Kind of sucky options right? You either need full bar or you can punish with a move that does 50 damage and can cause you so much pain if you mistime. However if they do it, they have no threat of being hit or grabbed and are free from pressure. Hopefully the patch makes it a little bit less likely to be used or not as effective. I don’t run into this a lot, but when I do it’s really frustrating. Also I wonder how well this works with different character jump arcs/timings?
Eh, you can still just do a meaty and then pressure after with throw/frametrap/whatever. Also, if you KNOW they are gonna do the os, you can do a delay mp or something into combo. Sure its annoying but its not the end of the world.
Not sure if anyone noticed, but kazunoko was punishing back jumps while he was in vtrigger.
you have to manually delay your attack to hit them on frames 9-11 (the patch will make it so you are able to hit them on frames 9-12). it’s not easy to manually time that. this also gives your opponent an opportunity to do wakeup jab.
is there anything after vtrigger arrow besides dp? preferably a setup or something?
I’m pretty sure everything whiffs except super. Dp works cause of how fast it is but everything else is 2 slow
this is a variation of the Jump Throw Tech. this one’s the Backdash Throw Tech. probably not as good but perhaps someone can evolve it into something better.
you can do EX dp
thoughts on using mk arrow to whiff punish sweeps + other slow moves?

thoughts on using mk arrow to whiff punish sweeps + other slow moves?
I use it a lot to catch whiffed moves or dashes, especially on Nashes that love to back dash. I have eaten shit by mistiming it though, but if I see someone whiff poking a lot I will use it as a hard read to get in.
Random occasionally useful Cammy tech:
You know how sometimes you’ll combo into a V-Trigger Spiral Arrow into almost the corner, and you’re not sure if you crossed under them and need to DP backwards or forwards to get the Cannon Spike afterwards?
I’m pretty sure you can option select it by using the following input, and get the right direction either way:
6231+K if you prefer (instead of 623+K)
If you time this properly, you’ll get the forward (or 6) input before crossing under them with the SA (if you are going to cross under). With the input leniency in the buffer for special moves, the game will store your 623 input for a few frames. If you don’t cross under, you’ll just get the forward Cannon Spike, but if you do cross under, you’ll get the cross-up Cannon Spike instead and turn around and do it in the right direction because you finished the input in d/b (or 1), which the game will instead read as d/f (or 3) if you crossed under, and which also won’t prevent your forward Cannon Spike from coming out because of the input buffer.
I’m 99% sure this is legit, but can’t do a proof of concept video right now. Anyway, try playing around with it - it could be really helpful for those ambiguous “are they actually in the corner?” situations.

thoughts on using mk arrow to whiff punish sweeps + other slow moves?
I haven’t played Cammy very long, but that’s what I use for punishes.
Depends on the character for blocked sweep punishes.
For Necalli, Gief, Birdie, and Ryu (and Vega, Dhalsim if close range sweep) I use m.SA (, m.SA if close enough).
For others I’d like to use F.HK. Again, I’ve only played Cammy for like an hour but this seems like a much better option for any character with sweeps that are - 12 or more on block. You can do a combo after. Tested this on Ken and FANG, I don’t think it will work with less than -12 sweeps.
I might have tested wrong since it seemed they should be able to block this since f hk is 12f but I held back as soon as I hit the sweep when testing and it hit.
Edit: Have to be in range for the first knee to hit otherwise it will be blocked. I was correct, will be blocked by any sweeps below 12f.
The information in this video might be known, but I just wanted to gauge opinions and know if there is any demand in short clips with simple tech info. If it’s something you’d like to see more of, please let me know!
How tight is the dash-> followup? I remember trying to tie in these timings back when someone (I think Ramma) posted a video about meaty -> but I could swear the came out too soon. Nice job.

How tight is the dash-> followup? I remember trying to tie in these timings back when someone (I think Ramma) posted a video about meaty -> but I could swear the came out too soon. Nice job.
I don’t think it’s possible for the move to come out too soon unless you set the Dummy to back rise. I’m pretty sure the last frame of the dash is input cancellable, so it will always be perfect timing, if you get it during the buffer window.
Any reason you are not doing,, st.hp xx…?
All you need to do for meaty setups is walk stand medium punch. The back roll you have to link to crouch mk to combo tho. But you can cover all techs with this option.
Of course its after bnb with spiral arrow finisher mid screen

Any reason you are not doing,, st.hp xx…?
Yo does that work? If it does I’ve been leaving so much damage on the table!! has a little bit more range than st.hp, but if you hit a croucher with a meaty, you should normaly be able to link -> st.hp afterwards.