Challange any (above average) player first to 10!

Oh yeah whoops forgot about Axel he took me out twice online tourney & Bragging Rights…My goal is to take him out in Northwest Majors! :smile:

So yeah, its Mars, Axel, Caesar, & Tecmo in that order…

This guy…

Tecmo for president!

XBL Brian

Has there ever been a thread in this forum that wasn’t derailed by page 2? LOL.

YouTube - OnslaughtHado’s Channel

these fights were using a webcam, cuz i didn’t buy dazzle till now… if your on there it’s a sign that your good enough that i uploaded you on there so it’s more of respect then dis ggs all!

One Guile I haven’t seen mentioned here is WandFeuer. Great player and really cool dude, has the best reversals I’ve ever seen in a Guile.

XBL Brian. If he still plays. Hands down.

No offense to XBL Brian but i played him & didn’t see what’s all the fuss about…Not unless he was rusty when we played…Then again Gief is babyzoned & broken…

Fifthnsomebud was better.

Well my ping to NYC is around 100ms, so if you find a ping that or higher, I’d tend to avoid it. If you check the guys gamercard, it will usually tell you where they are from. Sometimes people write over it, but the original location flashes up for a split second.

I would consider “Fifth n Some Bud” having the best Guile.

Too bad he said he retired. :sad:

Onslaught, weren’t you one of the little fruit cakes on GameFAQs that accused me of using turbo?

He’s accused me of using turbo, too, but IIRC he was open minded enough to admit the possibility that what I do is a matter of tech + practice.

At least he’s here and looking to get better! And he’s taking the trouble to post vids to youtube, which not everybody does.

going on to play now anyone intrested in playing?

Everyone knows you use tirbo Jiggly.

Nothing new about that. :slight_smile:

Yeah I remember Fifth and XBL Brian bein equally skilled except id give a slight edge to Brian. Btw where you been Bruce? I remember your Dee Jay bein the 2nd hardest to beat after Afros of course!

Baklakiller if you played XBL Brian anytime in 2010 it was all rust haha…

Also I see nothin wrong with race to 10s I actually prefer it. I do agree that with SOME people its a ego thing but for me whether I win or lose its more of seein where I’m at with a certain player or measurement of skill levels.

In quarter matches most of the time I’m just messin around almost never playin my main character just tryin to figure out new shit. But in tournaments and race to 10s I play a lot more serious…

Yeah i played XBL Brian in 2010, i think somewhere in May…Guile is my fav matchup by far w/ Gief. I eat green berets for breakfast! I either eat them for breakfast or make them retire become a family man…

As for this thread, i had similar one. It was just for 10 matches though…It really help know more of different people’s play style…There were a couple salty players though that’s why i chose not to post the results…It was a good experience, i should do it again now since i’ve leveled up since then…

Mars is better than 5thbud.

I’m not that good. I’ll play you. and no im not trolling

And that my friend is how a scene grows