Welcome to Cammys Combo and Tech Thread
Here you will find a list of Combos for Cammy.
Below the Combos you will find tech to level your gameplay up.
I will try to add every usefull Combo for her.And as much Tech as possible too.
Have fun discussing. Maybe you can find characterspecific Combos or Setups and Oki.
Informations you might have to know to understand the Combos:
- ->= Link. You connect one Normal with another. Works only if the move you did has enough frameadvantage to link into other moves.
- xx = Cancel. This means that you cancel your Normal/Special into a Special/CA Move.
-CC = Crush Counter. In general a counter that leaves the opponent open for a long time.
-CH = Counterhit. You hit the opponent the moment he want’s to do a move. - CA = Critical Art. This is the name of the Super Moves in SFV
- st. = standing, self explaining
- cr. = crouching, self explaining
- (999/999)= The first number shows the damage the Combo will deal, the second number shows the stun the Combo will deal.

Bread and Butter Combos:
cr.lk -> cr.lp xxHK Arrow (118/253)
cr.lp -> b+mp xx HK Arrow (154/293)
cr.lk -> cr.lp xx HK DP (154/280)
V-Skill -> st.hp xx HK Arrow (212/355)
V-Skill -> st.hp xx HK DP (228/ 395)
cr.lk -> cr.lp -> st.lp xx HK Arrow (141/294) /croucher only
cr.lk -> cr.lp -> st.lp xx HK DP (146/329) /croucher only
Punish Combos:
cr.mp -> cr.mp xx HK Arrow (194/310)
cr.mp -> cr.mp xx HK DP (210/350)
st.mp -> st.hp xx HK Arrow (212/355)
st.mp -> st.hp xx HK DP (228/395)
cr.lp -> TC xx HK DP (222/380)
cr.lp -> TC xx MK Arrow (195/345)
cr.mp -> b+mp xx HK Arrow (194/310) /croucher only
cr.mp -> TC xx HK DP (262/410) /croucher only
cr.mp -> TC xx MK Arrow ( 241/375) /croucher only
V-Trigger Combos:
st.mp -> st.hp xx V-Trigger Cancel -> st.hp xx Arrow -> DP (340/530)
cr.hp xx V-Trigger Cancel -> cr.mk xx Arrow -> DP (312/457)
CC st.hk -> cr.hp xx V-Trigger Cancel-> cr.mk xx Arrow -> DP (376/575)
F+hk -> cr.mp xx V-Trigger Cancel -> st.hp xx Arrow xx DP (342/485)
cr.hp xx V-Trigger Cancel -> st.hp xx Arrow -> DP (326/497)
Crush Counter Combos:
CC st.hk -> f+hk -> cr.mp xx HK Arrow( 298/455)
CC st.hk -> f+hk -> cr.mp xx HK DP (312/490)
CC st.hk -> cr.hp xx V-Trigger Cancel-> cr.mk xx Arrow -> DP (376/575)
CC st.hk(anti-air) xx DP (216/360)
CC st.hk(anti-air) xx MK Arrow (189/315)
CC st.hk(anti-air) -> cr.hk (198/315)
CC st.hk(anti-air) -> st.lp
CC st.hk-> f+hk-> cr.mp XX V-Trigger Cancel->st.hp xx arrow DP (402/597)
CC st.hk -> cr.hp xx V-Trigger Cancel-> st.hp xx Arrow -> DP (397/610)
CC st.hk -> walk forward -> st.mp, st.hp xx V-Trigger Cancel -> slight walk forward -> st.hp xx Arrow -> DP (400/637)
CC st.hk -> walk forward/dash -> TC xx L Arrow -> EX DP (371/575) Corner only
Counterhit Combos:
CH cr.mp -> st.mp -> cr.mk xx MK Arrow (229/395)
CH cr.lp -> st.mp -> cr.mk xx MK Arrow (181/359)
CH Hooligan Slide xx DP (228/360) / corner only
CH st.mp ->cr.hp xx V-Trigger Cancel ->st.hp xx Arrow -> DP (361/550)
CH st.lk -> TC xx M Arrow (222/359)
CH st.lk -> TC xx HK DP (250/394)
CH st.lk -> TC xx L Arrow -> EX DP (311/479) Corner only
CH back + mp -> st.hp xx HK Arrow (210/375)
CH back + mp -> st.hp xx HK DP (240/415)
EX Meter Combos:
TC xx EX Hooligan xx Grab (252/350)
TC xx EX Hooligan xx Cannon Strike -> HK DP (264/410)
cr.mp -> TC xx EX Hooligan throw (283/410) /croucher and corner only
cr.mp -> TC xx EX Hooligan xx Cannon Strike -> HK DP (292/460)
Hooligan Slide xx EX DP (244/330) /corner only
V-Skill -> st.hp xx EX DP (260/395) /tends to whiff
V-Trigger Cannon Strike -> st.mp -> st.hp xx Arrow -> EX DP (380/537)
EX Cannon Strike -> HK DP (168/380)
CC st.hk -> f+hk -> cr.mp xx EX Arrow (312/490)
The V-Skill BnB Combos are mainly used after either meaty V-Skills or as projektile counter, they’re pretty much useless raw unless your opponent is drunk or sleeps.
All combos can be finished with CA for extra damage. The Super deals raw 320 damage, in most Combos it scales to 80% for 256 damage. It will never do less than 50% of it’s damage, so you will allways deal at least 160 damage with it, no matter how long the Combo was.
If you want to combo into CA, use M for Combos that end with SA and H CA for Combos that end with DP.