Fineeeeee D:
He should actually put it in the Asuka video thread, because Lili is a whore, and he doesn’t play her.
you like ham sandwiches…cause i’m about to make one for you lili style >=[
I don’t really like ham. Besides, I was just saying what Fergus says all the time!
I can vouch for this.
>=\ you still gonna eat one whether you like it or not.
>=p you’re already on the list ferg, i’ll get to keeling you soon.
This week we look at dendrobium standing reset. This is more or less a refresher course of the move and what it can do for you. As you all may or may not know lili has a plethora of standing resets. Dendrobium is probably the most useful of all her resets. Not only does it reset damage but the move allots frame advantage so in a sense you are frame trapping your opponent. Mp allots +2 after hit and Hp allots +3 advantage. So moves such as become a 3 frame to 2 frame move if your opponent attempts to hit a button. Not only will you get the hit but you will reset your opponent into more damage. Why should i do this? Because it can catch your opponent off guard. The idea of lili’s mix up is to present soo many different mix up at once that your opponent begins to condition to one but you do something else and that mix could more or less end the match or set you up for another mix up. The more complex your guessing game is the easier it makes your life. If this isn’t part of your arsenal of Lili tools then you should consider adding it. This is a very strong tool to just overlook Lilis.
Lili Advice
List down all your mix ups
For example
- Set up opponent to be conditioned to eating sunflower lance.
- Stop the first hit of sunflower lance after doing it fully a few times
- Reset them with a throw or a into a link or chain combo
- During a combo hit my opponent with dendrobium
- Attempt reset.
- Begin dive kick oki game.
Some of these mix up can be added together but it’s best to list them all. Right now i have a complex meta game that would pretty much simply win me the match if i just followed it. A lili mix up list should at least contain 10-15 things to do in a match to make it very complex. The more complex your list the more things you have to practice <==== yeah practice list my friends. I say start small first because you need to play by your own gameplan and figure out what works and what doesn’t work for you.
That’s all lili heads. Until next time stay graceful!
I just do frame traps with her and poke with f+mk, most of my damage comes from that.
it’s not bad. I do the same thing as well until i can begin my mix up game. I just work on conditioning my opponent. Sometimes i just forego all the mix up and just go nuts and get some damage done.
Lili Tech Talk! Sorry for not posting in a while. Had to grab this off the general discussion board. Here they discussed Lili and i posted some responses to their comments…
you can do even more damage >=)
You’re still gonna use all of her ex moves. Angel knee will be more used into scaring opponents. Frame trapping lili will be very risky because of the inv frame she has and that she could potentially take 40% away in a milisecond.
Glad you brought that issue up. Sometimes you can still follow up with>hp but that’s only if you had carried them to the corner you can walk back a bit and do peacock waltz. The flip side to this is if your opponent is already in the corner when you do this don’t do ex feisty rabbit because you can’t follow up. To understand this and present it in a proper manner would require lab time and a video to show the lazy lilis >=)
lili has a pretty nice dash. You could always do ex rabbit to get away and rabbit foot. Move is fully inv so why not use it if you have the meter. Andante works but can also be muffed up of course. If the jump is deep you can cheer leader kick them into space. If the jump looks really deep you won’t be able to walk back and punt them you have to dash up or block the attack.
He ground game is average i will admit. She has two great pokes in and jhk. The idea with lili is to feisty rabbit a lot and show your opponent her ranges. Then when you spin it’s like a mix up because they’re not sure what you’re going to do and it also helps extends your neutral game. It’s gonna be more gdlk because capcom is trying to reward lazy lilis by giving them lots of meter gain for whiffing it. Fun fact you can rekka the spins but only the button you originally pressed.
only when it hits. You’ll want to use though because the first hit will juggle someone if they try to back dash. A strong tool in 2013 for sure because of the roll nerfs.
