Calling ALL HDR (West Coast) Players...Don't Let SF2 Die

God, I hope you don’t play Honda in SFIV. That would be MURDER on your HDR Honda game. Honda’s barely the same character in SFIV. It’s sad. :frowning:

I agree with you, though. It’s one of the reasons I can’t play Cammy in HDR anymore. I’m too used to the stupid SFIV things I do with her, so I keep Jumping and trying to Dive Kick and thinking Low Forward will Combo into Drill from max Low Forward distance. Yeah, not fun. :slight_smile: I have to play a different character in HDR, which is why I was leaning towards Honda, since he (along with Gief) was originally my main when ST first came out.

  • James

LOL honda’s for noobs! j/k

Go gief, not enough good giefs out there.

No, I dont play Honda, I play Ryu and Boxer in SF4. But I lost all ability to reversal in HDR. I missed several reversal headbutts this weekend and (sadly)ended up losing to a decent T-Hawk player. I think at one point he walked up and ticked me into Typhoon three times in a row… :arazz:

I did decent in the SF4 tournament they had. And by decent I mean I didnt get the shit kicked out of me. I would have won my first match in winners if I could execute well on the sticks in Denjin’s cabinets. It’s a round gate and I missed several headbutts and a couple Ultras…

Well, I actually have the opposite problem.

I finally knuckled down and got a copy of 4 through Gamefly and I’ve been playing it and I tried to play Sakura the same way I played her in Alpha… Bad decision.

I tried to play Cammy like I play her in HDR… REALLY Bad decision.

SO finally I went with Gouken since he’s unique to SF4 and I’d be forced to learn how to do something totally new without totally screwing up my HDR game which is far more important to me…

Hey I use Gouken too! high five
I also don’t want to screw up my Remix muscle memory.

Cough Cough Cough… sell … Cough … out …COUGH… Dirty bastard…:bluu:

fatboy :china:

PS. Thanks for the rep! :tup:

Good lord. They *still *have those? In a North American arcade?! I thought they’d be all but extinct now. :rofl: (sarcasm/joking, BTW I love round gates)

Also BTW, nice youtube channel you’ve got going. If anybody’s looking for high quality HDR matches with a variety of characters, I highly recommend checking it out: Thanks for that EA. I’m eagerly awaiting the new Ranbat vids (if you guys recorded them).

I coulda swore Denjin uses all seimitsu joysticks. I think those are square gate.

Well, I played A2 and SF4 on several of the different cabinets there, and it felt like it didn’t have any corners. The ST machine also feels the same way… If they are supposed to be square gates they feel like round gates. Maybe they are just worn to the point they are round. Either way, they were round that day.

Dont worry dude, you’ll end up playing it sooner or later.

And dont even go there. You’re gonna make me start giving you shit about not making it to the RanBat tournament like you said you were going to… :tdown:

I’m using Gouken too, for the same reason. High fives all around. :woot:

It’s funny, I tried the same thing with Sakura and got pissed when I realized MK didn’t cross up. I tried a few characters out for a bit, but I fell in love when I saw Gouken could throw into Ultra. Plus, I like his unique style.

While I am enjoying learning a completely new game for the first time in ages, it is jam packed with dumb-ass stuff at every turn…IMO. It might just be because I still suck at it, but it really feels like a ton of absolutely retarded tactics are not only valid, but are preferred strategies. It also seems extremely inconsistent. There seems to be no correlation between tough to execute / land vs payoff. Some characters can be sloppy as hell and land big things, while others work terribly hard to get tiny windows to land something mediocre. The whole thing feels terribly rushed. I’m hoping they tweak the hell out of it for Super.

What does all this rambling have to do with HDR? It simply reminds me how polished SF2 is in its final incarnation compared to SF4. There’s a few dicey things here and there(Stored Ochio, backwards moves, etc), but they’re the exception, not the norm. I may have turned to the dark side by picking up SF4, but I’ll never stop playing SF2!

See? We should start a campaign. Gouken for President in SSF4. I could start a whole side discussion but that’s not the point here…

SJV is always spot on with his last statement. SF2 is so polished and so complete. It just FEELS right even today. I mean I just got to G2 last night. G3 was so frustrating because I’m learning the game and all sorts of scrubby tactics are working and I have to realize that poking is not very effective blah blah blah only to realize that instead of the competition getting better, they just mastered the scrubby tactics! Now people are just BETTER at being scrubs and the scrubby tactics still work because I don’t have the execution to make them pay with the 47 hit combo or something. It’s not that their games are better… what I like about HDR is that the game involves a real tactical element. In its comparative simplicity to SF4 it levels out the barriers between the technical master and the strategist.

Why do I suck at 4? Because I can’t even do the most basic links or cancel anything. Does this destroy me in HDR? Nope. As a matter of fact (uh oh I’m about to give away an entire secret strategy) it helps me because most people expect Cammy to link everything in the universe and it becomes really easy to bait people when you look like you’re ‘dropping’ links.

So I think something worth promoting in HDR is the lower execution threshold to be successful. I mean sure you have the DGV’s and Damdai’s of the world who make it all look easy but the truth is, I’m not immediately disqualified from the match because of it. I played Damdai in SF4 last night, admittedly it’s not his game but he still destroyed me. It wasn’t that my strategy was flawed, I KNEW what I wanted to do, I just couldn’t do it. When we play in HDR, I don’t have that problem. My problem is that he plays Ken and I play Cammy which equals Shoto Pain :D.

(Oh and one last rant. What the hell is up with the shortcut commands and the ease of a reversal? Good lord. I can’t MISS a reveral TK in SF4 if I TRY!!!)

Given the choice I think I could play HDR with you guys, and Tekken with my offline guys. Fuck SFIV!

. . . Although I am getting a little hyped about SSFIV :wgrin:

yea pete is actually pretty decent at sf 4 :slight_smile: but we need to play hd more man our first match was very rusty lol but it made the ranbat exciting :open_mouth: and sweetjv we need to work on your chun:bluu: :stuck_out_tongue:

Me too, i really hope they learned lessons from the feedback from the community. I was disappointed bigtime by loads of things in IV, i would hate to be taken in again by Super IV, but i’m so hyped about deejay being in it, and i really really want to like it, so i’m hoping against hope.

I think i’ll trade my copy of IV in while it’s still worth something before Super hits the shelves. Fingers crossed it isn’t a(nother) load of horse sh*t. If it is, i’m done with IV as a series, and will be sticking to HDR.

Just keep it, you’ll get some kind of bonus if you still have it when IV comes around. Its not like you’ll get that much for IV anyways.

Super only going to be around $40. I’m gona rent it first.

all you dudes are despicable human beings for playing sf4.

I just want to say the entire reason I’m playing 4 is to expose SF4 players to the WWL so maybe that’ll pull 'em in and with Season 2 changes coming up hopefully bring them into the HDR fold. I have a master plan. I promise I’m no sell out!

I said I was getting hyped for SSFIV, I’ll probably end up playing tekken 6 offline. :wgrin:

There are people out there who could say the same thing for people playing HDR over VST. Get over it. SFIV is a fun game. It’s just not your cup of tea.

  • James

My 2 cents

Isn’t there a forum for SFIV though? This is the HDR forum…