Challange any (above average) player first to 10!

jiggly turbo hands i challange you to 1-10 ur t hawk against my t hawk that i dont even play!

Yeah… just no… Say whatever you want about Jiggly, he may be high as a kite when he plays, but he doesn’t use turbo, and his Hawk is the real deal. You have to bring your A game against that and if you don’t play Hawk… that’s not your A game.

Don’t worry I’ve played my hawk vs him befor and he won some and i won some… i can play all chars… when i played you i used random for our matches sorry for the lag i have it recorded and it was pretty laggy.

jiggly is good best t hawk ive played that’s for sure… not many t hawk players anyways.

I’ll play you Hado…

I’ll play you, but I won’t do a mirror.


I said turbo hands i didn’t say turbo controller =)

vanilla u have a nice rog reminds me of my buddy zetra

Fair enough, I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions… I just personally like Jiggly and I have tons o’ respect for the Hawk… even though he won’t play Hawk versus me… although I can’t beat his alts most of the time (Dic / Ryu) and honestly, Cammy / Hawk is a pretty stacked matchup against Hawk so he really has nothing to prove to me…

Jiggly, you know I got your back… MIDWEST REPRESENT!

Well, it’s funny you say that. I trained Afro Legends about 6 years ago, and he trained Zetra. So it’s no surprise you see similarities. But both those guys have surpassed their sensei.

Fuck yeah man. Midwest for life. That 5 month hiatus I had sucked so damn bad, but its great to be back again. I’ll be trying to make it to any Tournament I can now.

I will first to 10 you on ggpo since my xbox was stolen

lol that explains why you 3 play the same… but well played man! my net so laggy these days =( cant have good fights with anyone anymore.

for jiggly. sick info from neoray if you don’t already know

Only thing I haven’t seen there is when he walked for like a full second forward without doing the motion and Typhooned. Wtf did I miss.