[Character Guide] The Lili De Rochefort Walkthrough (w/ Combos/Strategy/Matchups/Videos/Frame Data)

I’m starting to get pissed with this game.

First there are so many people just playing SF4 that it it pisses me off. They don’t have to learn shit about their characters whereas everybody who’s trying to main the new TK chars have to struggle with so many guaranteed stuff like 3f reversals, known footsies tools and cross-ups from previous games.

Also the anti-air from Tekken are so bad that it hurts. Yeah Andante is perfect and leads to good damage but it only covers specific angles where most good players won’t be jumping.

Another thing is that Lili chains are most of the times countered by simple c.jabs. And also her f.mk/mp chain gets stuffed by almost all the good c.mk’s from the game. Facing Ryu is such a nightmare. Her air step kick also only works if its the ex. I’ve tried to used it in a match where i didn’t even reacted, i predicted and tiger kneed and the guy was still able to block it.

Sorry for the rage, but I’m almost dropping her. The only reason I don’t do it is because I expect this game not to turn into sf4 with gems and chains which in the rhythm things are going I don’t think it’s impossible.

Well there are new mechanics and some of the links the characters had in SF4 don’t work anymore so its not like they don’t need to learn anything. I’m playing both Rolento and Lili, I never played Rolento in alpha series and lili is just given. If you can’t land andante and you know they are jumping in then just do j.MP-j.HP into Peacock Jive. Her footies are godlike. You can do cr.LP-cr.LP-cr.MP into LK Sunflower Dance and it gets everyone almost all the time. If they block sunflower lance then dont do the follow ups then it will be safe. She plays defensive most of her normals are safe.

Usually what happens when you learn new characters. Just gotta roll with it until you get good enough to get them to play your game.

Thanks for the help guys. Of course they have to learn SOME stuff but, come on, maining Ryu and Akuma means instant wins over most of the Tekken players in the first weeks of the game.

But I’ll keep on insisting. You guys have been great btw.

Honestly Akuma and ryu aren’t a problem. Because although they were in SF4 that means that you know all their movesets as the contender as well. The Mishimas are honestly the problem. Jin and Kazuya both have Infinites and glitches and Heihachi has lows to over heads over heads to lows and crap like that.

Mishima … >_>

Oops lawl


made a few execution errors here n there but, in the end got the win.

it means any airborne opponent’s going to eat a foot to the face.

In the combo section, there are a few standing combos that say “f.MP-MK”. Is that actually supposed to be f.mk-mp, cause I can’t get f.mp-mk to chain.

Yeah Ill change that in a bit

Good luck against good Hugos if you haven’t played them already. I have no idea what to do against one that is competent and doesnt just jump over and over. They can literally just stand in poke range charging lariat over and over again, and because it has super armor there’s nothing I’ve found that you can do about it. None of her chains go fast enough to break it, and none of them (that I knew of) hit twice. It’s tough, it’s frustrating, and if there’s nothing that’s found to do against that then I’m going to have to counterpick Hugos.

everytime I do cr.HP xx Super from a launcher/tag in the super never connects - any tips?

also cr.HP xx Team super never works… any1 else have problems with this?

Team super won’t work if your partner is still running off the screen. Standard super should juggle, idk what you’re dropping there.

from a tag in Lili can do angel knee, cr.HP into a team super. But yea whenever I do cr.Hp from a tag in into regular super it juggles too high so the last hit won’t connect and you won’t get the animation. Idk if i’m doing something wrong but I also can’t get it to work. You could always just do raw super on tag in if your opponent is close to death.

Yeah, her super’s a bit weird. On most characters (read: not fatasses) you need to whiff the third hit for the fourth to connect, which means that you actually need to hit it as high as possible without dropping the first hit (and thus the whole thing).

Do cr.mp heavy languish chain combo. Super doesnt whiff.

I find hugos either very easy for very hard. If the Hugo jumps a lot then they’re pretty much dead against a lili. However if they like to stand back you can always do your f.MK-MP poke. Just get close but not too close to where they can hit you. They will either Jump or do a clap. If they clap just poke them and combo after that. If they jump then you have andante or your j.MP-j.HP into Peacock Jive.

I’d like to note that f+HK is most likely +5 on hit, not +4. You can link cr.MK/cr.MP after it, both 5 frame moves, but not st.MP, a 6 frame move. I tested this on a crouching and standing Kazuya, and both times I could link cr.MK but not st.MP. I don’t know about you guys, but I would be rather sad if the unplinkable st.LP/cr.LP were 1F links.

Another thing I found (may be known): in the opponent’s corner, j.LP makes Lili land behind her opponent, j.MK makes her land in front. j.LP whiffs on crouchers, but those same crouchers will eat j.MK easily.

well is lp is a 2-frame link, and mp is a 1 frame link. the plinking mp is about the same difficulty and should be the best use right?

also extremely stupid question, but i have only ever played chun-li in previous capcom games.

what do you mean by Tiger kneeing a move?