Central PA thread (Harrisburg,York,Lancaster,other centralish areas)

is that machine set to super damage or is that shit normal? if its good, maybe we can just plan an outing to the mall, and get some old school arcade marvel going. Even tho it might end up being costly = (

Hell, I thought that arcade had closed. I haven’t been in that mall in a while, though.

Might as well make a post on this. The Harrisburg Ballers Club will be having a tournament at Ice Cream Heaven on Sunday, July 11th. 20$ entry fee though. Just an fyi. They play on the 360. I’m putting a link to their website in this post so you can get full details on location and such. Just trying to get word of mouth going.

Harrisburg Ballers Club Pro Gaming Arena, LLC

I’m in Harrisburg. GT is Danmagz, PSN is Danmagz. GGPO is Danmagz. I’m also down to play locally with you guys. My house, your house, don’t matter. I’ll play anything.

I gotta find a Saturday to go play in that tournament at Harrisburg Mall. I keep forgetting.

I have a townhouse on the west side of York with a decent area to have 4-5 people over. I’ll remember to add some of you on Xbox Live to play and talk about getting together.

Me and beanoffury will be playing games this Monday anybody can stop by I’m hoping to have the new blazeblue cs by than

Where at?

Carlisle around 6pm

I’m in York! I didn’t even think about looking on SRK for fellow players…


This is probably my first post too…not sure.

EDIT: LOL yup, first post in 5 years.

hey guys im in lancaster, p.a not far from york or any other places. lets practice!

I heard park city got a new marvel 2 machine and it’s only a quarter. I’m gonna stop by today after my meeting just to find out, but if it’s true we should definitely set something up (for those that play marvel.)

I stopped by, and they definitely do have a marvel machine. One of the joysticks was acting up, so I told the arcade manager and he said he’d drop a new one in. Imma probably stop out sometime on monday, or possibly early tomorrow to scope it out.

was in Lancaster so past by park city only had one machine and 1st player side was not able to move right.

Let me know if you guys having session I am ass in marvel but need to play something and want to see if I can learn Ironman lol

U live near lanc? What do u play?

I am in Reading. I play Super mainly but haven’t played in a bit since I moved out here dabble in BB. play marvel for fun though I am no where near decent . Also use to play tekken before the scene died where I use to live

anyone in lanc with a ps3 for some offline matches?

im in carlisle but ill take the drive for some offline matches just let me know when

good games tonight 2 TheComingCurse online and beanoffury offline

Well shit. I’ll have to stop by Park City sometime soon to check this out! This makes me happy :slight_smile:

Yeah I was just out there the other day, I should have posted, but the marvel sticks are working on the cab at park city.