Bugs and glitches, take 2

That is fucking weird. I’ve never seen that before. I know that the crazy throw bullshit isn’t limited to just Tech Throw Reversals because throws + Reversals just don’t mix in general in CvS2, but that’s crazy.

Honda had no meter so it was his regular 360+P vs Geese’s lvl3 super, tho if lvl3 worked this way then lvl1/lvl2 would probably work the same way too. The super weird thing is that Honda does s.HK which counts as the second hit on the combo meter. I wonder if it was unblockable at that point, cuz the s.HK only hit once for sure. I wouldn’t be surprised, cuz the OTG hit that allows Honda’s 360+P to hit twice must be an exception to some rule and there’s always a way to break exceptions.

How did you find this video anyway? What’s the website? I checked the homepage for that link and it doesn’t seem to have any videos in the GAME section.

im happy to see that there ARE scrubs in japan. :clap:

So just grabbing a reversal super can cause breakdancing.

I love it.

lol that was pretty painful to watch

i think everybody at one point or another has seen the weird situations where somebody throws somebody out of a reversal lv3 attempt (which shouldn’t ever happen according to normal logic, but whatever), the super never comes out, and the guy that gets thrown loses all his meter. essentially, the tech throw glitch happens without the tech throw. geese’s super must be one of the few breakdance supers in the game, so that probably why that happened

… and did anybody else notice that honda did empty jump in, wait, then STANDING 720??

Yeah that happened to me before. My friend was C Blanka and I was K Rock. I knocked him down and did a meaty 360 and he used lvl 3 DL but he lost all his meter and then got grabbed. About the 720, it looked like Honda STOLE Geese’s meter to do the 720.

If Honda DID do a super, his superflash ball would be much lower on the screen. That alone tells me Honda did a 360.

However, that clip looks 90% like a tech throw reversal. The missing 10% is because Geese takes damage.
-Geese kept his lvl 3 shadows, even while eating the first hit.
-Honda got jacked(forcefully put into neutral) because Geese recovered. How he recovered is a mystery.
-But did he recover? He ends the lvl 3 shadows, crouches for a few frames, and then eats the second part of a 2 hit combo. ok?


I made a cvs2 glitch video that has been graciously hosted by combovideos.com. Filename is something like cvs2-glitches-ohseav.wmv. At any rate, if there are any questions regarding clips in there, this is the best thread to post them in.

First off, there are 2 clips in the video that are NOT glitches. A short(1 second) clip of 2 sakura’s trading and getting dizzy. This just fills the screen with ‘counter hit’ and ‘reversal’ blocks. The other is near the end and consists of blanka doing a level 2 cancel.

0:00 - 0:50 is the cvs2 demo mode whiffing moves for no good reason.
0:53 - 1:02 is the Eagle-Kyosuke reflect glitch. Glitch #5 in the first post. The same one in my avatar(right now).
1:04 - 1:14 is Kim’s infinite. The dummy stun was raised so that I could get 9 hits in there before the dizzy. Off the dizzy, you can do a true infinite.


1:20 - 1:25 is a generic sound glitch. Tech reversal was used to interrupt Eagle’s counter as he’s still holding it.
1:26 - 1:31 is a Honda-Honda specific sound glitch. If 2 Honda’s do their level 3 supers(didn’t test for level 1 and 2) within a couple frames of each other, a static sound is heard until the end of the round. The static noise is loudest when the characters are near the spot where the glitch started.

1:32 - 1:39 is the kim-kim specific sound glitch. Kim can perform it 4 different ways. All of them involve both players executing the footstomp(spirit kick) within a frame of each other.
1)whiff spirit kick at the same time. They need to be JUST far enough to whiff. Basically, their invisible hitboxes must overlap. So too far apart and it won’t work. There’s probably about 10 pixels of play, so it’s not that hard at all.
2)Trade. I did in fact say that one player can be off by a frame. If they are synchronized, they will trade and the static will begin. If one beats the other clean by a mere frame(automatic counter hit), the sound will still glitch.
3)RC spirit kick point blank. The one used in the video.
4)Tech reversal spirit kick(this one needs accuracy, if you don’t get the reversal, you don’t get the glitch). This one was also used in the video, more than once as a matter of fact.

