Good ol’ Florida. They shouldn’t even have a flag made of cloth anymore, just a big fat LED screen that plays the scene with Magneto constantly repeating to everyone who enters the state,“YOU ARE DEAD!! HAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!”
Dude, this is far less of a problem than you think. They’ve been here since the 30’s and they haven’t tried any shit yet. I think we can trust them to keep to themselves, unlike those little thieves, burglars, and muggers in India and Costa Rica. If they were chimps, I’d drive the 3 hours to Ocala and eliminate them myself, out of self-preservation.
When we do cut that flaccid dick of a state off, we will stand by the shore and raise cold ones for Rhio2k who shall be remembered for trying to do the impossible.
I thank you guys for the rememberance, but remember: nature abhors a vacuum. Get rid of Florida, and ALL our problems, fuckups and nutjobs will flee to another state, where the populace isn’t toughened enough to cope. They may fail at life but those types excel at survival…and they always seem to settle in the same area. You don’t destroy a great evil just because you can…you will only create a new, perhaps more powerful evil. There will ALWAYS be a Florida, long after the state itself ceases to be.