[Character Guide] The Lili De Rochefort Walkthrough (w/ Combos/Strategy/Matchups/Videos/Frame Data)

Wow, I seriously need to check the comman list again huh? Just checked it out and I feel much more at ease already. Cant wait to test it ingame.

Sorry about that I had no idea she had this kind of move. Can you post videos that has to do with mixups and strategies and shenanigans?

Yeah andante is the best anti air in the game. Then you can Angel Knee into cr.MK into Dendrobium. Or Angel Knee, EX Angel Knee switch

Yeah, it seems it is a really really good anti air.

Now, let us all find out all the best followups to it!

Andante xx Angel Knee, cr.MK xx Dendrobium
Andante xx Angel Knee, cr.MK xx EX Dendrobium, Super
Andante xx Angel Knee, [s.LP,f.MP] xx EX Dendrobium, Super
Andante xx Angel Knee, cr.MK, Cross Art
Andante xx Angel Knee, EX Angel Knee, Switch, Partner Combo

So many options.

out of all the chars in this game… lili is definitely my favorite. I’m currently getting 551 with a full jump in and 3 bars, don’t know if I can squeeze anymore out of it.

The problem is that a lot of people are wasting meter to pull off flashy combos and deal low amounts of damage. 551 damage is really good though. How did you go about doing that?

I’m running Jin/Lili.

Jin seems like he’s a really suitable partner for Lili considering he’s one of the least meter dependent characters in the game, while she needs it unlike him. Lili’s crouching medium punch is also really good, almost Rose like, excellent for frame traps. Angel knee standing medium kick and Andante are both pretty good anti airs, crouching HP trades way too much so I avoid using it as an anti air.

Her jumping HK is her best air to air but you’re better off staying on the ground when you can beat pretty much any jump in with Andante.

I really like Lili but she has some pretty useless stuff. Her air throw is beyond ass. she can’t bait out a neutral jump like Guile for instance so it has no use. Her Devin step is way too unsafe to think about using, apart from ex that’s actually fast enough to punish fireballs from anywhere onscreen. Feisty rabbit is really risky to use too considering while she’s spinning she’s free to any type of hit. EX version is good, but that goes back to the whole Lili needs meter argument.

Everything else she has is pretty valuable. Dendrobium seems safe enough, and air spine shot is my favorite tool she has. It’s a good way to pressure your opponents wake up. Ex angel knee is an okay reversal (even though it whiffs on crouchers which is stupid) but I always throw one out on wakeup at least once to keep my opponent honest on their meaty pressure.One hit of sunflower lance is always good to throw in a block string, anyone that doesn’t know Lili will get hit by the second hit of sunflower lance, because by then their crouch blocking. Attack reversal is surprisingly good to throw out against predictable people. (I was trolling the hell out of some guy with it.)

So my early impressions of Lili is she’s pretty well rounded, not the best up close normals but manageable. Best played second. High damage when she’s stocked with meter. I’ll be sticking with her for sure, she has a lot of potential no doubt. I can’t wait until I really know what I’m doing with her.

It’s over shotos. I have got the perfect anti air solution.

Feisty Rabbit seems pretty useless for mixups. I was trying it out today. You can jab her out of most of her followups and they’re all unsafe on block afaik. Does anyone know of any up close blockstring pressure that is + on block? I know st.LP f.MP d.LK is 0 on block, and st.LP f.MP itself is +2, but that’s it.

I really need full frame data for her. :frowning:

Damage values pls. And why are you doing cr. MK after Angel Knee instead of st./cr. HP? Need to do as much damage as possible at the beginning w/ all the Damage scaling kicking in.

Should add the Angel Knee, HP, Sunflower Dance + Follow up. Best damage atm? I believe. 290ish damage. For 1 meter you can get up to almost 400.


safe block string would be

isnt your avatar against the rules? lol it seems too revealing.
Ill get the damage values when i get time
I just like doing cr.mk instead of cr.HP.
cr.mk has a longer reach and it comes out faster, you know just incase.

She got panties on and no nasty parts see thru :smiley:

Well, ist still wasted damage. I can understand when you do cr. MK later on, you have to sometimes. But Ok, if you feel more assured to continue the combo, less risk of mesing up by doing cr. MK, go for it.


I did however remembered a few people saying cr.MK was doing more damage than cr.HP… I need to test this…

No, need. Here are the values. Andante, AK, cr. MK = 168 Andante, AK, cr. HP = 192.

Range wise i find both good. But on floating targets, better go w/ cr. HP for that bigger vertical hitbox + you want to hit as early as possible to maintain higher post float.


Thanks man. I just updated the strategy section of the guide. I will also post continuations of the combo section and matchup section.
I will need to get data for matchups against each individual character in the game. If you guys have anything you want me to add in the matchup section please feel free to post.

Anybody with the frame data for lili please pm the data

I’m gonna assume. cr.mp comes out at 5 frames and maybe is +5 or 6 on hit. Seems to come out as fast as her cr. lk and cr. lp.

c.MP has a 5 frame start up and is active for 4 frames. +6 on hit and +2 on block.
Her c.LK has a 4 frame start up and is active for 3 frames. +5 on hit and +1 on block.

Your estimate was pretty spot on.

A little risky gimmick I discovered last night in a ranked match.
