I’m with oldschool_BR.
Sure, money is a cool hook in general, and money WILL motivate/draw a certain type of player. (often some of the most dedicated or hungry)
But I’ve participated in competitive/tourney scenes all my life (Soccer, Track, Magic, Hyper Fighter, Poker, etc.), and most the people/players there really didn’t have a shot at winning (cash or otherwise) and (more importantly) didn’t have an expectation to win… and they still came and paticipated… and they still were excited and had fun.
I’ve been in both groups: I’ve been a top player/team looking to cash/win (hunting down tourneys and traveling for the pay day), and I’ve been a player who just wanted to participate in the scene and “do something” fun (usually cause it was part of the scene or as part of a road trip).
There’s a local ST tourney here in SD that is run a couple times a year, and they draw about 30 people. There isn’t much advertising for it, it mostly draws locals from the area, and most players there are just casual people looking to have fun. But they chip in their fee, and they play. And Kurropi wins. But it’s still fun, ESPECIALLY cause Kurropi is there playing and it’s fun to have impressive players in the tourney.
As a player hunting for pay day, I HATE it when good comp shows up: harder to cash. (though for some who are fame hunting, they like the comp so they can make their name)
As a player just playing in the scene, I LOVE it when good comp shows up: makes it feel exciting to be part of something big time.
Another thing that stands out for me is the type of tournaments I see defining the offline tournament scene: flashy, expensive ones.
Lots of scenes (including SF back in the day) are dirt cheap events that figure out some place/field to meet and have at it.
We could do local tourneys like LAN parties where people bring 3-4 set-ups, everyone brings their sticks, and someone convinces a restaurant owner to float the space with payback coming from food purchases. (lost of restaurants around here have seperate areas for special events or otherwise have unused space: Chevy’s Del Mar, Rock Bottom La Jolla, Boomerang’s Clairemont, etc.)
I am a firm believer that if you build it, people will come.
There’s a lot of bored/wandering people out there that would love to have something to do or be a part of. And right now there aren’t that many scenes for people to get into. HDR is easy to get set-up on (TV, 360, Internet Connection, Live Account, Download, and optional Stick) and it’s a format that is proven sophisticated enough play wise to support a playerbase. (heck, Pogs did)