Calling ALL HDR (West Coast) Players...Don't Let SF2 Die

Noooo. . . :wonder:

Here’s your $0.01 change…

Get over it dude, it’s part of a conversation that involved both games.

Lol, this should be changed to a poll thread.

  1. SF2 is as dead as old yeller.
  2. SF2 is as alive as a hot love affair.
  3. Its one of those online bargain bin games.


Meh I thought SFIV was garbage but I hope SSFIV does better. Although I dont understand SFIV using the same characters that were in Vanilla ST and not leaving them what I would call “intact”. As far as Third Strike, Capcom at least left out most of the SFII cast(although I think this is the reason it didnt catch on with most people), knowing that it was a different game.

Before I sold Street Fighter IV, the Fei Long I played felt different from the one in Vanilla ST and HDR, made me want to pick up a different character which I’ll be doing when the newest iteration hits shelves… and yes like others it was throwing my HDR game off.

Guile and Zangief suit my playstyle the most as far as SFIV, I like defensive characters and ones that can mount a strong offense once they get some corner pressure going or get on the inside.

I was just poking fun, not being too serious.

Love letter to Megaman…

Dude, they (SF4 players) will never love you like we do… NEVER!!! :annoy: Just remember that next time you FADC> ULTRA…

Reasons Why SSF2T HD Remix is Greater Than SF4

Reasons Why SSF2T HD Remix is Greater Than SF4

  • Boxes and statues that are clearly in the background break when a character falls anywhere near them! HDR also has some fancy AI that allows these background items to RE-CREATE themselves for the next round! Amazing!

  • The same AI that does the background magic in HDR also gets Balrog new t-shirts after his winning celebration.

  • The frumpy guy on Ken’s yacht is frumpy. In older versions of SF2, it looked like he was jerkin off. I don’t know why he’s frumpy cause there seems to be some hot chicks on that yacht.

  • In Las Vegas, the pimp on the right (standing next to the douche) is punching the bikini chick in the back while the yellow top hat guy raises the roof with one hand. ONE HAND!

  • In China, the chinese guy is still choking a chicken. But, there is now a boba shop on the left. Who doesn’t love boba?

Am I crazy for despising SF4’s command interpreter? I think it’s shadier than Melty Blood’s, and Melty Blood’s isn’t good.

The only games I can think of where the command interpreter pissed me off as much is either the first Arcana Heart, or that chocobo racing minigame in FFX

EDIT - Also: Command queuing is the devil.

Are you talking about the chest beating guy? He’s too fucking pro. I can almost hear him going AGGHA AUAARGHA AUG HA

I like the stern crossarmed dude on that stage, too. Only 2 frames of animation, cause that’s all that he needs!

leonowski, if i ever met you in person… i’d insist on buying you a drink and just listen to you talk.

the few posts i’ve seen from you have been gold everytime.

ps: the guy in remixed boxer’s backround looks like jesus with sunglasses, wtf.

  1. SF2 Will never die. It’s too good. It, rats, and cockroaches will be the only thing left after we nuke ourselves to bits.

The only thing about IV that messes me up is the two button throws. Really annoying when you play one then the other, since the throw systems are so messed up. Even worse is that in IV the throws are lp+lk, which does not do anything in II as far as teching/throwing.

:rofl: Yeah! It’ll mutate into SSFIV! :rofl:

Yeah, in retrospect, I’m not even sure why I wrote what I wrote. I was at work, work was pissing me off, and I think I was just in a really bad mood. Sorry, dude. It’s one of those posts that I usually think to myself and then know better than to actually post, because I know I’m just in a bad mood. Guess my filter was off yesterday. Totally my bad. I hope you can accept an apology from me. Lesson to be learned: don’t post when other things are pissing you off.

Yeah, I’m not a huge fan of that either, but I do beleive that keeping the same characters IS the right move. Look at Tekken and Virtua Fighter and other games. No other franchise, I think, dropped their entire cast for a sequel. Of course, in those other games the characters generally maintain their playing style… well, except for Guilty Gear. Their characters fluctuate. I mean, in Accent Core, they straight up changed how some characters worked completely (i.e. Jam).

For the most part, though, I think they did an decent job maintaining their inherent character structures. The only character that feels reallllly off, to me, is Honda. But otherwise, most of the characters have the same ideas (i.e. Bison being mostly offensive, Ryu and Sagat chucking Fireballs, Dhalsim playing keepaway, etc.).

SF4’s command interpreter is probably one of the worst things that has ever happened to a Fighting Game. There are so many things wrong with SFIV… and yet that’s why I can’t actually hate it. It may sound weird, but with as many things wrong with SFIV there is, I would have expected the core game to fall apart and collapse onto itself. But strangely, there has yet to be found a stupid game-breaking bug (like Roll Canceling) or something stupidly overpowered (like Genei-Jin) or some stupid brain dead tactic (Hyou-Bal) or a character that’s just so clearly too good (Chun in 3S) and the game is still shockingly balanced and high level play is still possible. I dunno, everything about SF4 says that the game should be horrid, but the fact that it still is popular and still stands at a VERY playable state after a year of scrutiny (starting with arcade release) is nothing short of amazing.

  • James

Clearly SF4 is the MVC2 of SF games.

No worries dude. Always hard to judge a tone from behind a screen.

Just awesome :rofl:

LOL dude. Your posts are always full of win!

So…back on topic. There’s a tourney this Saturday in LA that’s runnin HDR. ActiveGamer(or something like that) is running it. Info is in the tourney forum. Leonowski, and James, and all y’all should come out to this!!!

I saw the pics from the last DENJIN hdr tournament… you guys still get a solid amount of people in there which is admirable. Keep up the good work and keep this game alive. I love it.

Yeah mang. If SF4 is still going strong after 15 years, *then *I’ll give it some respect. As it is now, I can’t even be bothered to *rent *the damn game. Till then, ST/HDR for life! :pleased:

I’ll be there, for sure, but I probably won’t enter HD Remix. I’m so out of touch with the game, now. I don’t even know which character I’d use.

But I’ll definitely hang out and watch. I would love to see how high level HDR looks these days, to see how different it is than VST.

  • James

Ahhh FUCK. I wish I was in Cali so I could come to Denjin and beat the crap out of all you old-timers.