that shit was too fun. Michaelangelo is definitely an awesome guy and Valle blowing up our late night MK stream was godlike. ReyArt against kano and jax if they do x-ray mash spin since it puts you air borne so you cant get grabbed.
The name is Christian. Mostly play MK9 but I do play MvC3.
XBL: Xian2
Props to Tactics for starting the new thread
and to our top placing local players
Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
I’m Chris and I’m an…wait…that’s not right…
XBox: Sequential Pulp
PSN: Deliverator_CS25
GGPO will also be Sequential Pulp once I get ports forwarded and my stick working on the computer.
From the western suburbs (Lisle, specifically)
Playing SSF4 (Cammy. Looking to add Yang, and possibly Akuma)
MK9 (Raiden. Gonna hit training with Sub Zero)
If there were more people to play with, I’d love to level up in older games, too.
CvS2, 3rd Strike, looking at getting into Vampire Savior, SFA2 and/or 3
Wassup everyone, names Nate, aka Shonuff
I live in Chicago, IL Southside on 95th and Loomis.
XBOX Gamertag Xlx Shonuff xlX
I play MvC3, SSFIV, MK9
I have Blazblue CS2 but I rarley play it.
I have no car (yet) and it seems every mode of transportation ends with driving the rest of the way which sucks. I hope our community can grow where our Chicago transit can actually meet for once. Looking forward to playing everyone an leveling up.
Nice seeing all these new faces, hope to see some of you at a gathering or something soon to get some games in.
Also in regards to transportation and city players I will most iikely move close to the Lisle area in a few months and will be holding weekly gatherings again on Saturday Nights.
Name: James F.
Handle: J4nereau on PS3, have an xbox but no fighters for it, only shooters.
Unfortunately i live way up by wisconsin, like 2 hours from the city, got a truck but can only seat one other person in it. Good news only an hr from area 13
Want to play: Right now really heavy with MK9 it was my first game i ever actually owned on any system. Also trying to get back into Street fighter, just picked up Super again. And hopefully AE soon. I have MvC3 don’t really play it anymore though.
Hope to meet you all soon at one of the venues, most likely Area XIII, so when i show up be nice to the noob please
I’m most likely going to come to the gathering on Saturday. I have to be back in the city for a show late at night, but still plenty of time to chow (I’ll think of something good to make/bring) and play some games!
Sucks I’m in a pretty sucky situation right now but i’ll post anyway.
Real Name is Vik live on chicago southside 68th\Stoney Island. I play\or am garbage at SSF4 (Pad) and MvC3(Stick) I’m pretty much dirt poor right now, only real means of transportation is CTA(no car)…I’d Love to kick it and meet with you guys but dunno how I would make it out to Addison but yeah I’m online all day most of the time and lookin for a job, who isnt though lol.
PSN: Spycarnegy - MVC3\SSF4
Names jeff
South burbs, chicago heights
Xbox: jae bananas
Psn: jei-be
I play ssf4, i was the scrubby ken at gw last thurs. Met joe(deadxiii) he told me to post.
Wolverine/Deadpool/Sentinel as one of you MvC3 teams huh? Did you decide to play that team before or after you saw me blowin people up on the stage!? LoL!! I kid. It’s a sick ass team. People sleep on Deadpool so much.
I don’t like how location/psn/gamertag aren’t shown on each post anymore…
I know most of you guys already, but if anyone else wants to add me, my psn is beardedjoe and i’m in naperville. i’m pretty much only playing marvel these days.