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I’d never meaty throw against a shoto, and even then the only time I’d try a meaty throw is throw teching after a laggy corner air reset. Walk up meaty throw is comparitive to trying to bearhug a suicide bomber.

I seen you footsie’ing a Gief last night with cr.hp, lots of times. Seemed to work alright.

i wish blanka could do damage without ultra/super.

sigh =[

I almost kinda wish something like ball fadc hop electricty would work ;[

for 3 bars it does in 2012.


3 bars plus a few extra fingers.

Meaty throw is good. Also if you never meaty a shoto, the only setup you are allowed to do to them is ambiguous jump fierce. So off of a b.throw, sweep, slide, you never ever continue pressure?

Obvious sarcasm on my part. My point was just because something can be answered doesn’t mean you can’t go for it. Nothing Blanka does is completely safe other than ambiguous jump fierce and max range jabs for the most part. you can’t just decide to not do things because maybe you might get hit.

If you have a situation that is weighted in your favor as blanka you pretty much should look to include it in your game.

Also I generally don’t like to pull this card, but I know what I’m talking about, listen to me.

I thought ambig.j.fierce was off of b.throw?

b.throw setups are vulnerable to late dp vs. certain characters, including shotos.

f.throw, whiff lp ball, step back, j.hp is not vulnerable to late dps, but doesn’t do as well vs. reversals that have bigger hitboxes.

F.throw, lp ball, electricity, then mixup( or reverse)Is pretty good and is what I do most, you build meter and you’re in advantage for some meaty but i do remember getting hit by a shoto dp by backdashing immediately (I expected the dp since I’ll get chipped killed). Not sure if I got hit because I messed up my backdash or my invincibility frames are over


biggest problem with that setup is that it eats up all but about 15 frames of the knockdown, so you have less time to set up something ambiguous.

I like that in corner though. I do that, get back charge from the electricity, walk back, then fish for ch. low forward or for a reversal. Free ultras

My main mixup after that setup is really continuing mash electricity (change to hp), throw, ex upball, and just block to bait… To me that’s ambgious enough


I feel like I don’t have control if I do those things.

well that’s what makes each player different and it’s really a matter of preference i suppose.


Hmm I think you get very few chances for true mixups with Blanka so you need to take them when you get them.

I hate guessing though. Probably why I hate fighting Abel.

hm… i dunno… i really do find the setup i’m using as a ‘true mixup’ am i guessing? yes… but that pretty much applies for doing anything else like ambiguous cross ups, safe jump into mixups. To me it’s all the same but with the above setup at the VERY least i’m gaining some meter before i do my actual mixup… oh on top of all that… i also sometimes do neutral jump…

I like the setup a lot simply because it really lets me analyze how my opponent react and lets me ‘categorize’ them as a certain type of opponent.

By watching what they like to do to react to this mixup i have a good idea what they tend to do if their opponent is next to them doing something ‘funky’… do they like to do reversal dp? do they like to just sit there and block? do they like to crouch tech? Those are their options… While in most cases if i don’t wanna take a risk i can simply block or backup or back dash to observe. But I can also set up my throw or continue offense if i feel like my opponent isn’t gonna react much…

Although the same can be done if you do some sort of safe jump or ambiguous crossup, the difference is… 1) i don’t build meter before hand and more importantly 2) it’s not unique/original compared to other characters… all characters can do the exact same safe jump/ambiguous cross up the pressure/confusion isn’t the same compared to the above setup where it’s really Blanka specific and the way they handle that type of pressure/mixup is probably something they haven’t really experienced as much… and when someone generally have less experience against a certain mixup they generally do worse compared to something that they are more familiar with.

the setup above i feel like i’m STILL forcing my opponent to decide on something and if i make an observation that they don’t know what to do or how to react… it’s very easy for me to predict and adjust what i do next time when the same scenario occurs…

please do keep in mind despite the fact i like the setup above it’s NOT like i do this ALL the time… usually if i do this setup and do another forward throw on them… i usually don’t do it the second time… and if i do… i definitely won’t do it the third time.


Any advice for the link CrLK CrLK ? You use P link ?

plink it.

You’re going to drop it sometimes though, thats just the nature of the link

Since I’ve been using meaties more that helps too. 3 frames and plinkable is easy.

I miss a lot when i try to p link it, because i use the classic link since Vanilla… my fingers are lost lol.

what finger do you use to hit lk?