1:40 - 2:02 Kim-kim specific ongoing dizzy sound. Very easy to perform, IF you can get both kim’s to do a tech reversal spirit kick. Do the tech reversal, they will both be invincible, overlapping, and there will be the static noise. Now let go of the spirit kick, and get one kim dizzy. Wait a second while he’s dizzy, and hit him. The dizzy sound and the static sound will continue until the end of round, as shown.

2:03 useless sak-sak clip. At the moment they trade, they each have their side of the screen filled with counter hits and reversals. And even while dizzy, a last counter hit has to wait for the others to fade before it can appear.


2:11 - 2:23 Kim handcuffs on Morrigan. Nothing special here, just get Kim’s super out at the right time/height. Morrigan must be attacking with that useless super for Kim to cuff her.

2:24 - 2:27 Kim handcuffs on Cammy. Same thing, cammy does spiral arrow, and Kim hits her in the head with his air super(doesn’t have to be the head, but there’s not much leeway for execution).

2:28 - Round freezing handcuffs. All of them are tech reversals, and only freeze the characters until the end of the round. If you actually have this happen to you in game, wait for the round to end, wait another 30 seconds, and only after that will the next round load. It seems as though the game is frozen, but it also seems the engine is smart enough to realize that and times out, forcing the start of the next round 30 seconds after the timeout.
Kim-Zangief. Kim does level 3 rush super, Zangief does 360+k.
Kim-Iori. Both characters do their rush supers.
Iori-Rugal. Iori does level 3 rush super, Rugal does his grab super(gigatech pressure).
Vice-Zangief. Vice does her close grabbing super, can’t remember if Zangief does 360+k or Final Atomic Buster.
Rugal-Zangief. I think I did gigatech pressure with Rugal, and aerial slam super with Zangief. That missed tech reversal was to throw you guys off.
There are more of them. Many more. I felt that 5 was enough.

2:41 - 2:43. Very easy tech reversal glitch. Pick Rock versus anyone, and do a tech reversal raising storm with rock. Do any special/super with the other character that will end while Rock’s pounding the ground, making them pretty blue flames fly.


Tech reversals have wicked properties. This only applies to the tech throws where both characters perform a reversal.

  1. As soon as one character has finished animating his special/super, he will go to neutral as usual. But in a tech throw reversal situation, this forces the other character to neutral also(YESSS!!). This is how the Geese-Honda 2 hit combo works(2 hit combo video). They both do a tech reversal, honda doing 360+p. honda recovers as Geese is releasing a projectile. Since the projectile has already come out, it is independant and unaffected. But Geese is forced to neutral before the second fireball of the fierce reppuken comes out. Honda eats it, taking on hit stun, which gives Geese time to jump and combo an air fireball.
  2. Screen scrolling. The corners basically don’t exist in tech throw reversal. If you’re already in the corner, and perform a special that makes your character want to move towards the corner, it will push the other person AWAY, instead of letting you move into the corner. It doesn’t matter where they are and what they’re doing, they will be pushed away from the corner simply because you’re trying to move deeper into the corner. This is apparent with the Maki-Kim clip at 2:58. He does a freakin moonwalk. Same glitch applies to the combo right before that.
    3)invincibility(did I ever abuse this property). For the ENTIRE length of the special/super that is performed as a tech reversal, you are invincible. Chun-li, blanka and Honda can extend this invinciblity by mashing legs/electricity/hands non-stop. Kim can extend it by kara-cancelling footstomps. Maki and Rolento can extend it by doing a ‘scouter jump’ and cancelling the turn-around animation on landing by simply walking. You would do a reversal scouter jump, whiff a normal while airborne, and hold a direction before landing. You can cancel a walk into a crouch ANIMATION(only a few frames long) and cancel a crouch into a normal/special/super. Rapid fire weak attacks can also be used as they can cancel into themselves.

