arcade? I don’t see a price in the original posts and the address keeps bringing me to some construction company @_@
::Edit:: I would like to add I’d really like to level up my game and get better, I have fun playing but I’m competitive so I love getting better.
Spark Notes Version
Name: Max
Game: SSF4
Location: Evanston
Car: Yes
PSN: Curly_W
TLDR Version
Hi everyone! My name is Max, I’m relatively new to both Chicago and the fighting game scene. You may have met me either at Eric’s AE Gameworks tournament a few weeks ago or at UFGT this weekend. At both places, I was helping out organizing the brackets, running tournaments, and wearing a Washington Nationals hat. I’m not very good at fighting games but I love organizing competitions, so if you ever plan on running a tournament, I’m always willing to help out in any capacity.
I live in Evanston, though I do spend quite a bit of time in Hyde Park. I have a car and I’m always willing to provide a ride anywhere. The only game I really play right now is SSF4. I have Marvel as well, but I’m getting the feeling it may be beyond my skill. I’ve got a PS3 and my handle is “Curly_W”.
On an unrelated note, @42dollarblanka is now on Twitter. Everybody should follow him.
Really nice job making a new post and bringing people in D! Hopefully this will help us all connect better/level up.
Hey all, I’m John. You can usually recognize me by the lame hipster fedora I wear to gatherings (though there were a few others with 'em at UFGT, I even got mistaken for somebody lol). PSN is Zan-sam (with the hyphen), and I play SSFIV (Guile) and MvC3 (Spencer/Ammy/Akuma or Dante/Ammy/Sent). Feel free to add me!
I know transportation is a pain for various people to get out to gatherings. That said, when I do go to Area XIII/Gameworks/Tactics’ I come out from Dundee and am usually the farthest west person to come out. If you need a ride and you’re more or less on the way (Schamburg, Bartlett, Roselle, Elgin etc), PM me and we might be able to arrange something. Happy to go a few mins out of the way if it means getting more people involved and leveling up the scene.
Yeah, if there’s an event I’m going to and if there’s room in my car I’m glad to give folks a ride, as well.
New thread? New introductions. Oh booooy. Here it goes.
Gamertag on XBL is Repent13.
I live on the southwest side of the city in Little Village.
I have a car, and do travel to fight.
I prefer to game in person, not online, and will avoid online play if it’s humanly possible.
I have no reservations picking people up from easily accessible transportation routes, like bus stops and train stations, or their homes/locations if it’s on the way to where I’m going, and someone has something to contribute. Be it snacks/food, gas, drinks, etc.
I tend to look at people who act better, or more superior than others for moving a joystick more precisely, or pressing buttons better, like they are a lesser evolved species of humanity, because they are. It’s hard to mix pity and laughter, but I have to do it when someone acts like they’re big shit.
You may or may not know me. My name is Mike.
Yes, Mike. I know, a mad unique name and there’s no one else named Mike for miles and miles around the Illinois area, right?. Not a single person, nope.
I’m usually the skinny white guy in the black Sox hat, who plays Akuma.
I can fix your xboxes, ps3’s and computers like nobody’s business. If there’s a technical problem, chances are I’m the man.
I’m down with people doing like Bill and Ted did, and being excellent to one another.
I’m not down with video game or messageboard drama, and have absolutely no problems with bloodying someone physically if their mouth demands it
I play SF4 because there’s no current gen fighting game as good, regardless of the upcoming Yun-fest 2011.
I’m down with MK because it’s Chicago, and if you’ve grown up here, that shit’s in your blood.
I’ll play marvel as a novelty game, since everyone else is playing it and it detracts from the amount of people playing sf. (I happen to think it’s ass, but one of those not-totally flat asses that you’d rate like as a six on a scale of 1-10 if you’re passing down the street and it walks past you.)
Shouts to whomever I met over the weekend.
Some new cats from the area. Think I met Houseface, who is a buddy of BP.
(and whoever was the tall brotha with the sox hat, playing akuma, son, get a hold of a motherfucker, let’s build)
Big ups to everyone I met and played in Chicago for UFGT! I was soundly defeated in the tourney, but I still had a lot of fun with casuals and trying out AE at Gameworks.
And to BP Amoco - It was great to finally meet you face to face. I’m def stealing your Gief mirror match strategy!
Well, let me do this…
Real Name: Jay
Where I stay: West Side of Chicago
My Games: Super Street Fighter IV (Balrog, Chun-Li & T. Hawk mostly), Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (If you see one of the Gamma Cousins & Taskmaster on the same team, might be me), SSF2HDR (Rarely play this anymore…)
Games I want: Mortal Kombat 9 (Trying to save up for it…)
Mode of Transportation: CTA…so, yeah…
Xbox GamerTag: DaMerc 82
If there are any Tourneys held within Chicago, I’ll probably be there. Outside of the city, probably not, unless it’s Rosemont. Good to see other Chi-Town fighters representing here.