i will add you tonight after work hopefully your on.
Mars, you’ve crossed the line from humility to fake humility with this one. Or maybe it was a joke?
I’m looking for good ppl to play not to boost my ego loosing to somone who’s better then me is the only way to learn. can anyone in here say they havent lost to me? If you havent then your who i want to play!!! only person i havent beaten is DVG cuz i only got to play him probaby twice…
I dont know what the fake humility thing is all about to be honest. And imho, i feel im not that good. I didnt mean any harm to anybody, if i did then im truely sorry. Anyways this thread isnt about me, its about onslaught looking for competition.
You saying you’re “below average”.
Yeah. From now on, I’ll call anyone who’s good saying such shit that he is “margatting out.” :arazz:
Here’s the thing to keep in mind with excessive (fake or not) self-deprecation: when you declare so many times that you’re so bad, and not good at the game, and below average and such, what does this make of all the players you beat? These guys just feel even worse then.
Sometimes I like to give a light bout of bragging just before a match and inflate my cred, that way if they lose it seems more “normal” and if they win then they feel extra good for being able to beat up a “big name”. Either way my opponent will feel a bit more confident afterwards. The trick is to have a light touch with it - it’s easy to just come off as obnoxious. But if you can pull it off, I think it’s more interesting overall than pushing the self-deprecating angle too far.
Onslaught Hado, you’re free to drop me an invite whenever you catch me online.
Before anyone posts in this forum, pm Geo to make sure he doesn’t have a problem with it.
i’ll add you tonight i’ve played you befor i believe.
Lol, just calling it like I see it.
It’s ok, we all know that Mars is part of your crew. You don’t need to jump to his defense.
My bad, I was just playing around and apparently started a controversy, LOL. We all know Mars is good, let him be the super nice guy of HDR, it’s kinda refreshing with all the usual ego-filled chest thumping that goes on. Though it would be funny to hear him talk a bunch of smack (oooooooooh, I just whooped you so bad! I destroyed you! God bless. LOL).
I think any of the regular players would be more than happy to play anyone that wanted to play them. I’m always happy that players are interested in SF2 and have played many long sets (sometimes 50+ games) with anyone who asked. I agree with Moocus that the whole FT10 thing is kinda silly (especially since this is online), but am always up to play 1v1 with anyone. Even though onslought thinks my Honda is “boring”, LOL.
So I see what Thelo and others are saying but I say let Mars be Mars, I find it refreshing (humility and manners online!? Gasp!). There’s more than enough egos out there to make up for it (and besides, he was just kidding around).
Oh ya, I’ll play ya Hado if you want (I don’t get on much during the week, though).
Nah Possum, its not your fault at all and i wasnt trying to start anything like everyone claims and again i apologiez to Onslaught, and anybody who thinks that. I know what fake humility is geo, and for the people who know me offline, im not being fake when i say what i say. Not to be mean and i hope you dont take it the wrong way, but you seem to misunderstand things. Just because i said i wasn’t good, i cross a line? Sorry, i didnt know me being honest was that bad. Seriously though, I would never say anything in anyways to disrespect another player skill purposely as i feel if i win its by flukes. I have respect for almost every player that i meet in person, and im sure people know that. Like i said before, I’m not trying to derail a thread, enough about me please(not to be rude).
Eh people need more self distance.
Lol, you keep doing it. You have the second best Guile in the US IMO… kudos to you.
This confirms the rumor that there are only two guile players in the USA (and mars is below average).
Who is #1? (I meant the other guile player that is just above average)
What the hell you still play this? I see you online but you’re always on the dashboard/netflix/random games…Can i send you an invite next time? We should try to get some NW games in too, geo you down?
Geo- As for 2nd best Guile, who do you have for 1st? I got Mars, Caesar, & then Tecmo…I eat green berets for breakfast though
Agreed. The best thing I can think of for newish players is to find a quarter match room with good people in it. Sure, you’ll lose a lot, but you’ll:
- Get to see a lot of good play.
- Likely get some good commentary as to why you are losing or what you could be doing better.
“Boring” is code for “I can’t beat you”.
I have Axel Kelly as best.
Ehh… Axel is good, but I’d take Mars over Axel. (That is no disrespect to Axel… he got mad game)
I can say, there are few things more fun then playing Zass in like a 35 game set where he opens up a can of whoopass for you for the first 10 games to an 8-2 margin (actually now that I’m thinking about it, I think Zass, you seriously started like 14 and 3 or something… it was bad…) and you end up tied by the end of the night ;). (Yeah… he’s a Chun player… psssh… damn Bison)
By the way, I would totally do this to rep Cammy, but I haven’t had a console for a month, and have played Starcraft 2 way too much so I promise you, my game is totally scrub tier right now and that is not fake humility… I’m sure I’d suck right now
marsflash is ultra realistic, he believes he is below average compared to muteki and that is all that matters to him. imho.