Challange any (above average) player first to 10!

All fights will be recorded and uploaded on youtube. just got dazzle wanna play around with it, as well as getting some good fights in too.

XBL Onslaught Hado

I’m looking for above average players to play with so I can get some good footage.
Let me know when your available.
p.s I’m on wireless and from canada so plz no international players.

Rats, I’m only average, I don’t qualify.


Shoot I’m with my buddy possum on this one. I guess I can’t attend either, I’m below average. Anyways look forward to seeing the fights. Enjoy

Too bad all the above average people on this forum are international.


wireless + international = hella leg.

mad your above average… just boring to fight ur honda with vega lol.

Who are the best Canadians anyway ?
Thelo , Blitzfu , GeneiJin87 and Jimmy Bones ?

You should play my student lol…


I accept!but im from chicago,if thats koo?

Below average here, with all characters ;-).

im down too play first to 10 just hit me up next time your online send me a FR


Hey this guy is only asking for better competition, it reminded me of when i started playing, people should post that they are down to play instead of pretending you aren’t good enough.

if you’re really just looking to get better, then just ask for a session. a lot of guys will chat with you during the session and point out certain things that you might not have known about. this really is the best way to learn matchup specific stuff.

the only thing playing ft 10 does is facilitate the inflation of online egos. just my opinion.

Hey I’m happy to play you. Shoot me a friend request on XBL, I’ll probably be on Halo but happy to get a couple of games in!

Please bear this in mind then next time you willingly join European lobbies.

I am above average at mashing jab.

The only thing above average about me is extremely sexual, and can not be discussed on an open forum. So unless you want to know what another function for telephone cords can be used for besides a telephone, you won’t want to play with me. And even then, things can go downhill rather fast if not moderated.

You better have your secret word ready if you want to tango with me buddy. And again, I’m not taking about street fighter.

Vega Yodel

I didnt no wireless caused more lag, FFFUUUCCCKKK NOOOOOOOOO!!!

agree… the fake “humility” is not good for helping newcomers,:S if you’re too good and don’t want to help, well IMHO, don’t post.

I just join the room with the lowest ping… i dont look at where the lobbies from how can u tell anyways?