C3 10/20 Results

all brandon’s saying is that it wouldn’t hurt. smash players do bring their own tvs, the proportion doesn’t compare at all with our community.

someone pos rep this man… then kick a fucking smash kid in his head.

why don’t we just get some VGA adapters for cheap on ebay and then use them to use the dozens of monitors sitting in the cave…?

thats the thing. we have been using vga’s for marvel. we dont even need a tv for marvel. and yet there arent enough tvs. and i agree with ultra thats its on c3 for that. also y are we forced to buy extra stuff for a venue that we pay a venue fee for. doesnt really make sense does it.

Yeah. I mean I didn’t realize that any people were bringing tvs, and I also didn’t realize that the Smash guys had any gripes about how many tvs they could play on. It’s stupid that any of us needs to bring tvs or has any gripes about how many tvs are available. Frankly I think David needs to buy new tvs, lower the entrance fee for everyone, or waive the entrance fee for people who bring their own tvs or consoles. This is a pretty irresponsible situation on his part.

also someone needs to get kicked in the fucking head, or pushed into a bunch of yellow lockers.

Jesus fucking christ, forget about your own tvs, thats not even being complained about. YOU TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE VENUE FOR HALF OF THE FUCKING TOURNAMENT, Six or 7 games have to utilize the other half. Now I dont particularly like that, but I accept that its the way it is and the way it has to be, but for you to COMPLAIN because its not 100% dedicated to you is complete and utter bullshit. Like I said your tvs are irrelevant cause you take the c3 tvs as well, so yeah it wouldnt be 16 to 1 if you didnt bring yours but itd be like 7 to 1. Fucking smash kids piss me off.

Meh usually its about equal between smashers and non smashers, with non smashers forced to share a small amount of space. Its easy to say bring your own tvs, not as easy to say “put it here”. WHERE exactly do you propose we put our tvs? c3 is packed from you guys taking all the room while you’re there, I have to live with it thats no problem just the way it is, whole different thing when YOU start bitching about not getting as much focus(just defending smash? BULLshit, you were bitching) By my own admittance I should have the least opinion, I havent entered a tournament there for a while, I go now to hang out and play casuals(a big part of the reason is the smash community making it shitty to even be there) if the lockins are done I may stop coming cause of smash players completely overtaking everything there.

I’m fine with bringing setups in some situations, I mean sometimes when I go over people’s houses to play I’ll bring my ps2, sometimes I’ve brought my tv. It’s just that when I’m paying a venue fee, I expect that fee to go toward providing services for me. We could meet in a meeting room at any one of the dozen colleges in this area for free and bring our tvs and consoles, and it’d probably be more convenient to get to anyway, but we don’t because it’s nice to not have to bring everything. I didn’t realize you Smash players bring tvs every week. Why do you keep playing at C3, why don’t you just go somewhere free if you’re bringing all the stuff you need?

smash is soo hype.

shut the fuck up, smash kid.

if thats to me i dont play smash.

lol, i know you dont play smash.

:k: to head. :lovin::looney:

:2k: while on ground


alex s.hk?

then alex charge down up+double kick? ex version? so it homes in right on their skull?

wow, plz shut the fuck up.

we can agree with this much at least:

any tournament > any casuals

i’m gonna communicating alot more with the smash organizer so we get the tvs we need. as long as everyone understands the above rule we won’t run into any problems.


actually casuals > tourney.

no waiting around for up to hours to play your next match, no stressin involved, hella funner, the ability to make a friend quit a game and switch to another, shit talkin for the hell of it, the actual ability to play whatever game u want. its done.

you owe me $3

casuals > tourney

In tournies you can never get any games in, chicken can’t be won, and tazing is never the case.