2:49 Yamazaki forces Morrigan into neutral as soon as the dust kick recovers. Morrigan’s flying sound remains for a few seconds as it fades away instead of stopping.
2:52 If Athena’s fireball super is interrupted while she holds it, she will keep animating the super until she is hit or forced to block. I imagine taunting and doing a super will also get rid of it.
2:54 cammy-cammy showing the screen scrolling aspect of tech throw reversals.
2:58…Da Moonwalk.
3:00 Dhalsim invisibility. Shows the screen scroll(Dhalsim teleported backwards) and interruption aspects. If Yama interrupts with a jab knife, Dhalsim goes half-invisible. If Yama does a guillotine instead as the tech reversal, Dhalsim goes fully invisible. Only his shadow remains. When Dhalsim superjumps, rolls, or anything that has it’s own ‘player shadow’, they will appear as normal.


3:13 Capcom style extended tech reversal. Applies to Chun, Blanka and Honda.
3:30 kim extended tech reversal. Kara cancelled footstomps. Kim only needs to do the tech reversal stomp and hold it to extend the glitch.
3:45 - 3:47 Rolento extended tech reversal setup. 3:47 - 3:55…Proof.
3:56 - I mess up a crouch cancelled scouter jump. Oops!
4:18 Maki extended tech reversal teaser. Awesome teaser because no evidence of the setup is apparent. And they’re both in non-rolling grooves.
4:28 Maki extended tech reversal setup.
4:35 Guess what Hibiki’s setup is?

4:38 - 4:46 Filler.

4:47 Im going to call this a slow-mo triple superfreeze. The first 2 superfreezes being slow-mo is not a surprise, but the third one is unexpected. When Rolento does that last superfreeze(knives), he is no longer in the tech reversal, but a part of his tech reversal tripwire is still on screen. I presume it is the tripwire that causes the CPU to be all grandpa like.

Many thanks to Majestros for helping me understand the engine. I’d also like to thank SoleEmu for the clip he did not provide(:p), namely the Kim infinite. I wasted a good 30-45 minutes just trying to perform and capture the damn infinite. Although he has come up with some crazy ideas that helped.

shin ace,your vid was really insane! these glitchs were mostly all new to me :slight_smile:

still right now(and seems so) that you and lot of other people dont know the glitchs i posted (maybe no one noticed)
anyways,am gonna release them as small vids

here they are:

-With yun, jump in the air and do qcbx2+sk super.Before opponent fall to the ground and as soon as you reach the ground,excute qcb+punch.
the game will be bugged and stopped,the only way to fix it is by restartin your ps2

-Kyusuke, lunch opponent in the air and then you do qcfx2+sk in air too (or qcfx2+mpXX cancels to another super)
if you kept doin super too much and went so away from screen the screen will blur and will have a weird effects or multiple pixels of your spirit(you must see it to understand,or do it to understand)
sometimes if you kept doin qcfx2+mkXX cancels to other super in the air,opponent will be stucked…you will fall and he will be still in the air lol


to majestor: hi :china:

I was unable to reproduce handcuffs using Yun instead of Kim.
I was also unable to freeze the game with Kyosuke.

I think this may be related to the handcuffs glitch, but it was the strangest thing today.

I was playing P chun-li(1) and was against C ryu(2). The fight went on as normal, and I don’t remember exactly what happened at the end, but I think I did a something that traded with some random attack, killing me.

It transitions to the next round, and my P-Cammy(2) comes in. The round starts… but we are both completely frozen and unable to move at all. Since I had full life, timer runs out, and I win. Me, the guy I was playing, and the crowd are laughing about what happened. Then finally the game continues versus the AI after a seemingly long load time.

