So, in light of the debacle that was the West Coast Warzone HDR Team Tourney (not hating btw, just stating facts), my bro & I have been talking in great lengths about the direction SF2 is going, especially on SRK. Now, let me preface the following sentiments to come by stating that this is not a thread to debate which iteration of SF2 is best…
With SF4 practically getting (taking actually) all the attention for fighters, SF2’s place within this site and scene appears greatly in jeopardy…which would be a travesty. SF2 is the very foundation from which most fighters stem from. When I first joined this scene during the ol’ # Capcom days (during the era of Javi’s page of whateva) I noticed SF2 had a “decent” following. Now, that decent has become minuscule. This is very troubling considering the fact that SF2 IS this site & scene’s most marketable product.
As such, I felt compelled to at least generate some discussion as to how to garner more interest for HDR. Like it or not, HDR is the only chance SF2 has left. With that being said, ALL West Coast (Cali, NV, AZ, UT, OR) should try their best to attend all & any offline HDR tourney. Seriously, I have glanced through some of the GGs and other threads and have noticed members’ locations in the WC that didn’t come out to Warzone or Denjin a few week backs. Now, I can honestly say that we (my bro & myself) did not attend the HDR ranbats earlier. Portable stick or no portable stick, we DID drop the ball on that (our apologies)…but rest assured, we will make sure that wont happen again.
So, it seems like the best way to garner interest is for HDR players to present a united front and ACTUALLY show up or run tournies (ala Sweet JV & Megaman, aka “The Mobile HDR Crew”). I contacted Activegamers ( and asked them what was the likelihood of them running HDR tournies. Here was there reply:
*"thanks for the interest in our tournaments. To answer your question on HD remix, we do have a strong intrest in hosting some sort of event/tournament. Just to let you know ideas are always welcome at our facilaties, so if you have any please don’t hesitate to call us at any time.
*Thank you for your interest in what we’re doing with ACTivegamerS, to answer your question, yes we will be holding HD Remix events in the near future If you would like to become involved in further developing that community feel free to send us an email with any suggestions you may have and what you feel are your best qualifications.
*As of right now we are working with the current roster of games because they have shown
such support by showing up to our events on a monthly bases. I have planned to do HD Remix tournaments on the same days as SFIV and will more than likely do so in our
next big event in november. The criteria that needs to be met for HD Remix to be a
permanent game and not just a side event would mean at least 80 people would need
to show up to each tournament we host.
At least 80 people. Given the small turnout for tournies (and relatively few tournies hosted) thus far, that will definitely be a challenge. Impossible no, challenge, yes. For such a daunting it might task it might be best if we all contribute in a little way. Beyond attending these tournies, ranbats, etc, perhaps we could be more hospitable to some of the players we come across on XBL. By that I mean, offer friendly advice when requested, always reply with GG, offer compliments, and even mention tournies. As trivial as it may seem, most players have never even heard of SF2 tournaments. Let alone knowing that these tournies take place in locations near them. Fancy that, huh? My bro I have even been thinking of putting together some HDR tournies with serious cash (Evo-esque payout) to bring in some interest.
Anyway, I had to get this off my chest because I cannot stand the direction SF2 is going within this scene. If any of you guys have suggestions, ideas, etc, definitely post up…after all, this is a thread for US about OUR game.