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About turbo, I got messages about my usage of “turbo” frequently, even tough I mash LP for elec (yeah, I can’t piano or slide).

What’s funnier:

a) There’s little advantage of using turbo… if you can’t do piano/slide like me it means you’re probably not that good of a player, so being able to do cr.LK / cr.MK / st.LP xx Elec whenever you want is not a game changer

b) Even if I did want to use turbo, the turbo function on the PS3 TE sucks, because it’s too slow so you CAN’T press MK + LP and hold LP to get LP elec, imagine HP elec then… it’s impossible.

learning correct jumping timing to stop standard wakeup options is pretty important if you’re blanka. One that took me a while to get is vs honda. SO even if his buttsplash autocorrects i can hit him out of it with cs.HP. But yeah someone mentions choco uses j.MK. It’s just easier to use that, but less stun/damage/etc then j.HP. I should practice using j.HP more. I use j.MK as it is.

Do me a favour; Try this, it’s not top-level play… it’s a derivitive of pro technique, dilluted down to average level… but it works:

Slide your forefinger from lp -> mp -> hp, then back -> mp -> lp. Instant lp xx lp.elec. That in itself is a big deal, and it’s sooo easy. If you have your last button in the top row set to 3xppp, you can slide to the end and then back again to get lp xx ex.elec. Ex.elec is handy for -> -> fs.lp xx ex.elec. Unlike ending in hp.elec, this version won’t whiff on skinnier characters.

When you get this sorted, stuff like xx lp.elec works just the same… slide from lk up across the top row and back. It’s dead easy. Don’t press too hard or your finger will get sore, or if you feel the need to press hard… wear a glove.


  • May make you ‘look’ like a pro when in fact, you’re far from it.
  • Not a proper substitute for sliding lp ->mp ->hp ->mp ->hp. Leads to less blockstun / frame advantage / damage.
  • Overuse of EX elec will lead to crap ‘meter management’ and may result in ‘Super’ deficiency in some cases.

An easier way to get the fp elec, along the lines of darachnid thinking, is to set the top right button (fourth button on the top) to mp. So you will hit lp mp hp mp (4th button on top) back to fp. If you want ex, just drag two fingers. It takes a little bit of practice, but really, its not hard at all. Ill be honost though, I never get ex through this method, i just cant think that fast. Honostly, if u are using ex elec in combos, you are doing something wrong. Though i can see where it might be justified in AE, with HP ball knocking down, ex elec combo will always be a bad idea. elec combos and elec setups are primarily to build up meter (and win, but thats obvious).

The top fourth button needs to be mp and cannot be fp (least the way i do it) bc if y ou use fp, then when you go from fp to fp, the second fp does not register. This may be due to my own problems, but I just follow what works.

If you use either low mk or low short, just hit the low kick attack, then go from right to left side and back: fp mp lp mp fp.

Nah same here, it doesn’t register. Now… if we were to have five top butons… hrmmm, where’s my drill?

there are some instances where ex electricity is the correct idea, but it’s character specific and situation specific.

I agree ves, there are many characters where electricity combos dont work, such as viper. low mk, stand jab, elec, will always whiff, but ex elec will hit. However, with the coming fp knockdown, most of those situations where ex elec is comboable will not be necessary or really that important anymore.

Ex elec is really useful for raw damage to counter jumpins or other various situations. A combo ender, it can be, but it has better uses. And I rather not use meter during combos. I like meter to be mobile and versatile, and want combos to give me more of that meter! (obviously, if meter can be used to extend a combo to do more damage, thats another thing, so im waiting on the ex hori ball property changes).

Be left-handed is a handicap to pianoing or sliding ? Sometimes my left hand get tired, or my right hand is more strong i feel, sad… and if my hand and my stick are too dry, slide is more hard.

Im left handed. I have just learned over the years that right hand pushes buttons and left moves the stick. I learned how to use right handed scissors too. Evolve or die?

Hmm i see, and you slide or really piano ? I try to sliding with too much fingers, my inputs are dirty.

I slide and used to do it really cleanly, i’ve gotten tons sloppier without noticing now i’m usually getting mp/ex elec like a dolt <_>

Maybe it’s just my fingers but sliding has never really felt uncomfortable to me/never considered a glove etc. It felt so simple that it used to make me assume piano-ing must be loads better just from difficulty association logic.

Then I learned to piano and was still plinking ex electricity for no good reason and just went back to sliding. The biggest con seems to be the offset of my hand post slide, but that’s never been a massive problem so far.

I suppose the other issue is timing things like -> jab, ball is a ton easier than -> slide-elec. Whereas piano lets me time that first input a bit cleaner.

the thing is with blanka ball knockdowns they don’t put you in a position to continue any sort of offensive momentum outside of the corner. I don’t use ex a lot, but it has uses.

Using meter to extend combos is madness, who does Blanka think he is? Every other character in the game?

Lol yea blanka having advantages most everyone else has…never gonna happen.

Bah, in the end im just gonna end all my combos with fp elec. Its so easy for me that i hit it more often than ball combos…i have serious issues, but i do love to cancel elec to continue pressure.

yeah I’m still going to end everything in hp elec, just situations where hp elec doesn’t reach it’s a plus now.

i actually use ex electricity SOMETIMES to continue my electricity pressure… reasons are…

  1. it gives a bigger hitbox (everyone knows that)
  2. people can visually see ex electricity pressure and naturally turtle up knowing i get craploads of frames

the 2nd point allows me to walk up further than usual since they are a bit paranoid… allowing me to kinda ‘reset’ the electricity pressure … usually do this when i really wanna push my opponent to the wall… i usually do something like… jab xx elec, jab xx ex elec, walk a lot, jab xx elec, jab xx elec, something else to follow up.

it’s really not much block damage but the mental pressure on the opponent probably makes them wanna squirm.


I think ex elec might scare people. Unfortumately its less +frames tham hp elec, but larger distance.

I never use the Ex elec, and i hate FADC my balls, i do that only when it’s necessary (not safe on hit), i love keep my meter for super.

For elec, with training, my slide is better i feel but, the MP elec comes out the most of the time, sometimes LP or HP, rarely Ex, so i need more training, i do that badly i think, but the elec comes out.

I slide for jab xx Elec, piano for Cr Forward xx Elec (thumb on forward and other fingers of the same hand to pianoing), i can piano too for close short xx Elec but it’s more hard, i prefer use Close LP with slide, and for Cr. short i just do jab + short rapidly on a Hop for example (i know it’s lame), you know other good method for cr short ? Sliding too ?

I slide cr.short. Just arc your hand a bit.

I’ve forever been a lp, mp, hp, mp, hp slider, and fairly recently, experienced issues with my old man hands/wrist which sometimes cause me execution errors, even though I used to never have any issues with it. I’ve been using the worse lp, mp, hp, mp, lp more and more because I have 100% consistency with that. I’ve tried the top 4th button to mp/lp before like you said, and actually it worked great, but I use that button for 3P, and I plink for ultra (too hard for me to do consistently with actually pushing the 3 punch buttons) and also for 3P + 3K (to OS throw/focus since lp, mp, lk, mk is not consistent for me either). If ae just let 3P count as a punch button push, then everything would be perfect. Either that, or my hands need to revert to their young selves…

Are there any setups that work consistently (and are at least nearly universal) for J. HP crossup? I tried it in training mode and could only get it like 20% of the time with varying spacings. I’d like to learn the spacing but kinda need a reference for where it’s at. Also, can j. hk cross up?