C3 10/20 Results

Legends are never made either.

you are bigger than any legend, literal and figuratively.

^truth about N-Ken

Im sure tourneys will be better once we get them going faster once we get those tv’s. Lets not have random games up next time though. And I know Havoc and others will agree with me when i say if i see someone playing single player im shutting that shit off. You can do that shit at home.

except for marvel

Again… you guys get 100% of the TV’s for half of the day. That’s your 50% right there… You guys still get a substantial amount of the venue/resources even after we start. You’re really not looking at this objectively at all. Smash dominates the venue. You guys get a good 70% of the venue/resources. Easily.

Untrue. SF alone pulls in 40 people. Add Tekken/GG, we’re working with 70+ people every month (this past tournament, we didn’t have Tekken/GG there). You guys don’t outnumber us by anywhere near the number that you think (if at all). Yet… you get the vast majority of the resources… and you still complain.

I’ve tried to be extremely cordial with the Smash players and organizers (much more cordial than I usually am with anybody), and a lot of you guys have been remarkably obnoxious. I tried to leave it up to you guys’ common sense and courtesy, but obviously that hasn’t worked, and you guys seem to have gross misconceptions about the reality of the situation (just talking sheer numbers here), so just know that I’m going to take it upon myself this Saturday to see to it that we get everything we need out of C3. You guys treat this like it’s your tournament, and we’re just there… I’ve tried to treat both parties as equal. The reality is, we were throwing these tournaments without Smash for quite a while. I set the date and details for all of these tournaments since Robin left. I’m not gonna stand for the second class treatment anymore.

I sit there at the front desk and help take Smash sign-ups so you guys can run your tournaments as efficiently as possible. I show up the night before to help set up for the tournament, including the disproportionately large Smash area. You guys don’t help us out at all. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. You act like it’s your venue, and you guys brought everything.

Well, here’s the deal.

I’m gonna start snatching TV’s the minute we start up. If it means Smash runs longer, oh well. We’re getting our stuff handled without regard to Smash, the same way you guys disregard us.

Damn if I’m sitting there helping take sign-ups for you guys too. You guys have been extremely disrespectful, and I’m really just sick of it.

Thanks!! :bgrin:

as far as i see it, its OUR tournment and smash players are just there. We started it and organized it, there is no need for them to complain.


Bamas Steve Austin up in this shit.

Big props to B for spitting truth, I tried to get the same thing across but admittedly I was just pissed so it didnt come out nearly as well.