C3 10/20 Results

Good stuff Comeback!
Shoutout to Skisonic, Rigal B, Exodus, Eric Lee, Eric Kim Flare, Havoc, Eric V, Epsilon, Renegade and Cajunstrike. Good to see you all doing your thing.
Editpost:DevilJin props to you too man. Going to NEC this year? Hope to see some of you dudes at NEC!

Havoc please post that image from the September tourney. Of them in the car, cuddling.

Good shit everyone. SICK Akuma Kevin. I’m down to play for the difference at NEC.

Man, I only fought shoto’s the whole singles tournament. Random. Almost as random as that drunk Smash player sleeping in the grass, waking up and puking, and then putting his face in it to pass out again.

This venue is the shit. Thanks to Brandon and Eric for October Out_age. Son? SON.

Yup, good games. Can’t wait to finish our set at NEC. This time, our matches were just too much hype for the electricity to handle.

I was wondering what that guy was doing in the grass…

I tried to think of a witty nickname for this tourney with the fire truck and everything. You Win x100000000.

Btw playing on the projector was tight, I noticed all the real 3s players playing worse and took advantage, no joke. :tup:

Oh btw What were the team chicken match results? Can’t find them on srk, odd…

Khang do you know? Ramza? Patrick perhaps? One of you guys has to know.

yea…we lost because eric kim stigmatized my stick by grabbing onto it while i was using some other shitty worn T5 stick. he PLAGUED MY STICK.

We need more causal T.V.s next time IMO besides that the tourny went smoothly. Plus Keen. Good shit to everybody I played, I had a great time at my first tourny. Shout outs to Exodus, Yeah Dude, Devil Jin, Comeback and Arostotle. And huge ups to Flare and Therapist, great shit guise hope we can do it again. Does anybody have that picture with all of us infront of the firetruck? That was awesome.

Team… Chicken… Match?



Of course.

Team Valley BEATS on Bayside. Where was A.C. Slater???

Eric V.

Robin Calm
Eric Kim

First, Marvel was played. Valley raped, fueled by a 4-0 performance by Eric V, and 3-1 performances from N-Kizzen and Panic Hav.

Valley wins Marvel 11-5

Next CvS. Valley was favored in the match, but Bayside pulled out upsets (such as Kimmicks v. Panic) to make it a tie. 8-8

Last, 3S.

Bayside was favored to RAPE 3S, backed by Khang and Eric K, not to mention PVFP and Robin, all who are clearly better than at least two of Valley’s warriors, and arguably better than the entire team.

Bayside had to win 12 to win the fight. Maybe Lisa Turtle walked in, but Bayside seemed distracted, and let the main 3S haterof all time, Young, win a match.

Eric V won a match, and The Prophecy aka. Cockman ran through his first three opponents, including Kimmicks and exodus :wow:

Eric V squared off against God Himself for the win, and raped PVFP for FREEEEE!

Thus, free chicken for Valley. FREEEEEEEEE!!!

Oh snap. Cajunstrike! Rep’n NC.

Jive Out!

so free he’s gonna avoid playing me in games till next year. chicken match was hot shit. besides some shady shit in the beginning. grow up kid!! if i have to be, next time ill b in charge of my own chicken match idea.

just wanna say thanks to those who came out from nc and other nearby states. glad you guys can make it. sorry bout the blackout. obv we didnt plan that. but it was much chill hanging out with u guys once again.

team bayside will b ready for the BIG game next time!!

So let me get this…after we left the fire trucks came? :rofl: it was a good tournament. I got my ass beat due to my shitty MAS. :shake: Good seeing everyone there. I swear I didn’t recognize Skisonic at first. :lol: Nice Yang you have there sir, just might be able to be my Yang. :rofl: Nice seeing faces behind the names from NC. Yeah Dood and Jibbo are mad cool and yeah is a walking soundbite. :looney::rofl: Dave proved once and for all why they didn’t add A3 to C3. :rofl:

truth, we see the true nature of your ways now

roski ur a genius

no no no…outrage was right. keep it at outrage. bayside losing to valley? NEVER. i got FIFTH? NEVERRRR!~! not only did kimmicks jinx my stick, he jinxed the tournament from the moment he named it!

Good seeing all you guys again. I can see where my 3S game is now along with everyone elses. I hope you guys keep the dream alive for MD/VA to continue to be the one of the top contenders for Fighting games in the nation. Aside from that maybe I’ll continue to stop through every now and again, but you know that I’ve been pretty much MIA from the scene since as you guys know that real life eventually has to take over. Good job to all the placers. Peace out.

