Capcom Vs. SNK thoughts

I’d rather take hand drawn sprites for another 10 years than un-inspired vector art or Capcom’s 3D tripe :coffee:

death star xbox

what a tool :rofl:

“blah blah I’m a hater, nobody likes me, I don’t have anything to contribute to this thread so I’ll try my best to be witty and shit it up, all I do is play games even though I don’t understand them, graphics don’t matter, how do you feel a game you retardddd, arbitrary mom insults, it’s about gameplay you suck at skills, I am a clueless asshat and don’t know jack let me try to rip this noob a new one even though I’ll just make myself seem like more of a choad, all these noobs are joining i wanna kill myself, my boyfriend doesn’t want go out with me anymore, waahhhhhh!!”

no surprise you have been here 2 years and have virtually NO REP. :tdown:

I haven’t even read most of your pathetic post, learn to use paragraphs, son.

yeah that’s true :tup:

??? If you are playing CvS2 and it is not the arcade/dreamcast/ps2 version you are not playing the game in the same competitive realm that the pros play it in. CvS2 without roll canceling imo is not even worth it to play. If you played anyone that was half ass good, you’d know that rcing changed the game, but it didn’t make it broken, it made it different, but in a higher execution fun, kind of way. If you do play without rcing good…but if you play in the version without it, then your doing nothing but handicapping yourself. Kara throwing is as much of a glitch as roll canceling, but everyone in 3s does it. It’s part of the game no reason to hate.
CvS1 actually has roll canceling in it, but the invisibility properties do not occur during the “RC”.

To the OP
I don’t really remember the tiers, but capcom groove with four ratio ones is generally the way to go. (Cammy, blanka, king, vice?) When you play with blanka, do a jumping hard kick, if they block go for the throw, the game gives him insane meter for that. I want to say he gets about 1 1/2 levels of meter for doing this.

On another note: Would you recommend the psx CvsS because I’m a fighting game collector aswell, but I’ve only ever tried CvsS2eo(Gamecube owned). Are the backgrounds really worth it man? I’ll check some prices on ebay right now.

Its July 09, why would you start CvS2 now?

The games to play now are SF4, KOF12, BB or TvC. Maybe MvC2 with the re-release.

Because all fighters were created this year, DUH!!!:lol:

I plan to get into TvC and KOF XII but that doesn’t mean I’ll give up on the old classic games just because there isn’t a scene and because I have no intention of competing.

I’m sure CvS will hit 2df or ggpo in the next couple of years as soon as emulation catches up so it will be revived again.

I don’t roll with a band wagon but yeah, SF4 is “THE SHIT”. I play everything man, I’m a collector of fighting games through-out history, lol. Its a good hobby. ( What -no more love for SC4?)

yeah definitely if you have the spare $20 and you have an affinity for collecting PSX games go for it.

But if you want perfect arcade port go with the DC version.

Personally I thought the PSX version will be better considering the raw power of the 32bit RISC chip but the port has a lot of problems.

I definitely have an affinity for collecting PSX games. I have XmenCotA, MSH, XmenvsSF, MSHvsSF, MvsC, SF Ex plus A, SF EX 2 Plus, and Xmen MA 2. Some of these games are real crappy ports tho, but I just got them for nostalgia, and local competition with friends.

Do you honestly think rep is worth shit? Look at you, you joined this fucking month and you have more neg rep than I ever did the entire time I was here.
Paragraphs? Why would I need paragraphs when my post was all the same subject matter? At least I’m telling you upfront that you’re a fucking idiot, the others are just toying around with you, while you sit there and do nothing except take it in the ass so you can gain their acceptance like a faggot. And again, I’m not the one whose making threads on SRK whining about how, because the graphics don’t feel right, ( Even though they are literally RIPPED from other games that you claim to “feel” like SF) that the core gameplay itself is all shattered and broken.

I’m sorry that you need paragraphs.
And everything in a new line or sentence.
Because you’re a dumbass who gets scared at seeing big blocks of texts.
Most likely due to the fact that you’re a retarded 12 year old.
I know big blocks of text seem scary, but it’s all a big part of growing up and being educated.
I hope separating everything into a new line makes you feel better.
I really hope you can read this, it’s vital information.

The fact of the matter is that you’re arguing about literally nothing. You claim that CVS2 doesn’t feel like a Street Fighter game because the graphics and animation style are "different’ and “new”. Despite the heavy ripping of Alpha characters and the overused Morrigan sprite which has been recycled since the early ninety’s. I really think you should read my post again, because your lame attempt at sarcasm doesn’t even match what I wrote in the first place. Here’s a hint: Sarcasm, imitation or any satire of the sort has to actually somewhat resemble the original material not just in aesthetics and word choices, but has to resemble the original meaning and substance as well.

Go back to the MVC2 thread claiming how you hope to win using your garbage ass low tier team. It’s one thing to actually use a low tier team and be good with it, it’s another to continue to use it and suck. Scrub. No one is gonna be nice to your dumbass Venom, Gambit, Bison team when they’re AHVBing you X5.

I play fighting games for the comp and community. If you start a 8 year old game now, there won’t be much point. Start a game that will have long run (the ones I mentioned).

I mostly use it for the character creation (I have it for 360 and borrowing the PS3 version for the extra room lol) because the online play got dull… remember the character fads? one week it was Yoshi the other it was Kilik then Cervantes and just got really annoying :rofl: but yeah I still play it off and on :tup:

Yeah fine, It was something like 10 years ago when I used this team, stricktly because the characters are the coolest ever, but I’m just keeping true to my childhood memories of the game. Maybe when I start loosing every match, I might consider my clan to be a weak tier and change to say “Your Team” (Storm, Sent, Cable) but until then, you have no idea how I play. You just automatically think I suck because my 09 rep, like alot of others in this community, but I’m an old schooler like you peeps too. Respects to OP, he keeps it REAL.

I think I mastered Voldo’s style. Hes def my fav in the game, you?

It could have been the most epic game ever if it had at least switching and team supers at the least(Assist attacks not even necessary) in a nod to the earlier Capcom vs… Games

Instead the game became 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1

The game is fun as shit to play, but it takes all fucking day to actually get shit over with because of its system, so viewer appeal for the game is pretty low except for the people that actually enjoy CvS2.

It’s a great game, but I feel like it underachieved. If they would have had some kind of switching and team super concept, the game would have been bad ass. I’m not looking for another Marvel, just faster gameplay in general. Nobody wants to kill a member of the other team, then start the round over. Just get the shit over with in 1 single round. It adds tension to a game that desperately needs it.

I agree, that’s a great idea actually. I like.