^^^^ Ahh the young whipper snappers… they just don’t konw there place these days…right under my balls…
^^^^ Ahh the young whipper snappers… they just don’t konw there place these days…right under my balls…
You’re not too far from Iowa, come here and “beat” us this Saturday.
LMFAO, bring it old man. :nunchuck:
Ya, I wish you were out here too. Then I could finally shut your cocky ass up.
EDIT: Added an emoticon to convey tone… I blame 3 months of crunch. :wasted:
Edit: Oh okay then. Yeah, first fatboy, then Megaman, THEN THE WORLD!!!
Btw, holy shit that’s a lot of rep lol
Ooooooh Megaman versus JigglyNorris! :lovin:
Randomly starts chanting
"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"
And the crowd goes wild!
I ended up repurchasing SF4, only for 5 bucks so not that big of a loss. Mainly because I want to play some of you guys, but HDR is definitely full of win compared to this game. I guess like EAMegaman, Im stuck playing this game just because everyone else is playing it. Well not that hard to learn this game since its pretty easy to do most things on this game, but I definitely will not play this more than HDR.
Also I think I know how to destroy Tony Hawk with Fei now, it is time to make JigglyNorris pay for the 35-0 winning streak lol.
God. Thank GOODNESS none of you showed up for that Activegamers tourney. What a JOKE. I suppose you all heard what happened? Guys like Afrolegends and DGV showed up, and then tourney was canceled hours later without a formal announcement of the mic or anything. So they spent a bunch of time there, waiting for it to start, and it never did. And everyone who preregistered were given NO INDICATION whatsoever how they were going to be refunded. Even if they do get refunded in the end, it was just such a poor way to have handled the whole thing.
Glad that I didn’t see a lot of the HDR people there. You guys were smart and stayed home.
I changed my mind after hearing it was a side tourney.
Close one! :tdown:
They could have at least had a dgv vs afro Ft10, just let us buy the footage and use it as prize money.
wow, that’s terrible news. :shake:
That’s why I pretty much ignore any non-community run tourneys.
Ya, I was planning on going, but ended up ditching at the last minute. Guess I dodged a bullet on this one.
Regarding the Activegamers tourney…no comment.
Afro, it was awesome talking to you the entire time. I couldn’t believe how cold it was in there…I should have started doing those sets of 50 push-ups sooner , ')
Had we all stayed a little bit longer, you would have definitely figured out who your next character would be lol
Don’t mind jigglynoris, I’d consider myself one of the best if I beat me at a tournament also. And ya, he’d give you a run for your money, mos def.
A lot of shady tournaments going on.
Two of my friends still haven’t received their HDR entry free refund from the Warzone debacle.
I blame SF4.
HDR got slapped around like a red head step child in Socal? That’s sad to hear. I can promise you guys HDR is stronger in NorCal as there are a handful of us that are trying to keep it alive.
So I read the activegamers thread: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=210556&page=8
No one really mentioned it. Kinda frustrating.
I’m not gonna be surprised if it ends up in this thread:
I couldn’t believe how cold it was, either. Man, I was freezing my ass off. HAX is definitely not on my favorite tourney locations list, lol. But yeah, it was chill talking to you guys, too. Even though the tournament didn’t go down, the casuals were fun at the very least. Next time, I’ll bring the Happ stick so I’ll know for sure who my next character would be lol. Anyways, have fun this weekend. Wish I could go but work is absolutely killin’ me right now.
Seems like a good thread/topic, but Im not gonna read through it. The only reason why i haven’t gone to any tourneys is because they’re all xbox based… not ps3… something to consider?