Castlevania: Lords of Shadow thread

I think God of War set the bar for its time when it came to combat systems and gameplay. I still think the combat in that game is incredible. It felt like you were actually hitting the enemies. I remember playing the first Ninety Nine Nights and and when you would attack it would like go right through them. No resistance, no type of physics involved, it just felt weird. GoW was the complete opposite.

Anyways, I’m still pretty psyched for this game. Gonna pick it up tomorrow but probably won’t be able to play until the weekend. I loved the ambiance/atmosphere combined with the music for the demo. Plus it has unlockable attacks and upgrades which I’m a sucker for.

If it does borrow from gow then it can only get better not worst.

It’s like God of War if the enemies were actually a legitimate threat. Very fun so far.

Im glad i bought this. Finally a great 3D Castlevania game. Almost everything about it is amazing especially the visuals. Combat is actually a bit more difficult than i thought and its far from ‘mashy’ gameplay that IGN was talking about.

IGN had to have played through the game on easy or something. Mashing got my ass whupped by the first Giant Spider I ran across on Normal.

stuck on stupid rock titan.

no idea what to do. if I get close I get told not to go there and to wait for my moment. if I wait he just chucks rocks at me. it doesn’t help that I have just about zero life.

what do?

Got it for PS3, it’s not bad at all thus far. I do kinda prefer Iga’s CV games given what I’ve played (just finished off chapter 1 completely), but it’s fun.

lol, make sure you’re standing far away from it, then wait for it to throw a rock at you, when it comes close, Press R2 ;3
I too was stuck there for a few mins until I figured it out xD BTW, this boss is easier than the Frost Titan. Which makes me wonder- How do I get Frosty to slam his fist to the ground and have it get stuck? I just randomly run around and roll/dodge until it slams it.

I just beat Chapter 3, I feel stupid for how I handled the boss of that chapter @_@ Tip- If you can hit it with anything, then you can hit it with the whip.

Yeah, you definitely cannot button-mash your way through this game. I can’t speak for easy mode, but I stated out on Knight (the hardest mode available at first) and after dying a lot but still making it through the first chapter, I had to switch to Warrior (medium). I was stuck with little health at the beginning of that level in chapter 2 where you grapple up into the room where you fight some goblins and a giant spider all at once, and I just wasn’t getting anywhere. Even after switching to Warrior mode that part was still quite a challenge and I had to pull off counterstrikes on pretty much every goblin to build my health back up and make it out alive.

That fight with the Ice Titan was pretty damn epic, though not really hard since it was basically just memorization. Again, though, on Knight mode I arrived to it with very little health; I had to finish him off without getting hit once, so it took a few times of trail and error before I finally took him down.

Anyway, I’m thoroughly enjoying it so far. As a hardcore fan of the 2D games, it’s definitely not the Castlevania that I’ve always known and loved, but there’s nothing wrong with adding some variety to the franchise as long as it’s done right, and I feel like a lot of effort and high production value was put into this game. When I first started playing it I wasn’t sure how I felt about a lot of aspects, but to say the least it’s all panning out very, very nicely now, everything just fits perfectly. And, admittedly, I was one of the people watching various reviews and getting irritated that it was constantly being compared to God of War, but after playing it myself, yeah, you definitely get that GoW feeling in a big way. Still, that’s not a bad thing in my opinion and there’s without a doubt enough there to make this game something of its own. The game borrows from other greats, but it expresses expert craftsmanship while doing so. Personally, I think they should be praised for successfully pulling off an amalgamation of so many great games instead of having points taken off for lack of originality.


On another note, Played the demo loved it, Sure gonna pick this up with the buy 2 for 1 at Toys r’us. Plus just saw the review on GT it has around 20 hours of play.

Toys R Us is doing the buy 2 get 1 free again?

Damnit. I just bought Castlevania and Transformers WFC from Best Buy.

Yup 10/11 till 10/17

Toys R Us Buy 2 Get 1 Free Game Sale (10/11 to 10/17)

Cool, thanks for the heads up.

Like the combat so far, playing at Knight difficulty, for sure you can’t mash otherwise you will get kill really fast. One thing really great is that you can ‘feel’ the weight behind every hit you made, it just feel very solid.

Well at this point in the game it just might be that taking a risk in establishing a new 3d combat system wouldn’t pan out. The risk outweighs the reward. Something tells me that people would be making comparisons to GoW regardless.

  • New combat system, unfamilar to the public after years of GoW and other clones of it = People remarking that the system should be more like GoW.

  • Obviously inspired and lifted combat system / setup from GoW but built upon further = People remarking that system is too much like GoW and just does it well enough, just not enough to really differentiate itself.

Honestly, having recently replayed GoW (all three of them mind you) I’m not a fan of how LoS is doing it. It’s not bad but it’s not really ‘clicking’ for me yet. I hope there’s some heavy hitting shit in this game though, always been a fan of that type of thing (the Barbarian’s hammer in 2, Gauntlets in 3, etc).

Also, throwing smaller enemies results in not being attacked by anyone else until you’re done with it, and even then you can just latch onto another one from across the room and do it again. Pretty broken.

I hate how this guy basically has a grappling hook on a cross but he can’t climb to certain areas or otherwise for SOME reason. Like you can SAW THROUGH TONS OF STONE AND MARBLE WITH YOUR WHIP but climbing 10 feet with it is somehow improbable. Shit.

This and this will be the first Castlevania game I’ve tried in my life. I’ll download the demo whenever I get the available wifi connection.

…you’re actually questioning video game logic?

Falling to your death. Shouldn’t even be possible in this game. And he dies mid air like Hayabusa in Ninja Gaiden. Japan doesn’t want us to have fun.

better than falling through stairs because you pushed forward and not up


Going out to buy it!

If it sucks, I’ll blame every single one of you in this thread.