C3 10/20 Results

actually…i know what it is. after i lent eric kim my stick, EVERYTHING went downhill. as you may recall, eric kim used my stick before i did; even during the chicken match. fuck you eric kim. your gimmicky plague fucked my stick over. now i gotta go buy a new one.

well considerin you fuckin LOST our chicken match you deserve it. and bring my cvs2 money next time:rolleyes:

Good shit Cajunstrike and Beast of Fire. Rep NC!

ah this was a pretty fun tourney. Lots of great matches, also good to meet new folks that play other games, I even ran into someone from my smash class at school. GGs all.

Btw Steve wasnt in attendance, he was at that big ggac tourney in TN where I believe he tied for 5th.

p.s. i just thought of something, they didnt tie for first… technically they tied for 2nd right? IM JUST SAYIN …


Congrats to the winners. Good shit, NC! :cool:

Raw Jergens

i want some feedback for the projectors at c3, did anybody notice any delay/lag on them?

Nah it just looked weird

OH shit! 3rd results are random.

Good shit to Therapist and Flare. Way to run that 3rd shit.

Sorry I couldn’t make this C3, but I got 2nd in a poker tournament on Friday. I will try and make the next one. Results are for sure weird.

Seconded. I wasn’t to happy with my overall performance at this tournament, far too many timing mistakes had cost me too many matches that could have went my way. :wonder: At least I played decent in the 3S teams tournament.

Anyways, nice seeing and playing against Khang, John, Jose, Pat, Eric K., Eric L., Anthony, Roski and everyone else I battled with… dood.

And Exodus pausing the game in the middle of 3S Teams, then unpausing the game and beating the guy when everybody was freaking out. Teh win.

And Flare’s wallet getting stolen…that was awesome.

After my first match on them, I refused to play on them. Not because I thought they were laggy or anything, but I couldn’t keep track of everything going on at a time. If someone jumped up, it got really dim and I couldn’t really see what was going on. Not to mention, I had to divert my attention from the game to see how much meter I had or my opponent had.

it wasn’t like that! i paused after confirming low mk -> lunge punch…it wasn’t an intentional pause – i accidentally slapped the start button after jumping up because i thought the match was over; then i unpaused it, and then low mk ex shoulder to chip him…but that was like, 3 seconds after the unpause! he should’ve been ready! =X

thanks for the tips kyle in ST… i think im gonna get into that now… quest to become a WC cammy in the works (well try to)

also nice meeting skisonic… first time i actually met him… so yea good shit

havoc…because of you im going to learn cvs2 (even though i only use terry, mai, sagat) but shit i can work with others…

and sorry about the melty… ill have more peeps next time … going on 27 hours of no sleep that night= man laying on the floor

and GG was bs… fucking bandit revolver scrub

next C3 run dat arcana son!!!.. i can see if some philly peeps are down to come down shit…

and also good shit to NC… be safe homies… and beast good shit in our melty match…

and GG… (and hopefully arcana, can’t wait to play ya!!)

he was ready! ready to kick ur ass in the replay:china:

i just wiped down my T5 stick with sulfuric acid. had to remove the eric gimmicks stigma that was over it. don’t ever use my stick again! that acid was expensive.


??? hi

My post, as evident by the ownership of quotation, was directed towards caliagent#3.
He used to destroy my Chang with Kim in CVS2; so it is an inside joke.