Ok, I don’t get involved on the forums much, I’m not even going to complain about the online because obviously there is nothing they can do about that, but fuck this game is so garbage. How these people can claim this is going to be the best console version is appalling. After seeing the new patch, just had enough of these faggots. Every time I think of Derek Neal’s dumb face, I just want him to understand how much of a moron he is, but that is like trying to explain differential equations to a 4 year old.
Without even having to say, I don’t even play online, my Xbox live expired and I haven’t renewed it, there is no point, I have more fun playing training mode than a bunch of 8 year old kids with down syndrome, I’ll leave those to JR Rodriguez.
I play this game only for training mode, and they can’t even get that right. There is no option to turn the training dummy to human, wtf? Every game has that. Even the Dreamcast version has that option. Changing the rounds obviously don’t work in the menus. And now parry training is all fucked up after this last patch. You can no longer reset state and now if you turn auto parrying on, it makes the character you are controlling to parry practice do auto parrying. Are you fucking kidding me?
Not only does a bunch of crazy shit happen in games that I can’t even begin to explain, but these Capcom idiots can’t even get the basic options of the game right. Can’t change rounds?? I mean seriously, I’ve seen the complaints about win streaks online, that obviously hasn’t been fixed, wtf are they patching? It is really sad how halfed ass this game is, especially considering all they had to do was get the menus right, since there was no work needed to be done in the game.
I don’t know how Capcom hires people to make games or work on these projects, but these people obviously don’t know anything, don’t test anything, don’t pay any attention to details. It is really sad for all the people that looked forward to this game and bought consoles just to play it only for it to be such a disaster. Did I have high expectations? No, of course not. Did I at least expect it to be better than the PS2 version? Yes.
Yet, these guys also have the audacity to sell match packs from a tourney played on laggy monitors. I mean, I was invited to this event and trust me, as soon as I found out that there was laggy monitors used by people at Capcom, the ones that made this game, I already knew this game was going to suck. I mean if you are the staff making this game and you play on laggy monitors and not notice a difference, lol, you must know nothing about the game at all.
It is sad how they found a way to butcher this classic game and found ways to make money off of those that truly expected a decent product.