[Character Guide] The Lili De Rochefort Walkthrough (w/ Combos/Strategy/Matchups/Videos/Frame Data)

So you can juggle angel knee into Dendro?

And its only -2 on block. Obviously if you’re using it at the end of a combo then its fine. +3 on hit

Another (hopefully) simple question, when is it better to end a combo on a crouching opponent with Dendrobium, and when so for Sunflower Lance. Not including EX Dendrobium.

Its better to do Dendrobium because its + on hit, Sunflower Lance is - on hit. ):
Its better to do sunflower dance at the end of a juggling combo. Even though I don’t use Sunflower Lance, It does more damage than ending a juggling combo with dendrobium. The only reason why I use Dendrobium is because it gives you an opportunity for a safe Jump.

Is it a ‘hold up’ safe jump? What do you do if they don’t quick rise?

Her j.MK is a cross up, so if you’re able to cross up then you can combo right afterward.

Safe Jump - any option select jump attack setup designed to circumvent all counterattack possibilities; usually performed after a knockdown, wherein the last airborne frame of a deep jump attack is timed optimally to coincide with the opponent’s first tangible frame following wakeup animation; opponents whose quickest invincible attack is slower than the landing recovery time of the jumping character can never punish the jump-in attempt while the attacker is holding a defensive joystick position

Angel knee, cr.HP xx Dendrobium

Just updated the thread and added more combos

Anyone else having problems against Raven and Rolento?

What’s the problem against Raven?

A crossup is not a safe jump unless when they do a reversal you land and block it, but when they don’t do a reversal they have to block. If the crossup makes their reversal go the other way, they can usually do an delayed move with invincibility to hit you. That’s not a safe jump.

for raven dun chase him if hes playing lame ex head stomp him when he throw a air shuryuken. You’ll land on him as he is landing.
I dunno. i haven’t fought a good rolento yet. Lili is eh against pressure you gotta burn meter to get out of it. Alpha counter every patriot circle he does. you only need 3 solid hits to do a alpha counter. You could also ex counter but then he’d probably bait for it. It seems rolento has no solid wake up. Get in his face asap. I personally think the match up for both characters is even. I also think lili wins against rolento because you can maul him with your 50/50. All he has is pokes.
Hope that kinda helps.

Anyone find any good wake ups for Lili? I find all her options except roll, block, ex counter, cross cancel to be pretty lack luster. When shes knocked down I’m not entirely sure what to do on wake up. Reminds me of gouken on wakeup.

tekken characters suffer from this problem. This is where yomi comes into play. you gotta let your opponent think they can do stuff to you on wake up for free. Ex counter comes into play after you eat a few block strings or drop a round. once you do this you do ex counter and then you train your opponent not to go hasty and they will respect you on wake up because ex counter fucks up everything that isn’t a grab or super arts. ex counter is 180 damage and its untechable. So you can position yourself again to apply pressure. Compared to most tekken characters lili has better options on wake up, not the best, but still good.

I usually ex counter, but if I get crossed up for some reason counter gets stuffed. That’s probably the only wakeup at this juncture of all junctures.

I posted some meter burning videos of Lili and Cammy. Simple, none impressive combos. Keep in mind this was day one training with that team and I realize these combos are not practical. But, I do show some combo openings. Since then, I have learned some decent solo combo’s and I will post some of those later.

The videos were shot using my Android so the quality is really bad. But that’s all I got to record for now.


Edit: I took all the videos I recorded and combined them too remove the hassle of switching from one video to another. The goal of this video is to show different combo openings for Lili+Cammy so a lot of the combo’s are similar. All of the combo’s use three bars and do roughly 330-400+ damage. I will be posting more soon.


Is it okay if i put these in the guide?

Hey i have a video of a match i had online, i feel Lili and Vega complement well together. Open for suggestions on what i can do better.


Yes, go right ahead.

Guys, how are you using her in matches? I can’t get the grasp of her gameplay. I’m usually being passive waiting for opponent to jump and then punishing with her damaging anti air combos or going for counters and things like this.

When on the ground, I’m going for her f.mk/s.mp chain combo, and hitting or not i try to follow with the s.lp/f.mp/s.mk/c.hp into ExDen, into Saisaris, c.hp, sunflower lance. Other than that I think that her cross up kinda sucks and her cross up combos on crouched opponents haven’t convinced me enough. I dig her but haven’t found any ways to make her really work yet.

You want to space yourself from your opponent if they jump in just andante. use f.MK-MP to get in. It’s safe on block. If you’re in do a bedtime. If they’re crouching do an EX Dendrobium to extend. If not then Angel Knee into cr.HP into LK Sunflower Lance.

When you’re up close, just do cr.LP,cr.LP,cr.MK xx LK Sunflower Lance, It gets everyone all the time. If you’re far enough you can risk yourself by doing Dominating Heel Into f.MK-MP into Bedtime into Angel knee, Angel knee, cr.HP, LK Sunflower Lance.

Colored text just got removed from the forums. Hope the guide is still visually pleasurable to you guys. It seems so plain now.