Cammy Combo/Tech Thread: Target Confirmed!

St. Mp, walk forward 1-2 frames, tc xx ex hooligan>grab

This would be real flashy, plus okizeme, if possible.

Itā€™s not. Thereā€™s too much pushback on st. MP. You canā€™t even st. MP after another st. MP unless the opponent is crouching.

Crouching (Corner for some) Only: CH st. MP > slight walk forward > st. MP > cr. MK xx SA is possible though. Found that this morning.

Crouchers Only (Didnā€™t Test All): cr. MP > Target Comboā€¦you can follow up with EX Hooligan throw in the corner only.

CH cr. MP > st. MP > cr. MK xx SA

What do you think cammy about? Dou you like cammy? I feel that, she have little combos, really?

On crouchers except Chun-Li: cr.MP, TC xx MK SA or HK DP.

It does more damage than CH, cl.HP but it has less range and you wonā€™t be able to VTrigger

Noone in this game has a big pool of Combos.
SFV is about using the right Combo for the right spacing/situation.

Should I rather go for the more damaging Combo and risk that my opponent gains more ground? Or should I rather use the Combo with the better Corner Carry I end up right next to my opponent for more pressure afterwards.
You have to choose correctly depending on the situation.

btw guys if you find Combos, would you pls add damage and stun to, otherwise I would have to check this by myself and if I donā€™t write this down I will probably forget it.

Ok i like cammy

I think they changed the cannon strike up. Looks like you can get a cLP or sLP no matter where it hits them when using the light or medium version. Was it like that during the last betas. I know itā€™s not as effective in past gamed but it will have its uses.

Yeah, they buffed her divekicks to give more frame advantage, making them easier to combo.

So with cr.lp -> xx hk.arrow (sa from here on out) you can and should incorporate the target combo. So instead it should be cr.lp -> -> xx (173/310)

Any idea if the blockstun was buffed too? Or only hitstun?

Do M instead of H arrow, more damage, or go straight for DP even more damage.
I see I forgot them gona add them soon.

When did this change into Combos and tech? God damn it, now I have pay more attention.


CH>cr.fierce>vta>st.fierce>hk sa>hk dp 361 dmg 550 stun
You can end with super ofc for 471 dmg 470 stun

Hey guys I need some help I canā€™t seem to combo

st. lp, cr. mp
cr. lp, cr. mp

What do I need to do?

She canā€™t combo lights to mediums without a counter-hit. cr.lp only links to on CH.

Cr. Lp, b+mp

3 frame link(buffer). Have to be right in their face.

Cammy ex dive kick safeness.

My combo

@Johnnycan Back in the betas following up the CC with (instead of walk forward sthp or stmp, sthp) did 2~6 more damage and about 40 less stun, making them sub-optimal. Iā€™m not sure if this is the same now, but I bet it is.