Well, even now, I still cannot move at all. I am still handcuffed. The AI kills me, we all stare at the machine in disbelief. At this point I’m thinking, it must just be a wire that came loose or something.

I reboot the machine, pop in more money, play… and it works completely fine. Rebooting would not fix a loose wire.

Anyhow, anybody seen this glitch before?

Edit: fixed wrong info

this glitch is comon, just today it happened to me twice, the arcade manager thought we were trying to scam him, since were asking for refunds, and he remembered when we used to piss him off with the gambit glitch.

oh and I have no idea why it happens, seems totally random.

I’ve seen long load times(happens every time you freeze the game). Instead of the game acutally freezing, some hidden timer expires and it loads the next round. Normally, you’ll sit at the KO screen for about 30 seconds before it resumes.

However, I’ve never had a glitch carry over to the next round. Someone mentionned that some layers(super meter, health, time) on the screen had dissapeared and this carried over.

Ironically enough, it seems related to a broken control glitch, yet the controls are obviously fine. I’ve had my sprite glide across the screen instead of animating a walk. There are 2 setups for it, one is to rig the joystick to hold down ‘left’ and then press ‘right’. In theory, that’s impossible, but when you force it, the sprite glides instead of walking. The second setup is almost random. It requires some trade(don’t know the specifics) and then one or both characters just starts walking in some direction(usually towards the corner). Reboot machine or controls(unplugging a DC controller counts as a controller reboot).

While we’re talking about random glitches. If you try to save a match replay on DC, there’s a small possibility it won’t save the full match. This is due to the fact that it simply saves the controller inputs and replays that to the engine. Sooo, mash too much, and you’ll fill the replay before the round is over. I’ve seen it only once(so don’t worry about it), and it happens to be the clip of 2 chun-li’s(ohseav.wmv) doing lightning legs through each other almost endlessly. I was pretty much mashing kicks the whole round.

ok the thing with the bars not loading…its happened…and carried thru out the entire game.
i was using rolento (both times this happened) and suddenly…it appeared as if tho id lost and the game had went back to its natural motion…but i was still controlling.
and the other thing…it happened once where we both randomly started walk to one corner, and no buttong/control worked until we rebooted.

post #66

I tried to reproduce in DC versus mode with no luck. I only used taunts as the catalyst. If someone can remember what moves were pulled out right before it happened, I’ll try again. Timing is not a problem, but what moves are involved?

Same thing with getting Yun to freeze the game, no luck.

wow this was a hella long time ago.

1)arcade mode only? i dunno how this would affect it though
2)are you doing this by yourself, or do you have someone else to throw out random taunts with you?
3)only taunts were used, basically we were just being idiots and trying to beat each other with taunts only(think sagat vs sagat doing s.shorts back and forth)

I can single handedly force both characters to taunt on the same frame, or have a 1 frame difference… 10 times out of 10… I did that with just taunts, then reversal taunts after a trade, and so forth.

Otherwise, I just throw out random taunts. I open up a joystick and shot circuit the “short kick” button. That way I can just hit start on the 2p controller for it to taunt. I did some of that too, but it yielded nothing.

Whatever the setup is, it’s a tight one.

This glitch happened to me and SoleEmu tonight…

Wow, thats weird.

Looks to me like the super calculated Ioris life, and knew that he was going to die, and sent her into her win pose. However, the rage kicked in at the last minute, and so it reduced the damage by enough to keep him alive. But the super already calculated he was going to die, so it stayed in the winpose.

Really weird stuff.

What surprises me is that they put hitboxes onto her win pose. That just seems strange.

I was Iori, and I was just as confused as Hibiki. Had I known it really was her win pose and not some weird bait out, I would of command grabbed, super.

That’s cool tho, wonder whether you can do it with other chars?