Hei has it, Asuka has it and Lili has it. -1 isn’t bad buuuut her counter is active on frame one. So if you press a button, counter 180 damage. Of course lili’s counter doesn’t work as well as asuka and hei because they can just do it and don’t have to think about it. This gimmick is a 50/50 because your opponent can do a cr. jab or a cr. lk ooor they do nothing and you get fucked up XD. So you have to decide either mp counter or hp counter or just blocking; imo blking is the best option. You have to read that your opponent likes to press a button upon that tekken chain being blocked, course it’s all yomi at that point. If you are lucky to hit counter your opponent will be scared to do anything on Lili’s peacock jive because the last time they pressed something they ate 180. It works much better if you do this and it kills them. Every time i did this the opponent was scared as fuck the next round to press buttons.
That should cover a months worth of tech talk. Next week…or whenever I’ll cover hard knock downs. This one will require me to do a little frame data research. Until then stay graceful my Lilis.
Hi guys, I am pretty much new to this game, and fairly new to street fighter style games in general.
I would like to know, what am I doing wrong here? this combo is on the first page, but they keep falling out of the super.
I am on the PC version of the game, so is this a patch issue? or am i doing something wrong?
Probably try doing St. Hp instead of Cr. HP and the super will connect on the 1st hit, whiff the 2nd and connect again with the 3rd hit for the full combo.
Lili’s super art is fickle because the first three hits juggle them upwards. If anything in that combo just do raw super arts after the ex feisty rabbit to thorn. It’s not you, it’s the super arts.
alright, thank you, i will try these suggestions when I get a chance to play.
going straight into super seems to be what works for me, thank you for the help.
Another question, is the kazuya match up supposed to be very difficult for lili? my friend plays him, and I feel like no matter what I do on the ground, all my attacks get shoved in by his and his mixup game seems insane . any specific tips to deal with him and what I could be doing wrong?
If he’s using those lame Tekken string mixups you can easily throw in a :mp: counter to destroy him every time he does it. That will stop him from every doing that lame crap again. Also if you can manage to block those strings you will be able to punish with just about anything (cr. :mp:, cr. :mk: or even F+:mk: on certain strings).
Kazuya doesn’t really have any damaging anti-airs outside of his rising uppercut so you can exploit that by using dive kicks to annoy him. Once you knock him down, don’t bother going for throws unless he quick stands. His regular standing animation is too slow and it will often cause your throws to whiff or be too late allowing you to eat cross rush. Be careful of his J. :hk:, if he uses it from max range you can only AA it with Ex Angel Knee because Andante will whiff causing you to eat a full punish.
Thanks, I will try this next time I play with him.
He does use the string mixups, but my problem is his jab preassure. it feels like kazuya’s lp beats out anything i can do if he gets right up on my face, which with mist step is not very difficult to do.
It’s an even match up. Like songi said you want to use counter. Counter> kazuya. If you can manage to stop his offense you’ll win the fight. Plus once you knock him down he has no real wake up tool so you want to harass him on wake up as much as possible.
Just something I was wondering - why do some Lili’s go for lk Angel Knee cr.hp lk Sunflower Lance after launch as opposed to cr.hp hp Deo hp?
Increased oki options because of the long duration knockdown that Sunflower Lance results in. Damage isn’t everything, it’s up to the player whether they want increased damage or more options on oki.
Thank you songi. Keep it up.
Yes you want to actually do sfl more because come patch she gets at least 65 meter for it.
The move allots at least 50-52 frames of knock down. that means you can whiff a whole bunch of moves for it. All of lili’s air normals suck because the window is so long that most safe jumps require practice and exact timing. The best option to do it is dive kick dive kick dive kick. <=== this is the lili vortex come patch.
Time to make Lili aware, even vets forget…IF THE LAST HIT OF SFL DOES NOT CONNECT IT WILL NOT CAUSE A HARD KD.
It’s all up to the player as songi said, you can either go for oki or you can go for more damage as you suggest. I usually opt for more oki because of the things i can do to harass my opponents. If one thing should be said to you all its this, have a set up. Every one of your knock downs should have a set up to either help you get ready for your next attack or bait. If you don’t have any of these i suggest you hit the lab. I’ll do a lili tech talk sometime soon. I’m going to create a new post with all of LIli’s safe jumps. I’ll be working it out in different categories. Stay tuned you crazy lilis.