Challange any (above average) player first to 10!

I’m down for games anytime I’m on (late-ish, west coast time). I claim to play an above average Zangief, and maybe an average hawk.


I just played him and he rage quit lol

edit: just played him for again but he won’t accept my invites for first to 10…I’m not above average:sad:

didnt rage quit i have wireless it d/cs and i told you my gf was watching movies lol and i have videos of me kicking ur ass would you like them posted? lol… your saget is pretty good but, lights out is better…

iv’e played you befor you have a great gief :slight_smile:

i duno why your talking smack like your pro you only can play saget… your dj sucks balls and i didnt see u play any other char lol. but me on the other hand beat u with chun,vega u bearly beat my gief or dj so i duno why ur on boosting? do u see me only here taking bad about anyone i beat? im not here to say who’s better or not im looking for good players to play…

And now i laugh at all the people admonishing others for not taking this “challenge” seriously.

The first time I played you it wasn’t laggy and as soon as you lost you quit, maybe you had to go do something but from that it looked like you rage quit I apologize for assuming that was the case.

Every match after the first was extremely laggy so if beating me in that lag counts as me sucking then I must really suck. For what it’s worth Kacom says you lag a lot as well. I’d be more then willing to play you in a first to 10 although I’m curious why you never accepted my invites yet decided to play in a lobby with other people instead where it would be even laggier since you claim your gf was watching a movie.

like i said my gf was watching movies that’s why i knew i wasnt going to have good connection to play against you… that’s why i was in the lobby playing randoms instead. can’t have a serious game if i lag already and my gf was watching movies.

Hahah man I remember that! You completely crushed me! It was almost as bad as that time I posted that I think Chun beats Fei and Aqua Snake crushed me (I didn’t win a single game LOL)

Yeah I haven’t been playing recently but the local ST scene in seattle for some reason has resurged so that got me wanting to play more. Please do send me an invite next time!

you have the capacity to make that distinction?

is that so? great news, i’m glad you’re here to enlighten everyone.

i beg to differ.

stop defending your online pride, it only makes you look like a shithead. if you want people to take you seriously and try to help you level up, you need to never talk like that. i still stand by what i said when you started this thread: ft10 = ego boosting. your attitude is proving this point for me.

furthermore, there is a dedicated matchmaking thread in the xbl forum that caters to people looking for new challengers. but why use that when you can have your own special thread, right?

^ mooocus u troll ft10 now! :nunchuck:

RoTb you’re so cocky…ft10!

Onslaught - I played one match with you the other day with my T-Hawk. GG’s.

8===D~~~ :sad:

stop crying wicked

Noriega fawk u ft10

gg sorry for the lag think im goona stop playing till my net is fixed =(
sry for lag everyone… wireless is wacked…

FU bro, ft500!

shit just got real. let me record and upload it to my youtube channel.

fauk u to bro ft9000