Not enough active frames for den so you could eat a punish if wiffed. Even if you did connect you can’t convert off it. And If blocked then you are already at -2. You are better off with if they dont roll they have to deal with a meaty, and if they do you get an overhead which you can convert damage off of. Also you can condition them to stand block the overhead which is good cause you are also in range.
[media=youtube]J86Hjkbh_VU[/media] @14:26 my match got in another compliation vid on YouTube. It wasn’t my best work because the Cody match-up downright scares me with dem Cr. :lk: frame traps. Oh, well I made that bastard eat like 3 or more raw launchers.
please post this in the vid section songi. thanks
Btw working on the lili beginner guide. Soon to follow will be videos and the likes.
Today’s brief tech lesson. Dive kicks and you.
Dive kicks, Lili has them but are you effectively using them? Lili has one of the best dive kicks in the game. With the coming nerf to rufus’ dive kick she is only rivaled by cammy’s dive kick. As a refresher lesson i’ll go over her dive kicks.
lk dive kick. Good to use because it comes out quick. it’s not her best dive kick because it’s 0 on hit and minus on block. Like bad minus like you can get dp after it minus.
Mk dive kick +6 on hit and -2 on block. Use this one instead of because it recovers more quickly which can lead to some stupid IA dive kicks that lead to big damage.
Hk dive. This is the srk/flash kick killer. If you do this right on someone’s wake up you can even dodge ex srk. NOBODY CAN DP YOU IF YOU DO THIS RIGHT =)
Ex. Dive kick: Stupid stupid + on hit and on block. Best used as in instant air dive kick. if done right can lead to a 45% damage combo.
Remember the best way to use your dive kick is your opponents wake up. It’s part of your oki and is the bread and butter of lili’s air mix up game. Learn to mastery and effectively use it.
Quick quiz…(do this quiz please and write your answers lili heads)
Hugo is chargin lariat… you jump up to counter him…which dive kick do you use and why.
You want to cause your opponent to whiff an attack on their wake up or try to prevent a roll from happening. Which dive kick do you use and at what point of your jump arc do you do it. (expert lili question btw >.>;; )
Last question
Dive kick is best used in what situation?
Extra credit
Anyone who can come back here and tell me all the frame data for lili’s dive kick gets praise from me and some mercy when i’m kicking your teeth in with grace. =)
Now get out there and show me some grace Lili army!
Quick quiz…(do this quiz please and write your answers lili heads)
Hugo is chargin lariat… you jump up to counter him…which dive kick do you use and why.
Not gonna lie I rarely try dive kicks vs Hugo Lariat because I fuckin suck with using them outside of wake-up or mix-ups! I’ll just take a guess and say HK version because it’s safest on block and multi-hit just in case he actually commits to the lariat. Obviously EX version will outright destroy it but…why waste meter when you can beat it without?
You want to cause your opponent to whiff an attack on their wake up or try to prevent a roll from happening. Which dive kick do you use and at what point of your jump arc do you do it. (expert lili question btw >.>;; )
I’m just gonna say herp derp…I got nothin! Ex Sunflower Lance!!!
Last question
Dive kick is best used in what situation?
On wake-up or in-between pressure strings to fuck with your opponent’s head. Can even use it to cross-up during pressure if you want.
Extra credit
Anyone who can come back here and tell me all the frame data for lili’s dive kick gets praise from me and some mercy when i’m kicking your teeth in with grace. =)
:lk: = 9f startup, neutral on hit and -7 on block (ouch!)
:mk: = 12f startup, +6 on hit and -2 on block (so-so)
:hk: = 18f startup, +6 on hit and +1 on block (my favorite one to use)
Ex = 8f startup +20 on hit and +10 on block (so safe!)
- Now get out there and show me some grace Lili army!*
Feel free to style on me because I didn’t know one question! I never claimed to know everything I take the “Capcom approach” to everything I do with Lili. Throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks!
1 - Heavy divekick, of course. It hits twice! I much prefer to go with Saisaris though! (in air - :lk: :mk: )
2 - Heavy divekick again. I presume it would cross up, and it would beat move with one hit armour.
3 - Dive kick is best used when pressuring an oppoment, or to screw with their heads when approaching. They can try to AA, but you’ll already be on the ground!
Just a quick question from the resident Lili newbie - what’s your most damaging hit confirm without meter? The most I can get without launch is 345, provided I’m paying a good deal of attention.
If they’re standing, then > f+hp xx lk knee > cr.hp xx deo > f+mk st.hp
Crouching, I just do > xx lk lance.
Can use that in any situation, crossup, low option after conditioning them with overhead, F+mk on hit, etc.
quizzes all look nice. Smart answers.
Ah the old lili classic combo. This doesn’t requires a jump in and puts your opponent in a hard knock down state and is fun to do…ahem…
cr.hp> lk angel knee> lk angel knee> cr. hp> lk sunflower lance 362 meterless.
He’s looking for a hitconfirm combo though, not a punish combo
Looking at the way Capcom have handled the Tekken Side changes so far, they’ll probably do something like increase the hit-stun on EX Rabbit so that we can combo into Rabbit Thorn without having to connect another EX Spin to do so.
EDIT: Although I shouldn’t be so hasty to judge right now.
Um…I haven’t said this for the longest time but I will now…ahem… is +5 on hit not +4. How?
It links into or, that’s a one frame link. That is all =o
I still won’t attempt it because my execution is sloppy…unless it leads to extremely flashy and pretty combos! :oops:
It’s a one frame link and it looks awesome of course! Why it’s just marvelous!
The frame data is off in some places. If f.HK was only +4, then cr.MK wouldn’t be able to connect after, but it does and leads to her most damaging confirm off of it.
yeah it’s all iffy. I would had hoped other Lili players woulda been like, “this here links” and then go try it out.
This is a problem that has been irking me as of late. It’s directed at you lazy lilis. DON’T FUCKING EX OVERHEAD WITHOUT TRYING TO MIX UP! DON’T USE IT TO ANTI AIR AND DON’T BLOW AWAY METER. THIS BABY LILI DID THIS AND DIED FOR IT! That is all…
No tech talk this week. I need to finish up my flipping guide so these newbie lilis stop playing so fraudulently.
the boards are soo dead >=
Today i present some cadc lab findings. I’m sure most of you know this but i thought i present some things to you all so i can check back with it later as I test this out.
Lili’s on hit Cadcs where she cannot be countered by a three frame move.
So these moves cannot be uppercutted on hit but on block you’re gonna eat it. These are good to know because its something you all should consider in her cadc mix up game. All her other normals are bad are -3 on hit after you cadc. Mp and Mk cannot be punished by a move that is 4 frames but can be dp.
the light normals are awful so don’t even try them.
I think lp> is safe on hit after cadc but I’ll have to see if dp blows it up.
That is all. I hope you guys post on these boards and keep it active. Oh and don’t forget stay graceful ^^v
If you’re stuck in the corner and you’re coming in from a launch, you can do HL cadc HL f+mk st.hp to get out of the corner and put your opponent into it, after the first HL CADC, Lili crosses under so it gets you out of the corner from there.
put this in the video thread as well ya twerp =p