Long as you still come out for the big tourneys once in a while that’s really enough. After that South Cali tourney it’s obvious that you can contend and place highly (aka winning) in multiple tourneys. Once you have that mindset you can just come back and bring da arpe. It’s good to be able to practice with people but tournaments are just something you have to have a mind for.

Jeron…I dunno bout u but last year’s NEC was great (good burgers from the hood) so I’m definitely planning on doing it again. Only part I didn’t like about NEC is the fact that I know they’re going to cram 3S singles and teams on the same day and I just wont have the mental energy to stay up and play/watch others play 3S for 13 hours straight. I slept on the da floor during 3S finals last year. It was that bad. The tourney was great but I was just dead. Hopefully I can learn enough about ST in the next month to place decently at NEC.

Speaking of dead…I was a fucking zombie at C3. I was already kinda sick but I wanted to go so bad and was hoping I would just magically feel better. Yeah…didn’t happen. When I wasn’t playing a game I was laying on the floor or sleeping with my mouth open. I was just looking hurt. I even contemplated sleeping outside in the grass too. Yet…people already had trouble looking for me (I was too lazy to get up from the nice leather chair by the Smash players) so I didn’t wanna ruin things more. I really shouldn’t have been at C3…I just like the place that much. Next time if I feel half as sick I just wont go but my boys from NC were there and I wanted to see Therapist rape. Akuma is too good. Guess nobody got to see him rape cuz grand finals went DNF. :lol:

Shout outs to…

Dood and Jibbo: My boys. This tourney reminds me of that JTYME tourney we went to in NC. Except Dood was feeling really shitty instead of me. I had this bad sore throat for the past week and didn’t do anything about it. Just went to the hospital today to get shots in my throat and stuff. It was fun to say the least. I think I’ll be able to eat and drink again by the end of the day but good god. Even talking was hard. The only thing that wasn’t hurting was my head and my hands and I decided that was enough to win matches for a while. I hope you guys can come to the next one when I dont feel so super shitty.

Tornado Flame and Nas: I’ll probably just play Arcana next month just because you guys need someone to play it with. Even if I haven’t played it once I’ll still play. LOL.

Exo: GS in our tourney match. I really like how you’re good with like half the cast. Always improve that much more whenever I fight against you. You and Therapist are probably the 2 people that I’m learning the most from everytime I play.

Therapist: Same as above. 3S team match was hella good. You spanked me around and I made the same stupid mistakes but it’s good to find someone that can play aggressively and block well at the same time. I really just have to learn how to get past all his shit and get a hit on him at some point.

Alex Roski: GS to you just for showing. See you placed highly as well. Way to be good in multiple games. Keep that ish up and I’ll c yu at NEC.

Robin: Dunno when you gonna leave but place wont be the same without you. I was talking to Comeback and he was hungry for the win in ST. He really has a passion for that game. Not to discredit you and all cuz I saw you miss a ton of shit that should have worked. Hopefully you’ll be at the next C3, I wanna see you take 1st in that one.

Comeback: Same as above except you never fucked up and made some ST money. GS and I’ll be PMing u soon.

All da Erics: Free, good shit holding it down during the chicken tourney. I’m sure Marvel was super free. Kim, good shit running the tourneys as usual. Our first match in 3S was nuts. Makoto can always just kill Ibuki whenever she wants. I didn’t think I’d have the energy to take the set but somehow I did. Then I lost rather sloppily to Flare. Oh wellz. Lee, u surprise raped yet again. You better be at NEC.

**Oh and special shout outs to my boys Alex and Andy **(my gaming partners) for taking 1st and 2nd respectively in Puzzle Fighter. We have that secret PF dojo going on yeah!

For everybody I missed, get me back and lets see you guys at the next couple C3’s and NEC!!

Oh and if you guys were able to do A2…that was FREE for me. Oh well maybe next C3.

i got dat 3rd in PF what’s good… and havoc is dippin out of that PF mm… nah jk… man i can’t believe no one told him about PF…


Yo… for real… in the future, if you’re gonna run a spur of the moment side tourney, you really should inform the organizers. If nothing else, we can announce it on the mic. PF did just get a re-release, for all you know, some Smashers may have wanted to play.

Arcana next month, everybodys doing it.

grats NC players =)
way 2 rep