I don’t know why they needed to mess with parry training mode to put in the new recording mode in regular training. But the new recording mode in normal training is superior. It’s just that the parry training mode was pretty useful in and of itself and now it’s more complicated to use for no good reason. Now you have to turn auto parry on to record and get a sense of the parry timing THEN turn it off for playback… and state saving, a nice feature that THEY added was taken out of parry training. Why?
The complaints I’ve been reading have been similar amongst most of the people who post and to be brought up to standard, it really wouldn’t take that much and it’s mostly small visual/sound related things, so my biggest gripe with I.G right now is that they seem to be blatantly ignoring the most common issues in their responses or they’re extremely uninformed when they post a response.
Users ask about original arcade soundtrack because it obviously isn’t in the game
IG: The original arcade track is in there. (NO. That’s the Dreamcast/PS2/Xbox remix and you don’t have to be a music major or anything to notice the difference).
Users request that the option of the original HUD/super bars be implemented
IG: Goes on about how super meters are the same length. (They’re the same length BY NUMBERS. What we’re asking for is a correct VISUAL display of the original HUD/meters)
I’m not sure what they said about things like sound/voice effects being off like twelve’s X-copy voice (Ibuki and Chun’s voices are also different on some sound clips between the PS3 and 360 version) or visuals like Urien’s 2P Aegis, but regardless they didn’t address it yet if they’re going to at all.
I have no idea why they can’t improve ranked/matchmaking in a more sensible manner by letting players HOST and/or do a custom SEARCH within their own parameters (things like region, maximum ping allowed, a representation of ping via number, etc) and having it show a list of players to choose from. That alone would make online more enjoyable/tolerable imo.
A roll of the dice for Green, Yellow, Orange, Red and John_Pwns don’t cut it.
Also, the music I just paid for shouldn’t be restarting at the start of each round, but I already filed my complaint for that.
Anyway I like it offline still and can play it at the sessions I host or rock the training mode.
D.E.D doesn’t affect me as much as others because I wasn’t really paying attention/trying to use it before this release, but I understand where people are coming from when they want the old bars back. Hopefully they’re still plugging away trying to bring it up to standard.